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The late Legislature of New York have passed an act making it a State prison offence for any person to adininister to any single or married woman any drug or medicine, or perform any operation, for the purpose of producing an abortion. It is also made a misdemeanor, punishable with fine and imprisonment, to sell any drug for that purpose, or for printers and nroprietors of newspapers to advertise the same in their paper, or print hand-bills containing such notices. - Western Citizen. To prevent MouUing in Books, Ink, Paste and Leather. - Collectors of books, will not be sorry to learn that a few drops of oil of lavender, will insure their libraries from this pest. A single drop of the same will prevent a pint of ink from mouldiness for any length of time. Paste may be kept from mould entirely by this addition; and leather is also effectually secured from injury by the same agency.American Checse - Alarge quanttty of cheesc b now exported from this country to Engl.ind The amount for 1843 is estimnted at 5,410.944 Ibs. American cheese ia much esieemed in Eng land, and is descnbed by thcin as being "very rich and fine flavored." The British Parliament have recemiy ordered n return tobe pubüshed of the quantity ofcheemimponed nto :hc kingdom for the year J843. trom all coüniries. which amount is 20,091,568 lbs.- Weit. Cithtn. Great Specd.The Steamboat South Americn, last w.ek performed ihe passage from New York to Albany in 7 hou-s and 59 minutes inclurling her usual landings, twelve in number. The bare running time, was scccn tours and fioe minutts. This is the quickest passage ever mndeon theriver. Öistance 145 miles.- Alb. Patriot.To show Eomeofthe important uses which the Mngnetic Telégfaph eerved duririg the sittingofthe Convention, we giva below a certified copy of a ten -minute ttjnversation betwreenMr. Wright at Waelwigton, (after his nomination bod been communicated by Telegraph) and Col. Yonng. and oihers of the New York Delegalion, at Baltitnore, on Wednpsday, in relation lo the Vice Presidency:- Fr e Press, Washington.- Important! Mr. Wnght is liere, and says- sny to the New York delegalion that he cannot accept the nomination.Again- Mr. Wright is here, and will support Mr. Polk cheerfully, but cannot accept the nomination for Vice President. Battimore- Mesere. Paige, Young, Fine, Ballard and Churcb are bere and have received Mr. Wrignt's communication, airi hope he will reconisider it. faghington-Unúer no circumstance can Mr. Wright accept the andrefers to hm two former answers. Banimore-Shatt Mr. Fine iy any thing to the Convention? irashivgton-YcB. What Mf. Wright has already eaid. Again-Mr. Wrigbt ha well considered, and begs hm prevU3 aiiswer raay be saiisfactory. Liccneïousness.-Thb jLegislaturo of New York could not be epurred into the passage of any luw to puniehSeduotion, and kindred crimca.Precocious Genius. - Our attention wa directed a few days since, to a child in Westminster street, so young that he hac not doffed his petticoats, engagcd in smoking a cigar. We incontinently moved to wrest it from his hand, supposing him to be unconscious of the effects of tobáceo, but were told that he had already contracted the habit of smoking, and usually smoked five cigars in a day; and the easy and familiar manner in which he handled his cigar confirmed the truth of the statement. His age we leárnt was four years. He would pull lustily at the tube of indian weed, take it leisurely from his mouth as old smokers do, between his fore and middle finger, and send a volume of curling smoke into the air. - Providencc lerald.Lobsier Trade. - Many of our citizens will be surprised to learn thnt our lobster men have alroady sent to Boston Market this season upwards ut ten tons of lobs'.ers, worth probably. about fiv-e or six hundred dollars. Sume of those engnged in the business have realized at ihe rale of $70 a iriónth, this SuUm Rtv. isttr. B Hints to writers in Pcriodicals Mach time, word.?, ink and pnper, are wusted on in troducfions. Periodical writers should be brief and crisp, dashing into the subject at the first sentence. Sink rhetoric. Nobody cares how you came to think of your subject, or why you wrote upon i(: of course tlie Exordium is unnecessary. Commence with your leading thought and avoid irrelevant digress■ons . You may be less scholastic, but you will be more original, and ten times more amusing. Take it for granted, that your orticle at first is four-fifths too long. Cutting it down requires resu'ution, but you gain experience as well a improve your article, by every excisión. Pbr the mode of doing it, begin by crossingout all explanatory sen' tencee. Leave nothing but simple propositions. Young writers always explain every thing to death. Never commence n article till you kuow what it is to be about.Largest Axe Factory in the World.- The editor of the Rochester Democrat, writing from Ct. gives an account of his visit to Collinsville, about 15 miles from Hartford, famous for its manufacture of Axes. There are seven shops devoted to the various processes the axe must undergo before it is finished for the market, and in all are employed one hundred and forty-five men, who turn out eight hundred axes every day. Notwithstanding this immense supply, it is not equal to the demand. A new process has been discovered by which a hundred axes can be tempered at once, and that, too, arter they have been ground.


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