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1 AT THE CASH STORE OF R. êü J. Ij. 'Bák'WI'BSQ'N, Jlvm Jlrbor, Lower Yillage. ■ JUST received at the above establishment, a complete assorttnent üf Groceries, Crockcry, Shdf Hardware, Bools and Shocs, Tuscan and Sdaw Bonnets, Flowers, á#ft &c., all of' which will be so'd as cheap as ihfey can be bor.ght at any oiIht store in Michigan. The above Goo s wére seleeted wiih great care, and we ieel assured that we can convince pmvhasers of the truih of wliat wc say. The tiighest.prke will bc pwd for Wooi. We will also receive all kinds of produce in exchange for Goods at the liighe.t inarket price. Purchasers are resiDcctfull)1 invited to cali and examine for ihemselves. Ann Arbor, May 6, 1844. 3-tf WOÖE) WOOLÜ THE undersigned, Imvinu been rcpcatedly snliciied to make some arrangemijnts by v liieh the VVoot, Gisówebs ol Wa-hlenaw, and the surruunding country, could dis])o.-c o' iheir wool in a inanner that would be mututuall)7 bcneficial io ihe Grower and the Buyer, would bpg leave to say, that we have jöst received a well scleetid and valuable stock oí Domestic and Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, f'esh frorn New Vork and Bosion, wliich we purpo!?e lo exchange for Ca-h or Wool, on ihe most re.isonable terms. To oiir old ciiston.ers, and ns numy inore as choese to give us a cali, we give the a-surance lliat we can -upply you wiih eveiy aiticlc necesarv for faniily ue as liw as can be botighi thi side ol' Lke Erie, and receivé yonr WÖOL in payment ( a price perfecilv satisf'actory. In addiiion to onr usual stock of Full Claths, S itineit-, Flannels, &c, wc have Brondrlotlis, varyingin price fion two lo len dolhir.-;,) Cassimri'es, all kinds of Summer Cloths, &c. which we propns to exchange as above To all wlio wish for rchoid, urea' l;aigains ;tnd hih pricefor WOOL, we would S3y give usa call befoi'ti pürchaing elsewlieiv. BECKLEY at fflICKS. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, May 14, 1844. 4-Sw v- _ - ,Vm, tW JmB. JnL.UL JHL JL. m _J"i JL. 1 t ff J f 0 Q ""-' -'- --- '- - : AMbfc iI13SOl takes this method of informinv ]l5s friends and o!d customers tliat he lins aiain eritered Ihe M-rcaniile busir ess, and is now ;. opening a general and splendid assorrmeiit of GROCEHIES, CKOCKERY, SHEL HARDWARE JNAIL8, &C. &C. ill cf which will I.e oífrrrrtíl to the public as cheap as the cheapest, for 'JïisU or Barler. Woel and most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE , v i 1 1 he taken in exchmge for Good. C3 Take no m-an's wurd, bu'. exatnine for yourselves at No. 5, Huz'oti 31öck, Lower. Vlllaue.. Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4-6m.nw SSS t ESK upB BBffHy QBSIk InfvSïv flBBSfl Lm 83 S9 Set NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHEK ANN ARBOR, LOWEK TOWN. C FELCH Kafi removnrl his establishment from the Upper o ihe Lower K Viikge,No. 4, Hurón Bock,wheie.he liolds hiinseif iti réadinsS to'drcíí the '■hinderslandiiis" of every Man, Woman, and Cliildwlio will give him a cali, iivthe neutest, cheapest, and besl nianner tiiat can be döne in Michigan. LEATHER and FINDINGS of all kinds constontly on hand. v i CASH and HIDES, in any quantities. for which the highest prices will He given. fiiLet none purchase until ihey have called at Felch's, No. 4, Huron Block. Aun Albor, May 4, 1844, 3-iyBOOK BlftTBEiEiV. atthv; i'.ii.iuiu.i, (, i.u.vkk tov n; ans ahiuih. EBOOTII