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CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTEE, The most cjj'cr.lmd rcmcdy y'il discovervd fot liheumrt t ism, fr'evcr Sores, Wh iie SwtUings, injlanimaüon in Ihe J2ye$, walled Tkroal in Scarkl F ever, (uinscy, ij'-c. 9P'c. rrrHE.C-HEMieAL PLASTE R ia nn importf ant remedy (or ihose vlo me aiïlieunl wiiii oliroinc and inflo rhrhaiory cqiriplairite, by iis easing pain. countcincing inflammation, nntl giving speetiy roliet by ira active, atrengiheiúng, anodync. dionhoretic and cpumenrritijiit piojjevties - au eneefuál rertÍTedy forChronic and IrriilamniatDry KhoumaiiPiM, Agne 'm tho Brcast, Scahds. Bunifi. i uises, Scrolnla, UJcers, üld Sores oi ulmost everv .üejpnpüon. Cankbred and Swelled Throat arisins i'rom Scarlct Fevor. Felons. White Swellinps, Cliilbiins, te. Persons sufiiiring Vom Liver Complainti, Pulnionaiy diseaqes, IuflMminr.tion ot the lintígs, wi;h pain in the eide, back or lirnbs. will riiui relief by the use of this Plaator. li all cases it inay be used with perfect safety. E.' BEANS CHEMICAL PLASTEE h put up in boxee at filiy cents and one dollar éach, with full directions accompanyingeach box. Ma nu ia o tu red and sold by ÏI. II ARRIS (fc't'O.. Ashtnbnla, Ohio, sole proprietors. to whoiii nll orders should be addresscd. Sold also by'lhoir Ageni6 iliroughout tlie country. [Ijr'A liberal discount to dealersand physicfahs. For testimoniáis and certificates from persons of the highest respoctibiliiy, who hnve viycd the Chemical Piasier, seo anuther colunin of this paper. Forsnle by the following Agente in Michigan: H. VV. Rood, IN les, J. C. Larrinioro. '; C. SUannhan. Edvnnlsbur.'li. -rin. O. Austin. White Pieeon. J$fiac Benhatn. Jr.. Conatantine. Danl. L. 'Kin.boily. Schoolcraft. 'H.'B. Huston, & F. March.jr PM Knlamazoo. Jamea W. Cothren, P. Galesburgh. T L. Holkcom. P, M. Battle Creek. James M. Pargnns. P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond..Drff!iist; Jackson, Win. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smith. Grass Lake. John C. Winans. Sylvan, J Milleid & Son, De.xtcr. Tl)omas P. May. Jr. Plymouíh, Perin & Hall. N-)rthville. Méad& McCarfhy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Franklin, Julios Dean. Pontiac, Mack iSÊ Sprapne. Rochester, James Siephens. Utica. E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clcmens, G. &.J. G. HiU. ? r, John O wen & Co. { Dct3-oit. Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny. Dearbornvilie, E. Samsnn. Ypsilan'.i, J. il. LTJND. ) W. ST J. W: NAY?ÍARD. VAnn Arbor. CIIRISTIAN EBERBACH. ) 49-1 yA Farm' for SaJe, SITUATFD in the town oí írfgttánv, Inghnm County, Michigan. Said Farm containe uno htindred and fiíty ñores handsomely lúuated- Ín the midst oí a thriving seitlcmem. - The land is what is usunlly called timbered Caffd, in Mlrhignn. the nmber bérng f?uarmaple. whkewood, hench, ash. oak. &c. all kinds of umber peculiar to the timbered Innd in Michigan. Thers is on tliis lárm alout forty ncres of good "improvemen't: a goid part oftliie is f'-nülish Mendów. A'b". n grind LOG HOUSE AND NEW BARN, framed. 34 by -2 feet; well finished. Th e re are also on the plncc larminr ütensils. such as Clinins. Pl'ougbs,. Drag. Cart, Fanning Mili, &c. which will be sold wirh tbo place. TERMS OF SALE. One quftrtér' of purchnse moriey dtewrf; Ihc vomninder in ten yenrs. if necessarv, with annual interest For pnrticulnrs enqnire of thé subscriber in Dexter village. JULIUS RANNF.Y. March 20, 1844. 48-tf. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. TUIS valuubie mediciiie sujusily ceiebrn'ed' as a certain cure i'or Scioíula or Kinge Evil. or nny (linease árising froin impurily of tho blood. has beeome bo weilkiiown as to need nó publ'cation of the numereus certifícales now in our possesfiion. of the extraordinary cures lately periornied by il. but feanny there may bc somt persons nffected who have been gulled by üsitig the imiiations gêi up By oihcis. mt would respectfully request them to cali on us and satisfy themselves of i:s inanv cures in similar rases. - By purohnsing óf tisthey can rely upon the genuineness of the article, which they should be carcful to do, as wc are told ihere is a spurious nrticle of tho sanie name for sale in ibis vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Sarsaparilla, BufTalo," isstampeil upon (he bottlcs, nhd "C. C. Bristol" written in liis own hand over the Ork. V S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec.i'5, 1843. 36


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