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500,000 Í eet PINJE LüMBER. TIME flubicnbers oíit-r for -salo. Fiye hundr e d Thóii?rtndïVi SEASOiNKD BINE LUMliER, vhicl hos been mí gp in lic best pussible nmnícr. ant! ié o( cvei y quaffiy nrici triicúíiess. Per ;oiih wishinj; to purchiise 1-umbcr ilu.t is ñi br immedíato usé, vvill do well to yivc usa cali. iefore puroliasijjg elsewhere. ' UAZELTOjN & PATERSON. Foriiierlv Aírents íbr Keoch tt Co. Flint, Janujuy .?, 18-11. 4)-(m. Biitexíatioit of Texas or not, PERRY lias jueít rccelvod a first rnte lol of BüOKS. wliich he wiIl?eUch(t[) or Cash. May 523. 1814. üw5TO THE VÍCTOR B.ELONG TfíR SPOILS" ALTI1QUGH ina.iiy prcporntipn in i))e (■,„ of "POPULAR MÊDÏCIN-Ég'lJ been liefore the public, dawniiïg ttf #& reHf and even cure ihe most .invetérate dis.euses vil nono havo so wcll ahsweiecl ilin mnno nc'ti SU KiiMAN'S MED1CATED LöMVgfÏ" Dr. Siiertnan'si tao-j sjhwro { " "COUGÍI .LOZENGES" cure t lic mosl obstinate cases of Gouph in f liours. Thcy have cured a largc 'íiumbcr of L7 SönS wlm have heen sriven rfp hy thcirnl,v and friends, and numy wi,e hfrve been Íed3 t. .hu vergc of ihe gravo l,y spiu " m Í CÓnVumniion and Hictic Fecr , ,S ■ blüd hnvolnd the ros, of hcahh rcs.o'.ed 'ff,.!,?,6 iinil check, and now.tívó lo spcaU i,,,,!, f' jjrnios oi ilus mvaluablo n.c.cüciiic. Di k ilWOBM ■ L0ZENGÊ8 hnvf hcMi ,.!ov',!in more iluin 400 ()( n „ stroyiiij.' niedicnie f ver discoyeiedi Ch 11 wilioaMh.m whonthoy ennn,,, !,c (,;,,,, n nny. oMer n,edcino. nd tbc hciu-iit (],,Vl,(i f ' the aduMmsirawon,,! n;o,ürillc lo lI,,,,,,,, é jwi bevond conecmion 'i i,,,„ , c líüv-er been k „nv,, n, !;;i!. J)r. rgvÍ3 ''"" ';CAMPJ-JOR LOENGfeS . relieve Tle.'Hl.-.elic. Nervous Sick-hc.-Mim'bo Po pitation ofjho Henrt. and sickncss'in a' verv leu minutes. Dr. Sherrrau's -foor vaars plastf:rs'neknovU-ili-r! nv al! %vi,„ I,!IVf, CVQr rf - l.e ilu: bt-Bt sKtíigihoiiírig Plaster in the vv(1 M in the hnck, In,,,,. ,„,. ;.cck,-l„ hf jomts, rhouruansn., Imnl.aoo, ,V e. Be cnrèfn'r mistakc n -qit.ïfiÜTy oí c.hni ■?& ■ m & & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Ai-hor l-.o.ruary 5, 1S-M. 4] THE TRUEPA1Ñ ! EXTRACTOR SALVE, Tïyri-iK'lJ uiit-esiikea-charin iií BL'ítNs;by T T lire (ir waior. and cvuiy e.Mertif I fe-Olll! PAJN, IiSJELAMJÍAXlOiy..AíHL or ÏTCIJ!.N(i c-vt-r vet louiul upou ihe iuuiian fainilv to wliicli u has Deeii appjrècï, ii;fiS'i alwars Lc suul-Ul ;o:iuinc frorn CJóinsioek ui'1 Co.. of-#tw Voik !