would respectfiilly mfonn ilie inhabiuunsof Ann Arhor and vicinity ihat h e continuos 'he rtusin.oF.g %f BOOK 1UNDI1SG, nt theold sumid, in the Haper Mili. Oíd Boo(;s will lie neatly.reboumi on short notice. All kinds of' RUJJNG done to order. - Country produce taken in pnytnent. April 11), l.S'l-1. ' 52-1 f. CMft iuto the enclosme of the subscriber. t lic lirfit of September last, an OX. opparcntly obout ei;ÍH yenrs oíd, -spoited Ved and white, with n beil on bis neck. The owner ie reqiiesicd to prove property pay charge and mke him away. S. JENMNGS. Ann Arbor, Moy lOih. S-8 . ryoiicc io I7Iei'cleaiils. THE Subscriheis encournged by the patrónnge they linve hilherto received ín ihe wholes'ile deportment of ihoir business, wifl thfi rst day of M.iy next. open tbe store now occVpied by Geo. Grenvillc. frnnting on IJuiod stroef, and conneciing with their present siore WSOLB SALES ROOM, where ihey will keep at all unies a Juli issonmo.nt of Dn Goorh. Bnols, fy Shoes Carpctinsr Hals, Cnps, Paper FJcwwg-s, Ennnrtx, Crockert by Ihc ('rale, Hardware oud Goceries, $. fyc. $c. til of whtcri will he po ld on ns rood terms as nt any pomt this s'.deofNew York Cuy. a x , „ , D H1LL& CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 184 4, 48tf.WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. T wil] oxclinnjre wooleu cloilis of overy widfh I and quahty foi wonl, lo be delivered in May .or June., nfter shcaring time. My stock of clothis complete, qtiolity good, prices low. &c. !' DENISOJf. Aflrr.Arbor, February let. ï843. 4]. N. ?. it is ím)ort;int tlint wool be done up in cood order, and pny :nfoniiation will bc givcn when uskcd y fy Clothmg' Clothing: Clothing HALLOCK& RAYMO.NÜ have just rccieivéd a vorv lnrrfo nortmént of Kertdy Made EIoihin, Consisnng ,n p!ir, „f Coius. 'i'nnial.ions nnd V csis. ol all deecriptions. suitablo for the scnson. Also. a large ond well seclecied assortment ól Cloilis. Cüssimore-!. Vctitmys, Twoeds, nftff evervother tutielc si.imlilo for gentlémen'f weanng appasB wliicli they are prepnred to iiianulncture ín the hi-st and most inshionable nmtner. and at the shorteat notice. Ilnvins; de lermined 10 hcII at tho lowest cash pricc-s.'ihcy confidendy nr?o a!l in want of Reidy Mnde Clothinsr. or garments manufnctnred to order,, to Cüll and exnmine their siock, at ihc Fnshionflble Clothing Enipurinm, corner of Jcfiersnn nni Wi)od-ird Avnnoa. Detroit. 5 Featliers & Paper Hangiugs TH B sulisci ibi-r wil! keep a supply oi Ge sc Fe(iiber8 constnmly on hand. Also an as son of Paper Uangings, Borders. Fi re board Papers, &o. W. A. RAYM0ND, 148 JefF. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. LINEN SHRETING, iwo ynrds nndaqunr ter, and tbree yards wide. at RAYMOND S CASH STORE, ,. n. 148 JcfT. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PRE VAlhED. PETEKS' Vegetable Pilis tinve now been ien yearsbefore tho piü'lie. During tl);ii perioi) ihcy have obiaineda celebriiy unpauilleled in the hisiory of the moet popular medicines whicli iinvc preceded them or hnvo lollowed in t hei r track - - The happy combination of vegetable ingrediënt 10 wiitch these pillsowe their efh'cacy, is the rc8iilt ófyeurs of earriést study and experiment, direeted by lo'ng previous c.vperiencc in the prop ertiesuf medical substances, tlie pathology ol'dtsensc, the nature nd modus opernndi of the various fluids which minister to the support nnd sustetiHiice of the humun