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AT TE NT I ON JJS r réCeived m üie General iApui. ior thc salo ot' Clo.lners S'loek, Mncliiuery, L'lÖtuös, fec'. &g,, No. l'39i Jtff.rsun Avenue, Detroit, the fbllowing larue, weil assurted. ami areíully selecied stock, viz: 101) bbls. St. Duimngo Logwood. Cut, 5 Tons ; " " Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Futic, Cut. 5 Tone '; ' in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood. Chipped, T0 " Lima Wood, ' 30 " Red Wood. " 12) ' Grotind Cumwood, 10 " Quercitron fiurk, 5)0 Iba. Nutgttlis, IU Cases Exirnct of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lne t)ye, 2 Ceroons Spnnish ItíüSgo, 3J0 ll3. Sinnac Sicily, 3 C.ísus Midiler. 3 Cnsks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alum. 2 Barrels Red Tnrtnr. 2 Ji.'ireis Cicnm Tartar, 3 Carboys Aqun Funis, f " Oí) Viiiinl, 3 ; Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdiguis. 5) ': Block.finj, Tease's. tvíné, Copper Kettlea, a!l sizes, P.irsi)n'8 Shearii}g Mai-liiut-s, Curtis' " li Screws and Press Piales. Cranks. Press Paer. S;'el Roeds, Worsicd Flarness. Temer Hooks, Emery, n II .Wá... Olive Oil, Cloihiers' Jacks. Satiinett Wnrp, Clothiers' Bruslu-s. Shimles, Pickers. Card Clenners, ífcc. &c. The above. with a v.nieiy oi' dtlier.nrticles belonginï to the irade. have been purchnsed this uununer by tlie subspriíifrs froiu íMniiu.'iicmrcr and First Hands in the New York, i hiladelphin. nn:I Boston Mirkeis. and every ihing lia.vtng íes ceived lus personal inspecüon, be c-;in wiih ih ultnnst contidence off ir thom 10 purchasera as h best (ind mos' co-npl-fc stock ii tJiecouniry: nnd as it is his fixerl determination (by the low rnteb: which he will sell) 'o urevent the necessi'y ol our Clothiers and iMiimifa-'urerB leaving thcStste to malte their purchnses. hfl would merel} Bny to ihe trade, VALL. examine ihi eunds nm' ascertnin prices befire you say you can buv cheaper arn irhb-c else. He is also prepared I" con'r.ict fot CARDIjNG MACHINES made n riñe Súaie or Eaat. PÍERRE TF.Lt.ER, Sign ofihíG.ilílfii) Inriar. 139. JeíFerson Avenue. [17-tf. ] Detroit. DRY GOODS, Feathers, Paper Hangings, BASKETS, &c. MAY be fouud at ihe lowesi cash prices, al RavmoxdjVs Cash Cstoïu;, 14S Jelferson Avenue, De' ruit." The umkrsignod hasjust received a full stock of SPRING GOODS, S the most desirnble stylea and paneras, suitablo for cuy or couutr trade. AMOSfl WHKH ARB: Frencli Lnwns, Girrgham Mus I in?. IWusün do Jaines, Balzarined, Biiizarinc Muslins, Striped Swise Musün?, Rieh Calicóes, of all qualities, coiors and patterns. Paiualooii and Coat eiuffs, sach as Gamlircons, Swcdcs Cnssineres, Fancy Dnllinys, Linen Chccks, I'laid sWedèê. Fancy Kns;lish Cassimeres, Brond Cloths, Keutucky Jeans. &c. - ALSO - Blue Driirs, do L'inens, Fustinns. Tickings, Checks, Linsejs, Builnps. BagE;ings, Pudding, Canvass, i ftroVn heetings and Drillings, fileaclied Cot'ons, Swiss, Jackonet. Book & Barred Mu6ins. Wiile Lnces and Lace Edgings, oJ every descriptiwi, Vestings, Bonneia, Ribbons, Lincn Cambric, Cainlirics, Hankerchiefs, Cravats, &.c. &c. &c. Persons trading in the city are invired. ai least, to cali and tok at this stock, and if tlie prices are not as low as elsewheie, patronage it not expectcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 143 Jeíferson Aveuue. Detroit. Maj 20, 1844. 