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An Exile

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The foljowing touchiug remarks were part of ;i speech whicli Dr. BrisUarie ïntciuleil to inako before the Baptist Triénuial Convcntion, but wiis prevented by t]je inlerrupilöns o Southern memberí, and the decisión of the President. Aiter spenking of the hostility he experienced in Soutli Carolina on account o the manumission of hts slaves, he continued : ''Finaliy, ho wever, I became what they expectcd I wou'd beconie, thorougbly, opposed to slavery. I had left my state for one where there was moe of t'recdom of opinión, and I learned nftnr patiënt investigation that slavery was indeed wrongful to man, and ofFensivo to God - I had soid the mo&r of ny slaves, those thut remnined I freed, and dotermined to buy tiie otlicra bttele, thot I núght libérate them too - I pajd for thetn (housfinds of dollars more tlian I had 6oid ihem for, and yet I could not gel Ihetn for y ea re from that land of bondno-e. Although 1 had the bil! of sale br tliem, tliey were not sent to me. Fiimlly, had lo tke my journcy to the South, nnd rusting to the arm of Jchovnh, I went in the nido-t of thope who had wrilten me tlireat6, to ring my former bondmon nway from oppresion and wtpng., I sholj never forget the soba f my wife, and the tears and entrenties of my molher, as they bid me adieu, fearing we liould never meet aguin. Cut Gud was,my hield and buckler. I went, conscious of my anger, hut 1 i)ad a duty to nerform, nd life jr death, I would try to accompiish it. But O, how I feit as I stood upon the stenmers deck the city of Charleston! Beow me I was looking with H heavy heart upon about one hundred sloves, gathered up in Viiginia, by alave dealers, and then on their wuy to a Southern market. Poor men! ponr women! poor children! thought 1, how bad yourlot! Wc turned into the hDrbor and I sáw the ful! apires of the city of my chi'dhood. But no sweet 'emotions stirred wilhinmy breast at once more seeing the mementoes of my earlier days; for H rushéd into my in nd, alas! by the laws of my n.itivo land I wuuld be subject to a felon's doatli, cbu'M those lows be enforcèd for acts done in Ohio. I had tljere. fed the weary from oppression'8 grasp, and given him my blesuing on his vay to the f ree hills of Victoria's realms: I had tlnis exercised hoepitality to a .Christian and a Baptist. Yet for such an act ns this, in my native State, I wmild be üabie to a felon's fate. Ah! my brethren, I could hot but weep: and I thought how sad is it that the church itself, where I formerly sometimes stood to prench tlie gospel of Jesus, wonld npw regard me as a mere fanatic, jfnot soine thing worse. By care and pnulence and expediiiou, I succeeded in gelting my peop]e out of the etate, beijig acccmftaniéd by & friend who reides in Savannah. I pasi-ed near the graveé f my foiir infants. I wished tö stop to shed tea r at that spot, bnt the night was aproaching and I must basten on, soón to re, ■mme the conditwn of an exilefrom my native. and."OIS The leadíng clergy Of the Baptist Church at the South, are quite as violent in jpport of siavery as the Presbyterion?. In ie recent discussion at theTrienuial Coneulion, Dr. Brisbane quoled a letter froni )r. Johnson to ïjim, nrguing that Ronmn and American Slaven ere idomified in principie, ud lliQt inllie New Testament ihcre is not solitary word nddressed to the Chrislian onverts siavery as wrong, or equiring inanuïjiissioh of the slave by the masler. But Rev. Richard Fuller, in a letter to Gausha, sr.y.s: i:iö"d has avthon'zed ike domeslic relations ere (xisling.' 'Jvsus Christ, wboge heart oa say is a founjuin of love, and who was erribly severe agt.inst every nfracüon of the )ivine law, carne iuto the world nnd saw slacry erislhig, yct lie condcmiud it nut .' 'The 'ioly Ctktist, afier his ascent, erpressiy uulorized siavery.' '' Must not this be h holy, a snnctified institnion, vyhich iá "aulhorized by God." "not ouilcmned" by Jestis Chiistf and ."expressly uihori.edi: by the . Holy Ghost? Yet these men are received into every - no - almost every Baptist pulpit in the land, as aulhorized expoundeis of Cliri.siianitv!


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