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Democracy And The Liberty Party

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The following, among other resoluttons, wns reported to the late Democratie National C nvention at Baltimore, by B. F. Butler, Ex-Attorney General ot the U. Siates, and unanimousLij adopted by that body: Resolved, That Congress has no power under theConsuiution to interfcre wilh or control the domesticinammions of the severa) States, nrd 'hat 6uch States ore the sole and proper judoes of every thing appertnining to their own affaire not prohibitcd by the Constitution; that all efforts of the Abolitionists or others, made to induce Oongrjss to interfere with questions of slavery or 10 take incipient sieps ín iclation thereio. are calculated to lead to the most alarming nnd dangerous consequences, nnd thnr all such effbrts have an inevitable leudeney to diminish the happinees of the people, and endanser the sinbllity and pernu.nency of the Union, and auht not tö i-ie countenanced by any frien-d to our pulitical institutions.Thus it wHl be seen that Oppositon to Abolitionism" s one of the cardinal principies of Modern Deitiocracy. Wcshali at present mere ly invito ihe reader to notice the following ooints; ■ 1. That all effcrte of Abolitioniets, whcther by peutione, memoria's, by volei or otherwiie - lo induce C.jngiess to int.eifcre qucitionx of slnvery- whcther ín Florida, íhe Federal District, on (he High Seas, or elaewhere- wiih qxestims of shvvry-including the Slave Trade - or by taking incipienl steps towards such inlerference, ns the nppointment of comrnittees, receiving repons, &c- "are calctllated to lead to the most aiarmmg and dangerouseoneequeces"! This, it will be seen, goes ogainst the whole uiti-sJavory niovement, so for a the aciion ol Congres is jnvolved. 2. Thst all such eflbrts- - to induce Con gress to act- havo an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people. "What a proposition for Dcmocrais to put forth, who declhim aboui "the largiat liberty," and make free discussion theirboasi!Thnt all 6uch effort- of whatever nature - endiinger the staibility nnd permanoncy of the Union I This is mere gammon, put out to pleaee the 8lavcholders. 4. Tliat al! uch should be discountenanced by eveiy Dernocrnt. Thia declares war upon evcry anti slavery attempt to influence Congress to exe.t even iis acfaoicledgcd powers, and goes for the perpetuaüon of siavery. Will candid men af the Democratie party subscribe to such a creecf7 Will they susiain a pariy so recreant to its own avowed principies oj Liberty and Equul Rights?CT The Whigs and Democrats nre Jiard at work in ttó State. They have commenced the campaign in cameet.. The Frce Press annouces ten thousam] extra copies of the biogmphy of Polk and palla. What ore Liberty men doing? tt?" The National Intelligencer says that Congreas will adjourn on the 17th inst, without doubt.


Signal of Liberty
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