4 QmYoung Nadies' Semínary MISS K. l'AGh. AiD MloS L. MuUKJL, Associute TcurJ.e s. MISS. G WESI, Teuiur in Music. MRS. HUGHS, TcacicT ,n Drutomg und-Puint ing. MR. F. MARSÍ1, Teac'erin Muüiemaiics nn TfcBMS - Tuition in the Enylisli i):anches o-. $2.5) 10 $5,iiU per iudrier ui tuelve weuks.- Lessons un the Piano, wiih the use oí ilie insiru mem. $10.()i)_F.nicy wo.'rk, $:$,0ü- Ümwinand Pnmting giD.Uli- Lann'. 3.00- fíeiiciX $3,00- Board, i.5Ü- Wuslimg md imnmg 074 cents per dozen. JNo pupil wnl be receivcd tol less than one quirter. and no deduciion lor :ibscnce wiil be maiie, e.xcepi in cuses ui wctúie&s That ihissein'innry uuiy posséss every uavantage fot oWítting n thortíugk pfn-ucal iind ilfined educalH-n, and itmt leut!)' is niny Iiefe te fully prepured tor the fulfilii.em of ilicir duiiet. Miss P. lias .ppled f.r aid io Miss Lyn. of the distingnished erniniify in Souii lladiy.Mu.. and she is happy loamidmicé io lie public, .h... ihe neice of i is i'rinoipal „nd sister to ts' Vfa Principal, edacared under tiieir mflueucüs, will, in luture be assocjpied vv.ili Miss Page, m un ai tempt to renráti instinuiun in tliis Península'; oí. afooting wiili the l.est at tl,e Miss Muur brings witli her ilie cxperitnce ol iour yeara leadi mg in n S-auiiern Seininnry, wlijch s!iu lias elevaied nearly in a New Engföird sahortl. h ie ex pected ihot a Líbrary and" Philosophical appnra tus vill belong t ) tlus insiiiutinn. - All who are inierestod n the educaiion o you;h, are requested to visit thesebuijj and nou personal obser.vmion, become acquainted witli its organization and itffntfvantnges Cumposumns will be read on Frid'iys. The Superiniendent of Public Inslruction. Di Comstock. tbe Profe.isors of the Universi:v and the Clergy öl Ann Arbor will act f visiting coni minee to ihe School, to whom referfiiice iöffiade; also to A1r. J. Welles. Capt. J. Perkiüy, Col' T. Moseley. Mr. VV. S. IWayöard, Mr. J. Sinclair, Hon. E. Mundy. Hon. R. S. Wilson and L. Lawrencc. Ksq.,of Ann Arbor; F. P. Hastings, Eeq.j Hon. J. M. Howard. Hon. G Hammond, Deiroit; Rev. H. Hammond, Ho.iicr. sev. L. S. flobart. Union C'ty; Hon. K P Champlin, Jonesville: Rev. Wm. Pape, Jlonroe: C. T. Gorlmm, Marshall, Rev. A. M. FhcIj Jackson. j 'NOTICE.' "DAN awny froin ihe subcriber, the forepart Xt of Mrfrch last, Levi Wait, a bound boy-! therefore forbitl al! peisons harboring or trusrinc mm on my nccount, as í shall pay no debis o! luscontrocting. t M n, GILBERT ALLEN. Lorfi, May 20th, 1841. t)_,f, CFURLES ÊTsTEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOUCITOR IN CHANCERY, 4VEXE DETROJT. 49.1 f. WOOS.! WOOL! CLOTH! CLOTHÏ! HPHK Subscriben? would tnform tlic Public X ih:n they svill continue to aianufactiire gooi) at ihoir Mnnufnctory, two nnd a halt mil vcyi of Ann Albor, o ti the Hu-ou, on ihc lolluwin TER MS. Until ilic üvti diy pi Junuary, A. D. I84:". he pricé wilt be '.i ccius per yard. or half the cloili i hè .vool will ni::kc. Fniin ihe Ist of Jan unrv 10 ih löi!i of M;iy. 1S45. ihe priee wili ho 3) cenis per yard. or nine ivvcniieihs of ihv ujoijj ihc wduI u-ili iiiakc. tlüit is. 45 yanls om o lífO "ína nu fnciu red. 