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Anti-slavery In Lenawee County: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Messrs. Ejjitors:- At a meeting of the friends of the slave in Franklin, Lenawee County, the following Preamble and Re&olutions were unanimously adopted - when on motion-, it was voted Üiat they bo Ibrwarded for pubftcation in the Slgnal. Whereas, there are truiha eo self evident, or so imnaediateJy and palpa bly doduced from those that aFe, or acknowledged for such, Hint they are at once intelügible lo all men who possess the commonadvantagee of the socia! state; and whereas the title of every member of the human family, uncharged with crime, lo "life. überty and the pursuit of happineas" ia among these truths- and whereas, by sophstry, by evil habit, by lust of power and of gold- by the neglect, false persuasione and impostures of air anti-chiistian. priestbood and prese, jpined in one conspiracy withgogues and tyrants - the understundinge of men have becorce so darkened, and their consciences so lethargie that there has origen a necessity for the republication of this fundamental tnuii, and tliat, too, with a voice of loud alarm and impassioned warniog: And vvhereap, the 6y6tem of slnvery exitsting in onr land, "sanctioned by the governmeni and tolefated by the church in many of its departments, is made up of every crime that treachery and cruelty can invent, and has been juslly called "the sum of all villaniee;" and whereas, menstealers are the very worel of theive?, and ore claseed by the inspired Pnul with murderers of fathera and murderers of mothers; and whereas the word of God, common sense and common law muke no dititinction between the thief and those who knowingly and wiilingly partake of hg spoiJs: Therefore, Resolved, That the time has come when tlie friendí of Humanity must encounter this giant sin in open warfare- in the church and in the State, by moral suasion and by the ballot- hoving no fcllowship with Lliis unfmitful worlc of darkness, but ever reprovmg it. Whereas, The word of God declares that he who ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God, and that we are not to do e vil thftt good may come. Therefore, Resolved, Thot we cannot cast our vote for a filaveholder or an npologist for Slavery for any office within ourResolved, That we will use our best endeavors for the abolition of Slavery- striving to fulfil the apostolic injunction - remember those that are in bonds as bound with them. Whereas, the effbrt now made to induce Liberty roen to vote with the Whigs should be coiinteracted, and whereas, the representa tion that the Wliig candidatos are pledged not to admit Texas (o the Union, is fallacious, and all tlie argument eophist ical, being a repetition of the old story "go with us tbis once" - "don't throw away your vote," kc. TJierefore, Resolved, That we pledge ourselvew to vote for the Liberty party candidates - if we apirove their character- beheving that it is ihrough this organizatio ihat Slavety can be most effeclually assailed.


Signal of Liberty
Old News