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Effect On Slaveholders

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The Liberty Standard quotes the folJowing f rom "a late Virginia paper" - name not given, It is worlhy of remark tliat the slavehoïders do not sneer at the role of Abolitionists however smalt. - Thoy despise their pelitions, and ridicule, insult and abuse those wbo present them: but we do not recollect ever to have scen a contemptuous expression in reference to the Liberty party, in Congress, -or in the Southern papers. They know that every vote means something. The votes are carefully counted and are considered as -strange and important J 'actsJ" The abolitionists of Ohio have had a state convention, and nominated for president. James G. Birney, of Michigan, Vice President, Thomas Morris of Ohio: State Governor, Leicester King, They nominated also a full t-icket for presideñtial electors. The abolitionists poll a vote in Ohio, of 6,470; Michigan 2.701). The aggregate vote last year in the free states was 52,534. It bas been rapidly increasing within lateyears. In 1840, it numbered 6,865; '41 20,636, and in '42, 34.716. The largest increase of abolition votes has probably been in New York, which, in three yeare hasadvanced from 2,000 to 14,000. These are strange and important facts. Time will teil some odd stories yet. The Voice of Freedom, published al Brandon, Vermont. says: "The antlslavery sentiment is increasing. The Democrats of the North havii.g been routed will rally under the true demccratic flng, and they, with those who will join from the North and South too, will soon presenta phalanx that will not easily be broken. A few years since, and hardly a man froin the democratie party within my knowledge, oined us. But now hundreds are coming' in from different parts of the State, nndl apprehenc! a niuch larger increase of Liberty votes this year than in.any fortner year."Wc have now one nortliern man in the. Cabïnet, to fi ve Slaveholders. The northerner is Mr. Wilkins, who voted for the gag rule, and has addressed his forraer cönstituents in favor of Texan annexation. For this small boon (one northern man ia the Cabinet and he a servile,) let us down on our marrow bones, in thankfulness and humility. - Lib. Herald. ft? The Constitutional Democrat says that the fort which has been commenced at Springwells, and for which Congress has made an appriation ($50,000 we believe) has been suspended for causes unknown. We are glad of it, and hope it wiH never be resumed. Better give the money to the workmen, than task their energies for that which will do no good. "Weticn Rrriaf." We have rcc,ived the first numlier oT this work nuhliahnd , c cuse, N! Y. and eded b'luEÏ %%% be dcvoted to ecciéslastícal and social reform. I. lajssucd q.uartcriy. al 50 cents per dozen.


Signal of Liberty
Old News