'J'lie wool H-jllB'é liia'fuilaeiiired in luin ns il may come into tlie Inciory, ns nour aa irtaj be wuh referunoe to ihe tiiIèruni iiunlicies. Auy person who wili furiiish 01 more pnrcels ol wnol (rom SO 10 100 pounds pi une quuliiy enn lmvo it iñaifuíhérured Liy isclf. V.'ool wili he roce ved ut Sci .. VVool sent 'y Rmlroad will be attended lojn ihe same m ui ucr is i( ihc owncr wcre to come wuli il - il should be careully marked. AVe have munuinclurcd cloih dunn the pnst year lor a very hirsii inimber ofcustoitieii!. lo wfftrfti ve helieve wc havcgiven ver.y aenral sutislaniion With these fncts and the advaniagts ofièied by ihe low priee at wh.ïcb we ofiVr to inaiuiíiict tire cloth, we hope lor a larize shnre ol pnirnri sp. SAMUEL W. FOSTER-& CO. Sci..r V;.6l.:en;iw Co.. April ';5. 1844. 3-tiÜArnong; ihe mnny str.k'ng prools o( itie ex ciietnent 01 JJrisiol's áarsupnnllii, not the least i turnished in ihe liict lina snel) a inultituJe ol spu ïous and cojunïertrïi prepbraliohs have heen put fonh. sfh3 soine ofthem hy men that profesa n hipl) business standing Unless this medicine had heen ui sovereign valne, and its great success ln-yotifi qi qi:i-s!ion. it would have Ibund no itiitntii'iis. People nevei counierfeit ihot which is aluelo-ss. VVhoèër lieard of n single cutu- terfeit of the wüd-ca'. currency oi the Westi - Sterling coin and snfpiy-lund biJJs are counter'ei'eri consluiüly. The iiict ihnt a thinr is e.tensively ïff.iied. is proo) oí its víiIuc. - The siifceísof Brisíol's.yarsapnrilla hñs cnused it to he counterfeiied in In ost njl tlie cities nnd lowiis in the Uuton. Spurious lüoney is univèrsally rejected. eo shoujd s'purTous medicines be. Ñii sciisihlf 'pcrsofi uiü t.ike the fnlsc "wlien iie cm get the tiue. Penple w]i-( di not vvish t 1)6 impnsed upon. síimild ohi.nn iho genuino nrtifie. Aiteiüion to this is of ihf (irst i:npoit;mce. Caittiv. - Asi? ur BriaWs SiirsSpanHi; nnd sec thii! the 'wriiton -tijrnñtiiic ofC. C. Biis'nl i's over the cork f ihe boule. noncoiher is uenuine Fors-!. 'l?v W $, & J. W:. ?AVNÁRJ).MACHINES. TH h Subscríbela iiru now iiüiituhcnirin" HORS!-:. ROYVEfth md TH REblJl.NG .VI ACJiJXrS. Cftñstriicréd in the best rmd nnst durable manner. The power fs a foiir horse power, bul is nis a firsi raie pnvver for hvn lïïrsea when wanted for ihat ptirpose. Jt isentiiely unlike any tlmi hnve ever been offered tn ihe puhiic in ülU .Sta'fè "" elsewlieie: and is believ. ed tOpossr'ssitnporMnt advaniages Overanv mlier power. It wil] work ensier. (iliai i?, wnh loss siifn-ii oi power) ihnn mhcr povvcrs ; is more compact nriJ coiiyenieht ro move ; occupying only ihree lect b5' sovcn. and cnw be loaded int- a conimon wagron to. ihe' ihresher and drawn by one pair oflwuses. Economy. strength of ma'erinl, and duinliility, are uniied in ihe consirnction oi'i!ies Mncliines ; lience theyc:m ind w,ll bè Süld VKRY LOW , ;,wt:r tlinn nny .Vlficliines bave ever been sotd in ihis Sime. We are anxious 10 sell flierr ior CASH, and thosQ. who can pay CASH are especially inviied tocnll on us. Tfibcyïïndcfs t ■ he ihi e-hors are ail on. This is the best 'power in exisunce fnr FnVnrers lo use. for ihreshirg theirow.