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New Hat Store. JAMES G. CRANE, would respectfully nform ihe PuLlic, that he hos opeuéd a fina stock of HaU, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Collars, Umbrellas and Gloves, at No. J05, Jeñereon Avenue, Detroit, uearfy opposite the U. S. Coim Roorn and Post Office, whero be wül be happy 10 ee hís ftiends and íupply them with os good an nrticlé n tus lin aa can be procured, ei:her he:e or at the aat and as cheup. Gentlemen'Jn the interior, wishing a first rata fashionable orticie oTHffta or Cnps, can bo supulied by 8tnding iheir size or hove any stvle furnished to order in a lew hours. and icurrtinted to suiL Cali and see- it nmy save you a dullnr. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,, July ]2 1844. J3-6:n THE MJSSES CLARKS' Young1 Nadies' Scminary, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. MARY H. CLARK. Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vicé Principal.MISS WEST, Teacher in Music. H. F. SCHOFF, do of Classics. d . 3o in Frenen. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica: RHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenilè Dëpt'.npHIS Institution hus been in operation sincè" X. November ld. WZQ. The scholnstic year embracinsi forty-eighl weeks, two terrr. comprising two quarlere each - twelve weeeks ín a quarter - a general e.xamination at the close of each term - in February and AugLBr. he last quarier of the present term com-menced Mcy20th. After a mooth's VHcation, at the close of ihiáqdnrter. which ends the scholastic year, school wilFbe again resumed the ñist week in September next. Tït.Mi or Toitios - Fór thd Knglisii b'ranches, 2,50 to S5 per quartcr. No reductioh made' for aL3nce, except in case of sicknees. nnd no pupil tuken for less than a quarter. Extra charges are made for music on the Piano, with the use of the instrument, $3,00 French, 3,00 Latin, 3,00 Drawing ond Painttng, 6,00 Fancv Work, 3.0 Board, including wathing, lights, éüC, $1.75' per week if jiaid in advunce, or 2,00 pflr weekif paid at the close of the quarter. Parems and guurdians are invited to visit the school everv Friday, when the studies of the week are reviewed - a!so semi -monthly on Wed■nesday afternoon. at readingof the weekly compositions.Young Iridies desirous of entering the schoot and pursuing the regut&r tfonrse of study, would do well commence al the begining of th tem. Having purchaseda heahhy and commodious building in & pleaeant and convenient part óf tha village, no pains or expense shall be spared'tcr racilitate the studies ond render the Bitüation of the young latlies profitable and ogreefcble. Belonging to the school are a Libraryofberween three and four hundred volumes, and Phiosophical Apparatue, Electrical Machine, Globes, &.c Scieniific lectures are delivered bcfore tho school af proper intervals. The Misses Clark will endenvor. nut only to' promote rhe intellectul culture of their pupila, 'out will attend strictly to their moral deportment. With a deepsenoe of religious rosponsibility,they would give euch a tone to charocter, as shnll' render it praciieally fitteJ for every station - yield-ing to duty but hrm to principie. Among the boaks uscd in tlie school are, Abercrombic on the Jntelteclual and Moral Powers- Kane's Elements öf Cri:iciem - WaylandV Mornl Science - Newman's Rheioric- Hedge's Logic- Piiley'oNamral Theology and Evidencca ot Christianjiy - Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Fhilosophy- Combe"s Physiology- Mrs. ■ Lineoln's Botany- Eaton's Manual of Botany- - ■ Burritt's Geography ol'the Heavena- Firat. Second and Third Books of History- Mrs.' Williard's Republic of Amerrca- Phclps Legal Classics- Playfair's Euclid, and Davie's Algebra and? Arithmetic- Parker' s Natural PhUosophy. The Misses Clark have taught a Young Ladjes School for several years in tho Ciiy ol New ork, andnre furnished wiih testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D.. and