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Democracy Again

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We luid the lollovving paragr.-iplis travelling the circlc of the pupers. ifcw-HatnpsIiire Is the bunaer Staie of Deniocracy, ;ind sucli piovusious as are liere cnuuieruted are a disgrace tu tbe Siatc. and to the p.triy that toteraie tliem in tlte Statuto book. ïf tlns bc Dcinocracy, whïii nuiat Fedcraüsni bu? ■ 'In the 'Democratie' sinte of' New Ilampshiro, nn tnm cm In: u Govcrnnr imltts lm is worlli FIl'E nUSnilllD POUNDÜ STERLING! ft-r-a b'futi: S, nitor ui,,rs lic h worUi TIVO HUNDKICI) l'avvds Sterling !! lunaREPJiESENVAUVÈ uuless lie is woriii ONE IIVNÜRED POL ÑOS STERLING! ! !' 'In the 'Dr.mocnUic'.Suno 1 New ilampshire - the oiihj slwtding locof'o.;o Stut; in the L'nion! ArO ROMAN CATHÖUC CAN BE A CiOVKRiVOU, OR A MliiVlUER OF THE LEGÏSLATVRVA'.VO "We cunnot but admiro ihe uiibiusuing impülence af iliose YVhigs who go arouud fiom place 10 place, rtssuritig every ono that all the liibcny incii of ibis and that tWh or village have left their party and are going for" tho Wliigs.- Such storios are gravely repeated by tiróse wbo cali themselvcs respectoble men, bccause some tinscru'piiluus liar 'lias set ífieiri ufiuat. The AVhigs scem (o be so umched to their gaiubling nd duêlliug candidate, ihat ibey deern his notoriousvices no lar to the support of nrc'y portion fciiiritinity. 'fhey wili ñud thëir mistake in November next. "IVeref the Liberty organiaation o be droppod to-morrow, it would be of smal! avnil to the Whigs. The vast majoriiy of the Liberty party would stil! refuse to vote for a Pres ?dent who,n almost scvcntij ijtafs ofagc, ennnot bc rc8trnined froin figluing his fellow-ciiizens except by the impoeitiou of $5,000 bonds. It is ü standing disgrace to the Whig party thal those hondsarc not canceüed. No Presideiïtial candi date was ever frefore imninated orelectod under auch humiliating circumsttrrfcea. t? The intended duel belweer. John Clay. on of Mcïiry Clay, and a young man namcd Hopkins, did not take place- Mr. Clay making an honorable apology, on arriving at the ground. The Cincinnati Advertiser says the ofFence was given over a gaming tabú, when the young gen tlemen were cansklrably rpiriíuaÚsciL Tliis is according to tlic custonis of the chivalry-tíambling - Intoxication- and Pistola. "The people of the North have no right to act upon tin subject of Soinhern slavery; Tberefore they have no rigljt to' delibérate - no rifiht iv diacuss." - Cluy's spttch in the Scuató, 18371. How would Mr. Frelinghuysen like thia arRumcnt when applied to hïs faoike mifisionary entifrprise? It tniglu read thusi "Tbff pe&pïa of the Üinted' States have m rigUt to net upoiï tlfe subject of East India idolatry; thereiore they have no ríght to delibérate - no right to discuss." ICTGen. Waddy Thompson, of South Carolina, out late Whig minister to Mexico, lately adórese ed the electora of Albany. He avowed himself opposed to the TarifT, and irt' favor of the nnnexation of TeXas. Mexico lie said was a wcak country, and wc had not hing to fear from her. IET" A most destructivo conflagration took place in Boston on the 25th ub. in the afternoon. Many large blocks were destroyed, and a great number ol wooden buildings.0 Some of the admirers of Mr. Clay, deterinined tha't none of his excellencics hall escnpe public twiice, are puffing him in prof sasional language, thus: "John Tyler is ii sharper vilc, Aiicl cheatiii" isliisaim; ÍJe nirnej che of diiimunds up, And tliou;lu hc ad the gane. Butnüw wu've ehowu hidi uil uur hand, Aod do':; in dolcAil dunips- For HExVRY CLAY'S the peoplc's card, And li s the acö of'trumpsl And lie's tlio ace of truinp. my bnys, And he's (heacco irump.-," &c. cc. Wonder f Mr. Frelinghuysen sings iliis dit- ty? ÏÏJ The ';Gkanitk Fhbemak" is the tille oí a áew Liberty pnp'er just commencedat Cóncord. N. J. K. Iíood. íts typogrupln'cal exéc.u:ion isgood. It is to be issued weekly at $1,50 a ad vanee. UT The Superintendent of Public lns-ruciion ías appointed the following gentlemen tobe Visítors for. he University of Micliigan. Hon. F. J. Litti.fjohn, Rev. C. W. Frrcir, Hev. A. Tkx Brook, Samuki. Dk.nton, M. D. C. N Ormsuv, JVT. D.CT Chancellor Bibb, of Kenuckyt lias,lccep_ ted the oflke of Seereiary of the Treasury. O We nre indebted to Hon. Lucius Lyon for sundry Congresiional documenfs. ET The Demócrata are to hold a Stalo Mass meeting at Marshall. Scpt. 10 ÖT0 The Madisonian gives noticethat Mr. TyJer will not withdraw from the Presidential contestas has been rumored. Ann Arbor, July 5th 1844. Wheat has Tallen to 56i cents. Flour 'm New York on the 29th uit. was dull at L4,25 to Í 4,37. Present appearances indícate that the sales of the new erop will commence at low prices.


Signal of Liberty
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