-i grain, and hr.s been gotupwuli n vie-w lo their specinl loconimo dalion. The fr;eiliiy wiih it can be moved from öne"] 1 ice to another fenderi ie very Convenient for severfil joint owners. WhiMiever q p-wer ís: wnnred for two Uorses. n thresher o suitable size uil! be ennstructed at very short notice. Two or threc Farmers, laige crops lothiesh can purchnse one of these Machines jointly, at less cost to eaeh than the expense of job tlueshing or one year. The establishment is 2J miles Irom Ann Arbor, on the Rail Road, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER &EO Scio. June "7. 1S44. . 9tf HÁÍÜLOCK & RAYMOiVI), FASIIIONABI.E CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Desiwy, rs Block, 127 J ffrrsun An-mie.% = 8: is" g te Sc2 J9 - 3 w mJS Q ítíon3' & . : Bf - íli , ?s bS 55 O Bilis i:i"iz L O h - 4 fS8! lïjiff II P g r " ■■■ 5= :s w . r , r-I- (ffC SB - I 3 - V? ' Lèm Br f -' JT r " -' ' - " L BEgShI 2 I' S t I í f 1 .9 ; q to 3? IÈ Hlfll f Ö 63 g Eli s. i s I i 3 y :. íifíí I S SSL. B. WALHER'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Td E sulisciibers tnke ihis nieihud oi inlbr.-nn ;ill such as are engagcd in tlie MiÜinc iiisinrM in rhe Stniool' Michigan, fhot they nrc now miinufnciuring in A tin Arbor. YVnshifrnaw Cuuniy. Michigan, L. B. Wnlker's Patent Snuit lüachinc, uliich they would recoiiiiiicinl i.o nke ihe íí:nui ofT I wliftit ns well or butler fhnn any other inncliine. 'I'his mnchinc is a hpriz?ntal tnncluno - il reiains dl ihe (ncnon o!" the whent, aiui uniting simpliciiy wiih dtirnliilny. t cmnöines the ho-itmg, scouririg, nnd blowini.' principias, dis ch'irgLng'the dust nnd smut is fast os sepnrated ip in ilie wheat. This inachinc 3 peifectly secifro fróm fire, and luns niucli liglucr ihan an .uher mnchnie in tisc. For farther nformiition. ifcc liirge bilis. S!iop in Lower Towti. Piici o ngioe wisl) tlic tunes. All orders for Ma ■ him-s will be p'romptly attended f o. Address. E. O. & A. CR1TTF.NDEN. Ann Arbor, Wasbtcnaw Co., Mich .7 uly 8.1844. 'i 6m TO CLOTHIERS MJJYUFJCTURERti W.YZ MKRCHJiJVTS. npHE subscribers are now rcceiving, at tlicir J. stores, 188 Jefferson Avcni-?, and corner oi Randolph . and Woodbridge etreeis, Detroit, a arge and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood. J'ustic. l.imewooo'. Zs'icar raiua, Hypernic Wood. in the stick, 30 bbls. erouiid Camwood, J50 do" Fustic 120 do Logwood. 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Alum, 6 hhds Conperas,4 do Rhm Vitiiol, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Modders, prime, 500 Ibs Extract Logwood. 600 do Bengal. M;idrnsnnd Cnraccas índigo. 300 do Blue Nutgalls. (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2ijO do Verdigris. 10 Carboys Oil Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortie, 4 do Spirits Sen Sal'?, 4 do NitricAcid, 2 cases Lnc Dye. 300 Ibs. BnnquoTin, 2.".0 do Orenm Tannr. 