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General Intelligence: Disastrous Conflagration--Terrible Los...

General Intelligence: Disastrous Conflagration--Terrible Los... image
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We are callea upon to record the particu i laraofone of'tbe most extensive and disae i trious fires which has ever occured in ou y city. Between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday al lernooo, the flnmee bnrstforth in the carpen ter's shop of Mr. Gout, near the North western comer oí Fronkltn and Jackso streets, whicb, before tbey conld be gol un der, spreud to the ndjoiiiing tenements wit friulitful rnpidiiy. Every building was o wood, nnd as dry as tinder tself from th long drought, so thaí nothing could checí . the onward progresa of the derouring ele ment. r The firemen assembled immedia.elv; but a no-water could be obtained other thnn fron . the gotters, their attempt at firs were render ed uiterly unnvnilable. The wind fortúnate! ly blc.v in the direction townrds the swomp ! bad it been otherwise. the fi.imes would haví i swept townrds the rivor. in which case then would have been no bounds to the destruction. As t wa, they were carrjed witl lightning rap:dity down Juckson St. communicating to the nou?es on ritlier sido, and ecoi presenting a broad sheet of fire some hundrec yards m width. To attnmpt to arrest them was soon found entirely out of the power oJ man; no water could be procured, and the entines were thus rendered useless. Tosave their furniture vas all thl the un fortúnate residente of ihis scction could hope to achieve, ond even in this many of ihem were disappointed. No 6onuer did ihoy move their offects to sonie house, which they hoped was out of reach of the devouring element, then the flames were npon them, and they could only save f.hemselves bv fiig-ht. In this way the fire raged for tbree hours, during which time it kept down Jackson street. burning out to Canal on the right and Cornmon on the left, and crossing Treme, Maries, Villere and Robertso, to Claiborne etreet?, in all ten squares. Of all the buildings which occupied this space yesterday morning none are now standing save the Maison de ante, or Dr. Stone's Hospital, and a few houses along Common street. The jVlaisoti de Santé was sa?ed, bnt not until its mmates bod been removed. At this point, which is near the corner of Canal and Clniborne etreets, the firemen directed their strongest energies, and fortunately were successful. The only water tbey could obtoin from the first was drntvn from the gutters, the plugs at the different hydrants being permitted to run from the breaking out of the fire. P. S. Since w riting tbe abuve, we have henrd il stated that the number of houses destroyed will not fall short of two hvndredand eighty, and many think that thrte hvndred will not cover the cntire number. Mundreds of families are thus left ho.neless and ehelterIe6s, and many of them are absolutely de pendeut for bread npon a community that wjJl not, we feel confident, turn a deaf ear to any appeal that may be made. Some caution is reqnsite in passing onr opinión opon strangers- a caution, bowcver ivhich few of as adopt. At a public levee if the Court of St. James, a gentleman taid o Lord Chesterfield, pray my Lord, who is , :hat tall, awkward woman yonderf That ady,' pir, replied Lord Chesterfield 'is my :er.t Tlie g-cnllcmen reddened with 1 ion, and stammered out, 'No no my Lord, I i isk your pardon - I ineant that woman who tands nextto the Queen.' That lady sir,' inswered Lord Cbesterfield, 'that lady is my ' vife.' The Legislature of New York bnve , assed an act providing for the erection 1 f a new prison in the northern part of he state, and for the employment of the ( onvicts in mïning. l s Five hundred eroigrants for Oregon passed brough Independance, Mo., during the week r nding the 4th of May. Amonff then five t laves, who voluntarily aecompnny their t fjrs. Quere, will llrey be elaves in u on? et, Roada.- .Riders and dr i vera will see, from ty the following table,, the importanee of jjood roads. The forcé required to diawa Joeded fe cart, weighing one thousand pounds, is- n On a turnpike, road hard and dry 20 Ib. tfl " v dirty 39 nt Hard compact lonm 53 1 Oráinary byeroad loa u Turnpike road, newly gravelled 143 tn Lnose sandy rood gO4 These facís should induce the public to gpe 0 that survayors, 'mend their wavs.' id J The property belonglng lo Trinity Chiroh, ■. N, Vork, is estimated at $25,000,000. lts tr nnnnal meóme, however is only $45,000, n I, coneequence of the long leases on which it was let out. These leases are now fíalling in, and in a few yenis it is said its annnal income will amount to half a million of dollars. Hou to have a sharp Razor.