body, ahdorgatilzatiori hy vvtiich-those fltucls are prepnred, modified and distributed. The triumph of slull, and ptitieni experiment has been complete. Throiighout the len'gth and biendth of our land, tn British America nnd the West Indios, and on the coniineni út' Europe, the cjralivê viriues of Peter's Vege tab,le Pilis, are gratefnlly acknowledged. Thèy niny be calledTHu medicine imh icxcKr.i.K.cj:, ol the Southern States. Their consumpiion south of tho Potomac, rs enormoua, and conununlly on the increase. Nootherpill "goes down" there. however eugared over wilh liited -pufTs and home manuiictured certifícales. Peters' Vegetable Pilis may be termed a universa medicine, for there is scnrcely any deraigement or obstruefion of the organs nd funclipns of the liuinan machine vvhicl (hey will riot allevia'e or :cmovc wheii aiiministered i thc early stages ol congestión of the stomach orbowüls, they speedily relax those organs, reduce the attendaiu fever, and restore thesufiererio henlth. Comainíng no irritating or drastic substances. their exhibition is never followed by that prostrntion of the büdily powers which clinracterize the operíitton of móst other ewtharties. nnd they may be administered without ihesliglitest fear of' producing local inflammatioji. so frequently enused by t he p'úfgrént composiüons vended by the qrincksand charlatans of the day. ín almost all stages of disease, Peters' Vegetable Pille will be found of beneficial efleet, bui they should always be resonad to wlien the íirst synipt m thakes its nppcarnnee. The conqnesi of the nomplaim will 'tíien be easy and immedinte. ín billious di-'orders, remiltaiit or interniifinnt fever. dispepsia, dysentery. cholera, cholle. (imrrioBa, dropsV; sour or fceted ertictotions, enInrgemenl oí 'the spleen, siek lioadache. all eoniplaiiits growing out of imperfect or too rapid digestión, torporof the bowels. femaleobstruclions. habitual, costivcuess. and all other diseases in wnich ñ purerafV? tuedicino is proper, i'elers' Vegetable Pilis will be fomd unrival.'ed in the speed, certainiy and L'enileness of their operaiton. It is nsked upon what principie these extraor.dinary cffeets are produeed' We reply that Pelers Vegetable Pili aeis as a purifier of t tic hlood, by pnrifying the diyle and' other íluids of' hich blood is comosed. Ghyle is n 'inlky fluid (lep8Íted, by the dtgestjve rnatler un the coats of the intesunes; and whicli when combilied vvith the billiary pöcretion, is eonvey ed into the veins au', becomes the principie of life. Thismedicine-ncte directly uyon the chyld Irom which it expels all acrid partieles,. and al. humors detrimelital ió a healthy eircnlíition ii cleanses ihe juices and Huids befo re the ehemicnl change takes place whiíh fits ihem fo iheiiiuriediate purposes o! vitaluy. Fliis is beginnino ai the beginning. To embue the streams of Ijfe with' liealth. it is necessary to purify theni ai their 8ources. Such is the radical mode in which ibis medi i-inc peiforms íih c-nres. Teslimonials whiel: u'niil'l hll volumes (mony of íhpm fiom high pcinmiRc nuthority) ure is voucKers, nnd ii is nseil in the practico of the first Physicians hert 'tnd abro:id. Por sale by F. .1. 1). Crane. W. S, A J. Jtf. Víhynnrd. 3 1J. Lunii, Iiniris. Parlrífíges & ( o S. P. & ■ J C.Jewpit. Dav..'!s,ni & Deckrr, H Í3eck(;r, Clirisfinn Eberbaíh. G. 'GrenviMe. D I). Wnternian. ().. J. Gmland. E. Williams. 