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David Lee Child

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The Whig papers are congratulating each otherbecause this gentleman, formerly Editor of the National Anti-slnvery Standard, has come cm Cor Henry CJay at a Whig meeting in Northampton. We believc he internis to take a prominent part in the cunvass. The nuinber tliat Mr. Child will be able seduce from the Old Organizmionists,or from the Liberty pany,will besniaH indeed. H8 partiality for Clay gave so greaf dissatisfaction to hls reaJers. tbat at the meeting of fhe National A. S. Society, he was obliged to resign his eiluatiorï as Editor of the Standard'. At that meeting he ntroduced a resolutiort Chat Clay's letter on Texas was satisfacwry, vrhich was unanïmously vottd doten, only himself one other sustaining it. Mr. Cloy has been too abusive nnd insuhing to Abolitionists of all classes toreceive much favor from them Mr. Child's position we understand to be this: The grea: object of abulitionists now tokeep out Texas; if Mr. Clay shall be elected. Texas wil! not be annexed; therefore let us vote for Mr. Clay. Every sensible Aboliüonist will deny both the premÍ8es and the conclusión. Mr. Child was the Washington correspondent of the Liberatoj last winter. Garrison. the Editor of that paper, expresses his optnion of Mr. Child's defection wiih his usual plairaness of speech, as follows: 'The Whig papers are rejoiciwg at the fact. that Mr. Child recently addressed a Y hig meeting in Northampton, in favor of the eleciion of Messrs. Clay and Frelinghuysen, and avowed his readincss to give his hearty upport to the Whig pany. It' they suppose that his exarnple wtll be imitated, in this particular, by any considerable nuinber of aboliuonis's, they certainly count without their host. We deeply regret what our friend Child has done, though we have no doubt that he verily thinka he is doing our cause the highest possible service by going wiih the Whigs at thio time; aud we maFvei that an abolnionist can be found', in theyear 11644, who can persuade himself that hé doeernot sacrifice his )rinciple8, dishonor his profeseion-, and pour con tempt on .the name of liberty, by voting for a MAN-STEALER. and the, desperate fot of the unti-s'.avery mooemint, to iill the most powerful and responsible station in the United States. Ii is true, the Whig party, so far as the queslion o!" Tesas is concerned, is pro tempore in a more friendly atli'ude to our cause than th o democratie party: but it is no: to be trusted; and we shall assuredly be betrayed by it, as soon as it holds the reins of governtnent. Any party that delights to honor a duellist, thief and robber, i maniièsily unprincipled, and no reliance should be placed on its profe'ssions."U The pardoning power of' the Government of Rhode Island is placed with the Legislature. The papers etaie that at their late session they passed a resoluiion of general amxesty. granting a free pardon to all persons under indictmeni for participaron in the recent insurrection, who shall, at the nexc term of the Supreme Court of tha: .StatOjtake the oath of allegiance to the State of Rhode Island,& swear to support the constitution of that State and of the United Sta'es. s So Got. Dorr can be released from impri8onment on the taking the oath of allegiance to the State. O Henry De Puy, editor and publisher of the Wobash (ÍI1.) Standard, a Democratie paper, has withdrawn from it, because he wa unwilling to be any longer identified with a party that has made the extensión ofSlaveryone of its chwf objects. O Joshua Howard, Marshal of this Stale, hae boen removed by President Tyler, and Levi Humphrey, a Droocrat appointed in bis place.


Signal of Liberty
Old News