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Massachusetts For Birney: For The Signal Of Liberty

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A short time since, Mr. Reed, formerly Lieut, Governor of Massachusetts visited Detroit The Whigs itnmediately haci a special meeting of their Clay Club, for the parpóse of being addressed by this gentleman, who is a good politician, and intimately acquainted with the party feeling of his o-vvn State. While ín Detroit, Mr. Reed gave it as his opiníon to some persons fhere, that Mr. Birney would receive the electoral vote oí Massachusetts. The Emancipator has long taken the ground, that the vote of that State lies between Clay and Birney. That result is, indeed obvious. Polk cannot receive the vote, nar can either partj' command a majority without the aid" of the Liberty party. It's last vote was over 9000 - itsnext will probably be 15,000. If the Democrats, or a krge part of them shall nite with the party, they can elect the Liberty electoral ticket. - No principie will be compromised by so doing,for every Massachusetts democrat is an anti-slavery man. The unanimous vote of the Democratie Legislature to amend our Federal Constitution warrants this assertion. Such a result, then, as stated by Mr. Reed, is not i?n probable, nor would it be so remarkable, as was the proximity of the Liberty candidate to the speakership of the Assembly of that State a íew years ago, on which occasion he lacked but a single vote - his adrersatv} an oíd Abolitionist beating him but by one vote out of over 300. That such a result can even have so much plausibílity as tobe at all antícípated, is cheering, and while itisone of the facts, daily occurring to establish the benefit of one organization, it should encourage all our friends to support it with might and main.


Signal of Liberty
Old News