7i7i Arbür; Geoicre Warner & Co.. D. C. Whitwood. J. iMiüaid & Sun. . W 'intr. Ttextsr; M. Jáckson. L-ori; Pnnl Raynioiul. Tackson; Brutlipison fc Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood. Salive: Stone. Rabcock &, Co.. Ypii.anti; Scnttergood & Go, Ptimovt'i; Piérre ri eller and T. H. Eaton fe Co Drfroit; also in Adrián. Teeumsph. Hrooklvn. Potniac, Chicri'ro. an'l almos! every WeJ císp. Ann Arbor, Jnn. 10 1-44. ' 27-lyA Farm for Sale, SÍTUATF.D in the towii oí JiiíilKin.. ÍTnglumi Couíiry. Michigan: Sfjiil F;irm contiin)ue hundred and fifi.y -acres handsomely tiiuü(ed Ín tlie midst ni a ihriving settlement. - The land Ts vvhat s usually callea limbeied Luid, in Míchignn. 'he tiïnttè'r'bfeing suár'nnple. wlutewood, bench. ash. onk. ttc. nll linda of timbar peculiar to theiinihered land in Micliigïin. Tlicrj is on this larin nbont forty lores ÓT eoo(l improvement: a gnod part of' ihiiLO a HOUSE AND NEW BAR N, framed, 34 by 4 feet. well linisíied. There are ■liso on ihe place arnúna; utetisils. sticli ns Chains. PIöurl)s. Dr.-i?; Cn'rt. Fanñi'ng ."Iill. &c. which will be sold wiih tlie plucc. TiíRMS OF SALK. O.nn quaríer ni' puicluise money d-nvn; lh omainder in inn yenrs, if necessnry. wiih annui ijiterèèt Far pnrtïculara enquire of the subïcriber in Dexter vill.igo-. J-ULJÜS ItANNËY. March 20, 184-1. 48-tf. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. TUIS valuablc medicine su justly celebra'ed as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kings Kvil..or'any disenso ariíing írom in;purily of lm blood, Iia6 becoine eo well known ns (o ieed tío piíbl catión o{ the riutpcrcue certifícales now in ■ ur poèsession. of the exiraordinary cures latelj perlbrmed by it. hut fciirmg there may be somt' nersons aflected who liave been gulled by iisingr lie imitations gol up by others. we would respectfully requeet tliem to tall on us and satjsfy tliomseivcs of' i:s ninny cures in similar caöes. - By purchnsingof usthey can rely upon the gen üinoness of tlie article. which they should be careful to do, ne we are lold there is a apurious mrticle of the snme name for salo in f hip vicinity. Be careful to observe Bristol's Extract of Sarsïtparilla, BufHilo," isstampcf úpon ihe bot'les, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over thc Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. V5. 1843. 3GWHOLESALERETAIL. BOOKSELLERAN STáTIONER, SMART S liLÜCK, 137 JEFFKRS O N AVKNUK, DETROIT. Keepa conslnnily lor snle a foinglete .ssortmeni 'OÍ Misccllnneous. School and Claèsieal JJooks; Lettor.and Cap Paper, plain and rulec!, Quilla. ínk. Sea!n VV'ax, Cu:leiy, Winpping P;ipf:r. i'rint! ing ail sizes; and Bnok, jVc.wsand Canisier Ínk. ot var-oiiR Kindfl BLAWS BOOSS, r Ullaild hall boülid. Oliucu Vüiieivol tíulil)0 MEMORANDUM DÓOKS&C. To Mércfianiè, Teachers, nmi others. buying in rjnnntitios. :i ];nac (üscoutil mndn. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR ñí-ti. ' 500 000 Feet P1NE LUMBER. TJIE suscrbers ..%■ .n snle. Vve Ju.ndred Th.Misaiul Ffot SRASONHD PINE LUMBER, vlnch hnsheen (ut iip ín ïl'kcs lt-st ).18fibíe mn 'i? r. and ia ol overy qualiry nnd thicknpes. Peí s m to pnrchnse ib.t is fit Ur%m mediato ase, will rio well to give usa cali, before purclinsinc eleewhere. HAZELTON & PATRRSON. Formerly Agenta for Beach & Co. Flint. Jnnnary 2?, 1844. 