-T&ke a strip of thick harness Ieather, the size you 1 want for a strap, and fasten it at each " end upon a piece of wood, then rub upon I a piece of tin (any tin dish will do) until 1 it is smooth. Strop your razor upon this, 1 and you will find itworth all the patent ! strops that were ever invented. Misa Quentin, !ady harserider to the qtieei?," wlmt that is Heaven knos- is among8tlhe disrnissals froai the royal house - hold, but she retires with a pension of Lsoo a year! f 1 One half of those who are born, die i fore they attain the age of seventeen. ' Among 3,125 who die, it appearsby the registers that there is only one son of one hundred years of age. Hard boiled egga are saíd to be a cure for love: they lie so heavy on the stomach as to make thesufferer forget the weight upoa his heart. The onnexed list of articles were turnished ïhe members of the Pennsylvania legislature ut I he public expense: "CandJes, wax, waferp, steel pens, snuff, cigars, camomile flowere, razors, vrashing soap, ruzor strops, penknivcs, ivory folders, toot h brushes, hat brushes, nail do. medicine, articles of jewelry, perfumery uud canes.' Hot Berth.- The Ballimore Sun has this advertisement; 'Wanted three strong men to carry be Sun' Speaking of the whig press, Mr. Webster said in bid late speech at FaneuU Hall I may say ihat I wish to see even more argu-. ment, more reason, more rational pereuasions in itfi columne.' In the city of New Orleans there are in operaiion every nigb', as nearly as can bc as corlained, one hundred roulette tnbles, each one of wlvich clears its owner at least $50 per nigbt. Mdlerism - The Midnight Cry' of the 23d inst, say e: ♦We eonfeps that out published time is past, ' and, that, as honest men, we cannot point to ' Jpfinite day6 in the future. We believe that ' 2300 days will extend to the end: and that l the end can only be delayed so long as our l published time, reckoning by uninspired ' chronology, may have varied from God's s time," s I Sandwich Islands. - What a text for a m'ssionary sermón is the following paragraph, which we clip from the advertising depart ment of the Honolulú Friend: ( 'Mr. J. H. Pesenger, maker and repairer 0 of piano fortes, desires to inform the public f that hois ready to execute work in the most t satisfaciory manner. He is lo beeeen at Mr. g John ftlunu's, Honodulu.' j India Rubber Pavement at the Admiralk ty. - That port ion of the India rubber pavep ment which has heen laid down in the fores court of the admirwlity at Whitehall, bas been ul tested in a very effêctual nianner. Three s' heavily loaded coal wBgons, each, carry ing ni seven tons, were dnven over it, when the pavee ment became considerable depreseed, from the slasticity of its nature, but immedialely re- sumed its former opj:earar.ce as f-oon as the ivheele had passed. - English Paper. MIn Engïnnd tlierere are six Bishopa whose snlarie8 exceed that of the President of Ihe United Sfates. The highest is tbat of Conterbury, $75,500. We pay our missiunaries in Burmah obout 400. At that rate the salary of a single Englieh Bishop would support 188 missionnries, or if the nmount were divided amonrg the poor of Englo'nd, it would give more than 2000 families 25 bushele of corn each, at one dollar peí bushcl. Ckriatian Reflector. The Emperor of Russia has established on abse.itce tax by ukase of 200 roubles a yenr. No Russian is to have a pabnport to tiavel till he be 25 yeare of age. The Emperor of Austria w&shed the feei of twelve agcd men, theoldest HO, the youngest 83 years of a?e, the Empresa performing the same-'-ervice for twelve oged women, Uie oldest 106, the youngest 84. Emxgration to Virginia!- Il nppears from late statements that 150 to 200 families have recently removed from Dutcfieps nnd Ulster counties, N. York, and purchased farms in Fairfax county, Virginia, exterminating slavery, and employing none but free labor. - Their lands are bought at 5, J0, 15, or 20 dolhirs the acre, ore near excellent markets, and the vahie of their property is eoon doubled. Lot northern freemen ettlo down in the nlave statea, employ none but freemen in their operations, and thus demónstrate to slave holders tte folly of slorery, and they will do much to eradicate that scouige and reproach of our country. The climate, as ihe account states is Mand and inviting, and the fields olnbor far preèrable to the rongij, jnheakhy, and nnculüvated foresta of tbe


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