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Communications: Letter From S. B. Treadwell

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Jackso.v. Mny 21, 1344. Mkssrs. Foster Si Bkcrlbt: I wish (o sny to onr frientfs ihrongh the Sijri-) f, n riswer 10 numerons nppücations to me by Wter, from different parts of the Srnte to lecture on Slavery, that the maftcr of mnkiL any definite arrangfment to this effect havintr been loncr deloyed tiinn was expected, it is now inexpedient fot tne to comply wirh their wishns nt. present. VVhether it will be consistent tor me to do so hereafter, will have to depend'y upfuture circurnst anees. Were it coiwietent wit h other prior and indispensable duties ibr me to devote mv wholo time to lectunng tipon el;ivcry, nothing would fratify me more thnn to do so entreiy pon my owt repponsib.'liiy. As we have no regular leetnrer in the Siote l do most sincerely hope tbat a very deep sense ()f INDIVIDUAL RKSrONSIBlI.lTY !ong all OUT friends will bo feit, to be active iu thoroughlyorganizing Hienisclves without úehy in all counties and towns. in order the more efièctunlly to disemínale oJl classes of their Ce'.hw citizens a knovvledge of our prhciplee, by uay of holding neighborhood and town meetings for free discussion by visiting andconversation, from house to house aojon frinnds and neighbors, and in thtf mrdntime by etippfylrig them well wilh Liben y 'IVacts and prevailing on as many ns pos sible to tHk-e the Signal on the 50 cent plan for C months, nnd by snch other judicioua tneons as iheir owji good judgment, nnd interest in tlie cause shall dictate. In every county wlicre a sufficient number of good and true?' Liberty men can be asceriained to make a nominalion, it ought to ba made soon without fail, to form a nucleusy & rallying, pomt af? a beacon liglit for LIBERTY. Tiiis Liberty. BU in some of the coun- Lies and towns may seem small at 6rst, anïl mny excite the jeers of such ns "despiae thö ñay of smal] things," yet. f t be kept constant!}- ROLLING, it wil! rapidly nccumulate io the oetonishment of all, - like the "stone "Ail out of the rr.ountain without hands.M Lel some one, or two, or three, go ahead ind not wait for the "deaj and dumb human'ty of the church or the State,1' and others will soon tmite with tlier. Corporation i Lbese days do indeed seem to have no souls. This i3 the way our fiiends do East whcra the cause is now so rapidly advancing. Etery intelligent Liberty man bcing wcll armed with the whole trutl; against every form of oppression nnd wrong, is in himselfa host indeed, against al! the wcak end groundlee proslavery xgnments. They can not stand before the faiUiful exhibí tion of the plain trutb Show up the great aud fearfully accumuiating guilt of the norlhern people in forever giving the bleeding claims of humanity in the persons of 3,000,000 of crushed elaves, the go by. for the sake of Party- Office- Tanfft- Banks- Siibtreasuries, Sic. fee.- Show the people tb ut no man with nn intelligent mind and an enlïghlened conncience on the subject, can consistently or innocently vote for a slavebolder or a proslavery man, or an apologist for slavey. Whnt greater encvirogemcnt lo labor cna we ask for, than we have, thnt with so little eSbrt as has been made in our State the Ltberly vote has already increosed about TEN FOLDsince 1G40Ü! The g-eat noise and excitement of 1844 will proveodv the second part of the farce of 1340. Every intelligent Liberty man vrell knows and deoply feels this. Ii s aj] pro. slaveryü Ami let vAúch of tlie oíd proslavery parties may succeed, the rearful judgrnents of forbearing and insulted Heaven will 6till be upon ourguiJty nnd oppressive nation for its crying sin, hard heartedness and perseverng wickedness of holding 3,000,000 of innocent people in cruel bondage. We are etnphnücaljy a money worshipping idoJatroua nationüi No flimsey excuses, prevancations or attempled extenuations of our guilt 'm turning a deaf ear to the aJready long prttracted groans of these enstoved people, nntil Jiir cerLaiií favorite party and our certain fa?orite money making mesures shall :irst pucceed, will be of any avail whateverwitñ iJIJI vvho hatlj said, "break eve?y yoles and let tlic ÜPPRESSED GO FREE."- SialI we daré longer as a people to diaoftpy the injgnction of í lea ven "to pel for thote in, bondage as belng oursehes bowid teith Hum," untiJI weshall firsD have accomplished our own favorife party, or office, or money mobing scliemcs? "God is not mocked!!" I# it not indeed most Piirprisinor mercy and forbearance, that the God of the oppressetf, shonld so long hold back the elemente of jmlgmcnt and destruction t'rorn a no4on lik this. What christian, what pafrioi canñot Buy with Jellcraon, that iie "(remblee for his country when he reraembers that God is jus." Never did Henry Cíny utter a more trothfui and lamentable doclaration than when he said endtimgly, in the Señale of the United States, that "neither of the gr ca t poiitical partiet of the cnvntry luts any design or aim ai Jibolií.í'oji," and that he should rreatfy ïegretitif they had. Both of the ald pstrties a8 parties,' are stiil decidedly, and I beüefo incorricriblv pro-slavery. Canoot the orno ba said in trutia of proslavery ecclesiastical partCf=? Neither o." the pro-BÍnvery poJitical porties , tlirough the late letters of their favorile leadr ers, has given the least symptom that the party as snch was opposed to the annexation of Texas, on the ground of the great wrong ind wiokednesi? of eïavery, bnt mercly on the. ground of a seljish fear, that if snmxed just o4; present it would doubtleps involve vs 'm .afearftil ivar ïvith the Mexico, to be badred.up indircetly by the Navy of Grcat Britain.- net iettbis malter of selfisk frar, forour peace and snfeli, be "compromised" bt-thb RCH PR1NCK OF ALL COMPROM1SKKS, and wlrat inders Texas witb all its guilt and blood of Javery upcm it, nnnexed to tbe United States. Tbe deüvcrnnce of 3,000,008 o& inocent people in our country, no snSèrinjf nder all tbe horrors of "Amerienn Slávery," 'the vilost undcr (he sim" wHl be the rery lait h'mg tbc notional Jpaders of the old pro-slèery pnr'.ies will tbink of until the nnyieldinjf ná perseverinw cfSirts of the ïiiberty party Ijall comptl tbem to tbink of if, from mere elfish "erpedimey," if from no bigher coiwictratïons. Tlie libertiea of the mats of tlis-. 'hite luborors in tbisnation, north emï sotjth re aJready ' btit nominal, on acco'tnt of tho. pirit, and tlic combbicd ans'oerat power ofhe "black" slavory. df their ovn.Grention.-f''he slavcry power - tbe monted powo.r-wvnd, ie (femagogve power, are faut cbeating thevhite people ton outof their own liberties.- . 'b m-s of tbe whitcs of tbis rountrj ioowö will, nnd never ovght to re'nin thir o?."n librties, wliile under preteuce of pnrsuina"


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