Johrt M. Griscun, M. D., of New Ycrk,Rev. J. ; Biüke. ofBjooklyn, and Mrs. Emma'Willardi öf T roy. N. Y. ; aisö, rcf'erence is made, by riérmission. to the fóllowing gentlemen : Rt. Rcv. S. A. McCoskry. D. D., Robert Rumsey nnd' L. B. Misner. . Esqrs., Detroit: Rev. Isaac S. Keicham. Centreville ; Rev. J. ÍJudson. White Pigeon , Rev. J. P. Ckveland. and Geo.'Keteh,um. Marshall ; Hon. Wm. R. Üeland. Jackëon, Paul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. H. Winan; Adrián: Daniel FÜA-son. Clinton; Gardiner Wheeler. M. D.. Howell; Rev. F. H. Ciiming; Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Colclnzer. Rev. Á'. M. :Ftch? S, Benton. M. D., P. Bngham.M. D, Hon. Wm. A. Fleichcr, ílon. Wm. R. Tbómpson, E. Mnndy, Esq.. John Alien. Esq.. Geo. W. Jewett. Eq.. Col. Thomns Mosely, Capt-J. Perkins. Thomas Ladii, F. Snwyer. Jr., Psq . late Superintendent of Public Ihstruction,' Professors Whitinp. .WiFliams and fïoüghtori, of ihe UniVeVsiu' of Micliignn. Ann Arhor":' Jamtia Birdsall antf Rev. Jorm BeacK; ílint; AmosMead. Esq., Farmington. The fóllowing gentlemen, Rev H. Colclnzer' Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A.-M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtías. Professors Whiting and Williams oí the University of' Mlchig.-m, nnd F. Sawyer,Jr.. late Siiperintendcrtt of Public Insiructioni have consenied tö act air a% n'siting committpe of he school to be present' when the weekly siülies are reviewed; hul espcciallyto attend during the semi-anrunl examinations. September 4. 1843. 9t(tDR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CKOLAGCGÜE. AMÖiNG the most valuable qualitif-s of tliia . medicine, is iis restoring influence pod Jiistitutions impnired and njured by prcvious fittncUs ot billiciis fever. ör fftver and ague; or by a lonifresidence n tbüse clirinates which produce theui. ore ruany constitutiona which beconsc graiu.-iliy undermined by a mitismal influence, tfiïliom eveti u doy'sactuül confinemenr. (n such cases, tHe Choiogüpöe acis liKe o cÜarm -the sallo complexión, loss of nppetite, languor, weaiiness nnd depression of spirits, itii other unpleasant syniptonis which reilder üfe a burden. al' yield to íhis remedy when fiiithfully iisfcd actfording to tho dir'ections of the atnompa-nyingpnmphlet. ft is oniirely a vegetable prep sration, ond mny be taken ruh rtcffect SLÍety ua der all circi:mstnnccs of tde systepj. For sale bj 3a iv. s. jíj. tv. matnarö; sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and viciriity.„ ' w R stófel ï sh in en t. MACHINES. T7-1NAPI'. IJAVILANL fc CU. would re" . JV. pectfuüy in lor m the -farmers of WnslitenaW and the gurroünding cöünries thnt ihey havo eetablislicd thernselvea in Lower Town. Ann Ai-bor. for the purpose of manufacturing Tlireshing' Machines.; il a ving hiien for msny years engaged in this businosir irt Ohio. tliey feel thnt they can with confidence recommend their work. ar 'naking ihe Burrall & Cndiz Macbines and Horse power; alsG Êasfmari'a planatary power, different froïn any other made in this country nnd penerally pieferred tb any other Machines, which they intend (o eeM at auch prices and ore such terms as cannot fail to givc satisfoction- thty aro detormined not to be outdone by any similar establishment either in price. siyle or quality of work. ','Competúion is ihe life of (rade" and all they nsk ol the Farming community is ío patronizo' (hen so far as lo giye them an opportunity ofsuppiping a part of the Machines that may he wanrod. They aro prepared to repair old Machines; Their eHop is ín the basement story of ÍÍ. & . R. Patridge & Co's Machine shop, where the may be lound to answer all calle. KNAP?, -HAVÏLAND & CO. W. W. KNAPl, T. A. HAVU.ANO, J. E. MC Í..1IX. Ann Arhnr. April ?9. 1844. 6ml MARRIAGE CERTIFICA TES, OF superior quality, just printed and for Sal at this OrTira. Ann Arbri Nov. 2, 1&43.


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