4Í-6ni. Annexation ofXÍxas öirlaöt, Il!:tllX'a8 j,U.Sl, fecclved 3 first raie lul o w,"? !;. r hc wiü BeI1 cheap for"TO THE VÍCTOR BELoÑcTrim ALTIIOUGH niuny pieparntion in i,P r of -POPULAR Al y DJ1C J NEs' l)ccn before lile public", to gje" 1 ■ and even cure The most invetérate diseascft Cf : nono ha vu so we II ansivered the nurDom „ ' ''rl . SHERMAN'S MEDlCATKOLoSVrS"COUGII LOZENGES" cure tíie most obstinate cases of Coiml, ; hours. ■ Th,-y have cured „ laree hun!béSÍ'W sons who liave been given up by ,heir ph fer" and fnends. and many who have bJr , F ! 1 to the verge of the grave bv sn! ,f Uf"ef(J Consumplion nd Hectic Fever 1,1 f d havo had the rose of he-aith icsioredm ,')''' i'""6 eardcheek. and now live ",0 spS T Í T pruises of thisinvaiuable medicine h t,'1" inan's ' ' öiicrWORM LOZENGES have been provedin more iban 4U( fíi n be „fallible, in fnct the only ee ifS? medicine ever dcóvrr rir?ills will ent ihem when they conno ?h &" any other medicine, ZTJ the Rdrmmstrniion of ntciicinè "1 , ' (? ir0'" fom is grent beyond concpption ïs? 'n,tllie nevcr been kiownto fui). Dr. Sh'erm "CAMPHOR LOZENGES relieve HendacW. Nervo? Sick-hendúche Psï p.tat.on of.Hie Henrt a,Vd 8ickness in o vel few minutes. Dr. Shcrn-an'a ' "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" is ncknowled?ed by all who have cvér „fel i, L le the best strengthenmg pnster in ihé wwf nncl n sovereign ren.f-dy for poinsond weTSi in the back, loins, side, breast. neck i joints, rheumotism, lumbnpo, &c Be 'Ir -J to procure the above and all othcr niedicin" t Maynard's,' añd you will bc snre there'wi'i II! , mistare in quaniity or chnro. W. S. & J. W. MAYNARn Ann Aibor. FeWubry 5, 1844. 4]t THE TRüFpaÏN ÏSXTHACTOR SAI.VE TXTiUCH cures iikea chnnn all BlKNSl.v T V lire or wnter. nnd every eiteintl SontPAJN: T.NFLAMMAT1O.N. ACHE 0[ jtch' ING ever yet found upon the hiimon Innulv whieh il has been pplietí, must ahvuys bc soyU gcnuine froin Gomstock an-1 Co., of New'ï ïk M thcir anthonzed ogents All n.e cnuiioned agn'mstahy spiíríiiüs rirticleé, whitl, mny aw" bc voided by knowing the ouc yo bj eomra Iro.n Compiuck & Co , who are „ow ' ÍJ,e on v propnetoTrïïn'3 manüíñcturers. Incuiie forCon nc1..8. which is whrrnnied io do all y. ever woulii wbencnllcd by nny othcr name. or tl; pricbslial be refuriilcd in nny c;ise i( it does Hot p]ltm T plnfifc il witljin reoch ol all, the price b beon teduced mofe than uur fyU, nnd is no sold for Sörenfs. the foinier price 'bein ton n orbitant. The 50 cent sie now conUis fc„i times lis nmch as the, r.d tlie 1 J. nenr ton linies . -is niuch. No l.-nnily thnt hos any title t humnniiy. wil fa.l to have CV.nnki.'s Pa.,1 Extrucor pjnig a wnys af haiifl; to save life, hll scars, nnd rcJn.o rtlttfffony fn.m nny biirn in five n.nmif?, P,,V ded ihey have set;n il used. or wiH belicvc tliotè who have used il. COMSTOrK co.t 21, Couitli.iKlSirfeL lr IJoiire. tliorcfore. nivd ns) foi Cutinyt': as our plfiro with Dalley's nansê cñ ii },, „iP Hiolen. and the iinrious mny app;l,r wiih t)fa. n'nrrie on if. Kïiow, tiierefore. thni ii comes L rocily from Ci.iristork & Co., or shrn i WM. S; &.T. W. M.AYWÁRD, '" , Agèni for yjnn rl-or. l CLOCKS! CLOFsT rp.!K swhsciiber hnving . Si_ , -"- j'ist rtevivod sever;i V;C 'ïf]j'' ■viin"IIS ' ilescripiions. a p v li P'Ppnrerl io sell t),ein Chcup l ite u!s)i?K) Cash. Also. a spnein! Igi ,-d Wood CLOCKS, JBWB1RY, consistiny in pui t ol Guid . Fin:tr R'nys. nd JJosum Pms. He.iris aijcl Crosses. Sj(,yer :uxi Cbmhi'jh Thinibles, Waicli Clinfiis und Kcys, Penjil Iso. Spoons, Sngar