■ !iuihon.e(i ieats. All' a.t cuiiont-íi üiwiiyt any bjjji: imu nicles, whicii n..y filwów ir. ..voi,),-,! i,y k'Dng ihe oiic yon luv conftê n.m ■ Coiijsrock &. Co . wlio ,1c now iWoi? )ro])netors'and lüanufaciiueis. inqune lui Ccni'.'l's. which is wannnifd to úu all i; tver wouli} vh( ii ciiltcd ly aiiy öTIïej Füui:e; or (lie "rice shall 'é ie!iii:r!(.,i i, :illV e-;,,, jj it does not ■ plcftee. ri'o pince ita w iil:ii. uad) of ui!, ihc-.price k een reduced more iïïo'n Wu? fold, iid "i's now ol(l for ii.' mus. i!ir ftirmei [JTttt I DtTTg too ex'l-iMiii. 'J 'in: 'o .-i ui sjK)g bow-containa foür injea (i?an.u.c.ji a i!w. lormtr, i,id ih 1 size e:;!' ten imirs na niucn. No (riinilv ihat Ikis any liile lo lntnuitiiiy. }] il! to liavr Ch,NM.i. i'.;in ia : ra e lor Oiñiment ways nt hu;,!, u, snc ]iib, illseais. inul rcdute II r.fiony inmt any bupi in live iniiuücs, pruvicd ihey IiíivJ m n ii used; or wili belicve iho;e ,-ho have nsüd it. CO 1] STOCK & CO.."■ ' 21.Co,mf;Vjur-StrPet; !! V.c suijo. (bcrcforr, nr.d ask f"o Co..ei.'$, ■is uur jl-i'i: w-uii Ibüiy's hftiuei.11 ii (i.-.vs [,Pen -olcii, and lh; sjnmoiks may iippe.-ir whh ],nt iiüüH' -i ii. Know, ilieic'ore, ïli.-n ii comes direc(! frö'ni CÍúnMírcli & Cf?. or slum ji. 36 A gonl ior Anti Ardor. _ ï . CLOCKS! C LOCKSÜ êC fíjíjj ' E üubscriber inving S--jLat! ■ . j'si n-c-.'ivi'd SL-voral ? T)ül v;ir'""s ileseriptionV. i's V'$ l;i-IHired lo selFfliem Chtuj, vW'fe l&'sfe'"' -Also,. n genei s} t ■L%.- V ■ y0jfa7$ 'issoi men: ofcnscs o Bias 8 ö . c&s Mf &■ JU Jfc jET ? ;o!';stiii; in p;nt ol Gold Fjngcr Jl;ngs. ,nnd Bl)éi)iii l'nii. l í en i is fiiid Crosses, Silvcr nnd ' Coniiiion Thimbles, ;:p!i OIkiíiis ;ind Kcys, l'üt)::ii C'jiícs: ilso. Spoon?, Sli aar Ho.wis". ïiiiiiér Knivos, W1M' Tobrh aÜd-.-iJíitr Pnislics, ' : ■;;; .iu.' ■ Pocl-.ta j.-..)!;s. u;Im .-ijtfl} is ;::.:- N,;u!„; rms. I Ioors, 'Wffi ' andEyts. ' '"': P p ei c i u e I es, Kj n eHfLiÜ U C-omIp,! Combs. Bck Combe. Pockel Cnitilis. Wnier Pairiis. Marlung ('oiicin. Sjjeeï Pms. and fweasers. Tohaccojíoxcs. EÍnstics'. &c. 'l ofwliirli v.ill bó sul'l is chci)-. ns'at nny üüi;r (statilisii'dftii this sídc vi N'ew York. f. il 'J'Ik; ihaiikful for' so Jnrge :i :if piiiilif phtronricró". s'till sf;icitsn eoiitm. ■-■a: ■■- éff'Urê é4Ínfe. CLOCEX AM) WATVU'■■ ■■' ol ri. tic .-i ií:;iu; rcpiiii cd hih! v;rrn)ied. !;.;o, JJ". WKLJ1 Y . i.-jiüircd. on short noiice.- íiinji a) fiíá uld süiiul diieci)}' opposite ihe Cuiirt rluusc. C. BLTS?. Ami Avbor, Nov 61843. 