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Improvements In Machinery

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- From anticle on the Tariff in the New York Evening Post, we learn that an ingenious arti&an in MassachueettB has lately invented a method of making Maraeilles quilts rvith as much fa cility as the common brown slieeting which costs nine cents a yard. A power loom, driven by steom, evolves the beautiful tissues finshed with great regularity and symmetry; the raised figures on its surface exhibiting almost every imaginable variety of patfern. A httle girl, or any inexperienced person, may tend several looms at once. The price of the fabric can only exceed that of common brown 6heel!iig by the cost of the material, inasmuch as the labor of producing it is no greater. The same person has invented a power loom for weaving ingrain carpets with the same rapidity that the looms of our fabrics.- A certain rich capitalist at the north has made experiments to bring it to perfectipn, which he has at length succeeded in doing. A little girl stands at the rnachinery and teuds fbur or five looms, which jerk out the firiished fabric with incredible rapidity. As the principal expense of making this kind of carpeting has hitherto been the cost of the labor, the price will be greatly reduced by this invention. Tts author has been offcred, the Pott says, eighty thousand pounds for the patent right in England, but this, his obligation to the capitalist who has furnished him wilh the means of bringing it to perfectiou, forbid him to accept.I allow not lo human laws, be they prima ry or arcondary, no matter by what numbers, or with what eolemnities ordained, the least semblance of right to esiablish Slavery, to malee properiy of my fellow, created equaily, vith myself, m the image of God. Individlally, or a3 political comniunities, men heve no more rig-lit to enact Slavery,than they have o enact 'cnirder ot blafiphemy, or incest or adultery. To establish Slavey ie to dethrone right, to trample on juatice, the true foundation of Government. Governments exst, not for Ihe destruction of Jiberty, but for ts defence: nol for the annihilation ofmen's ghts, but their preservalion . - Jas. G. JSi"y- ____ The complete happiness of man - say6 the venerable John Quincy Adams- dependa on ia hoving one fixed habitation-one wedded artne for life - one omnipotent Groê to1 worhip. The Editor of the Liberty Standard says jeavitt's filorning Chronicle has 80Osubsctib rsi li cotóenced with


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