Howis. Bumcj Kmivcs, Toóih and tiïv Brusl..s, Pockei Jiooks, Violin Sirings. Neqdles. Pin9. Fooks, and Eyes. Speet a cl es. Fine Con.bsjDressinji Conib?, Side Coinbs, Bnck Cornhp. PocUei Conibs. Water Paints. Mnrking Cottnn, Steel Ft n?. and Tweneels. Snuff tt Tobncco Boxes. El8tic?. A'C. All of whicli v iil .be sold as cheap as at any otlier establishment this side of New York. N. JJ. Th'évsubèèribèr thankful for so Inree il slinre of public patronnce. still .olicitf n rniirin. ofihesnine. CLOCKS AND WATCH. ï'}8 of fvci v déséript'ton rcp.-jired nnd w.irr.nnteil. Also. JEWKI.RY rep.iired on short notice.- Shop n't bis old stand diiectly opposite tht Conn House. C. BLIS8. ; Ann Arbor, Nov 6, 1!?43. 2?-ly. Tri E following indispensable fnmily remedie may be louml at MaTxahis Dnicgist Store, in Ann Aibor, wlu-re none will be solii utiless krown to be öf the beet kini! nnd no countcrlfit ai licle ever oflüted, potent medicine uivariably pro'cür'ed ól the origin 1 inventor or hip regular pnecessor: 01?' No fuvt.lj slionld bc a reedt without these re7)ic('ics.jrn BALÜNESS. BidiiL of Co'umliiu. for Uit, Huir, whicb wil Stop il if '"Hing out, or restore iton bnld placee and on cliild eiT make it grow inpidly, or on those who hivo lost the hair from nny cnupe. A IL VRMIjV that infest tlic heads of children in schools, are prevenied or killed by i' at once. Find jhe name of COMSTOCK on it or ne.vcr try it. Jemeviber t'iis alicays. PILES; &c. are wholly preventfd. or governed if the nVnck bas cumc on, ií yon the ovlij truc Hats' Lm-' niKNT, Irom Comstock & Co All SOKEív and every thinpr relievrd by it that ndniits of nn outward applieiuion. Jt acis like a clinjm. UfO it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positively cured: all shrivelled niueclcs nnd limbisre restored. in the oldoryoung, by the Ivdinn Vèg dable Eli dr and und'Bovt Liniment-bni.i never without the name óf Comstock & Co. unit. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMJFUGE will erndicatc all WORMS in children or adulta ■ wiih a certainty quite nstnnisbing. TOOT H DROPS. Kiakkb- cures eflcctually Ann Arbor. Feb. 5,1844. 41 ■BR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHCMLAGGGUE. AMUNG the mosi valuiilile qunlm8 of tlns . medicine, is its rcstorirg infíncnce, lipón conaiitutions impnired and injured by previoü iitiacks ot billicus iever, or fever nnd ague: or by n long residence in those climntcs whicli prodnee thenr. Thore nre nuiny constifiitions vhich lieconic grndunlly nnderniined by o miastoal mflucnce. withoui even a dny's nctuol confinement. ín such cases, the Cholagogue acta like a chorin: - the sallow complexión, loss of appetitc, lnnguor, weiirinces nnd dcprcssion of spirit, with' otiier unplensnnt sympionis which rendcr Iife ■■■ burden. nll yiold to this rcmedy when fmthluliy used occording to the direction of thenccompa-nying pnmphlet. It is ontirely n vegetable prep arntimi, and mny bc tnkcn w;th perfect s lety under nll circtJTnstnncrs of the sysiom. For snle by . _i. 3G WS. J. W. MAYNARD, solfi Acenr. f,.r Ann rbor nnd vicinity.FJRST raie Ten. Siipnr mid Coi'ec, at the lowest markftt priPF, nt „-nnT RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 JefT. Avenue, Detroit. May 80) A DFFNCE of the Wl.ig-". hig Almanne,. Whig Songs, and Life f Henry Clay y Sergeant. For sale at. Perry'e Book: Store. May -33 1841. &-


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