28-Jy.THE fú]luv)L indispeüsnbie fdinlly rciffetfiés in;iy le ío:;;d al Mayxaud's Drugist Store, in A'nn Aibór, wlu'ic none gold unios ki (nvr fo bé of the bost kind iuhI do ciHiiitoi i'iir ;init:l'j (. ver ofi'oréd, pr.iout medicine mvamibjy propurcl e! orig n.J inventor or nis r i r. 1 1 1 r 1 1 siirW-sscir: ü'j" :o fnM.lj alnmlil be. a vac'; icitl.out these rovl cilios .L3j , ,ttltf360Í BALD-NESS. Jhilm o;' Co'uinbia. J'or the ïinir. wliich wil stop ft ii Il1nig out, o: nístóie i t on Imld places;1 :ond on child en' inal.e it gniw injiidly, or on tlioso wlio h iv.i l'.st thchnii írgm i.ny causo. Al L ViXRMIN tliai i niest iiie lica'ds of cliif:lreri in i-chools. iir'è (fcvpntprl or külcd by it at onec. Tind ilicnnm ni COM.STOCK on it or nevel' iiy it. Vcmcmlicr t'ds ahcays PILES, &c. nrn wliolly prcvcntf('. or goyernfid ifilie n'ack lifis come on, i( yon use ihe nili iiiip Uavs' LikniüNr. ÍKJín (;'oinN( k V ('o All SOÍIES, mul evcry 1 1 : i : í . - ruieyoj tlifit adinits of n ouiwiinl ipjiliciiiiod. l'tactslikca cliniín. Use it. RUEUMATISM AND f, AM F.N ESS posi.tivfly curcd: uil ;;!u ivfilled mypclf.f nnd linihpni'O restorec], in tlie o'ii ïr yóiin, by ifie Intjtan Vegt idr, F.lirir iind Ncri:% and Bor.e L'vnhnc.vt - bül k-vit withóui tlio oí Coin.siock &■ Co. on KOLMRTOfK'S VF.P.HFTJGE -.vill cradi. cate nll-WORÍVlSn cliilrfren or ndülie with a r:oi'ininrv quite a&tonisliip.g. "■;ifl TO.OTH DROl'S. Kr ices- purea cflectually. AnnArhi.r. Pijfi. %, lM. 41 DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOaUE. AiMU.NCt ilie mosi valiuible rjunlmes ol tlii . medicine, is is restoring upon c. Jiiiiiliuions iir.pnired nud injüfcd by previöri iittackeol billius íeyer, ov fever íiiid a;rue; or by a lonií reside hce in those climnies wltich proeJucp them. There ore many coneiitinions whichJ beeOJUC frinduilly underniined by ti nütism'ttl in ■luencc!. wiihoui even n day's actual conlineinent. fu súch enses, ihe ('liolngogue ncls like n charni. - the s;tllov cöiftplekiöri, loss of nppetitc, lnn,'iior, wenrincss mid depression of spirits, with )ther unplqasant symptoins which retidcr life a. Mirden. ui' yield t'o this remedy wlien fiiithfuilf' ïscil iiccórdiniï to the directions of iheoccompa-. lyiiie; painpblet. It is rniirely a prep iranon, and muy be laken wMn perfect stfety un. Ier ui! ciic'.iinst-wi.-es of t'ie s'ysteni". Kor snle by 36 W.;S. A.J. W. MAYNARD. sole Acrni. for Arm Arbor and viciniiy. FJRST r.-ite 'i'vn, gugar rind Coilec, at the lovyest maf kei prir-fp, ;it RAYiMOND'S CASÍÍ STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May -O. 4A-,0 DEFENCE of the Whigs; Whig Almsnnc, Whig Songs, and Life of Henry Clay by largeant. For uale m Ferry'u Book Stoje. May !3 ISli; 5t{.


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