000 do Q lercciron Bark. Togeilier wiih n completo nssortmcnf o f al I th(ninor anieles in the mide, to wn: P.ess Papers. Tenzles, Rruslu-s. .lacles. Tent Honks. Dve Keitles. Pclers. Bii-lmg Jrons, Nippers. Prussinte nf "otnsin Snl Amonioc. Sal Soda, Sus;nr oí Lond. Sicel íiecds. Ciird Cleáners.MACHINE CARDS, Sniineit -Warps, S'icnrs. Vr.. This ent ir stock lias heen pim liased wíihin ilic Inst two wet-ks. and selecied peisnn.-illv by órir of i lia concern, who lins l)een n the luisines? liii the Ijisi eleven yenre. nnd they li.-ive no liefitótjon in snviiiir that the qunlity of These emoils ís unpxceptinnnhle. They wíll po-!tívly he sold m thc Iowe8t New York jobbing prices. with the adHiiion of tr.'inpporiíilion only. The siihscribers hnve the sole Agcncy in this Sime fur thp snlf of "f ARSON'S SHF.ARÍ.VG MACHINES." nnd ihe celehnted "lÊJCÈSfEli MACH INI. CARDS," dcptflctlly thé hes' in use. THEO. II. EATON, & CO. April 11, I8-1H. 51 tf Whigs! Wliigsü DFFNCE of the Whig. W hts Alnnnncs Whig Sones, and Ln'e of Henry Oay hy ÖJirffcant. Fur sale at Peny's Book Store Mny 23144. 5,(TjMRST rale Ten. Suonr and Coffec, at thr JP lowesi marker pri-c?, at RAYMON1TS CASH STORE. 148 JefF. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. . . 4 "SINCLAIR & CHASË7 jJTTOBA'EYS AND COUjYSELLOES AT LA f F, (OFFICE LOWEIl TOWN. ANK ARBOR,) Vill ttend o all business in .their piofessior. vith alideüty and despaich. l'aricular atteniion wHl be g'rven tö collccirCOBËflT P. 8ISCI.AIR, EDWABD R. CHASK. Mnrqh -20. 1844. , 4-ly.AT THE CASITSTORE OF Fw Jlrhor, Lower Tillage. JUST reccivcd at the above cslabli-hrmnt, a complete os?ortment of Groceries, Cro kry, ih' lf Hardware, Boots ond Shots, Toscan ad Siraw Bonnets, FJower, &. &c, all ol' al-ich will be so d as ehenp as ihey can lie b'gi.t at any oiht-r siore-in Michigan. The above G o s ivere selected mïh gieit c;.re, and we iee! assured that wcí can cnvince pur hasers of iho tniih .f what we say. The i.ighest pricé will bc p .ii fOr Wool. We will also rtceive all knds of produce in excliange for Goods ; 1 1 li e highest market price. Pnrchasers are respectfulty invitid to'call and examine for themselves. Aiin Arbor, May (5, 1844. 3_jf ; ■ ■ TFIE undcrsi.sned, luivinü en n peat;dly s 1 ir cl to make sme arrangp■■ W' nt by v. hich the V ooi. Gkowkks oi Wahiermw, anI ihe suiroundine foun'ry, could di.-pnse o iheir woel in a manner t'ial vvoild he mututually heneficial io ihe Grower and ihe Buyer, woul.l bc leave in sav, that hiive just recfived a well lecli d and valaable stock ol Dumtstic and Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, fiesh fiom Neve; York and Bosion, w! u h we purjjoe lo exc-hano-e for Cá h or Wool, on ihe most ïeasonable t rms. To our old ciit.'n er, and ásnutnj more as choose lo give vis a cali we. give il. e a-suniiice ihat ue c;in 'up;ly yoii ui;h eveiy uticle neces-arv ior f..milv u-e as low as r.-ari be houghi thi side p.C 1-nke Erie, and receive yoor WOOL in paynu-nt ti a ,rce perfedlv saiisfuctory. In siddnion lo o r íipu'íJ slock f Fuli Cloths, S .t;ne:t-5 Fhmncls, &c. we liáve gNnideli t! s, fvn.yiigm liom tvo m ien dol;trs,) Cysshnerels, all kinds of Summer Cloihs,.&e. ïvliich r pr-'pnsf lo exchi ge os above ?To ill v I o wih (or richt o. d-, trea' ?aig:iins md hiah ricesi"or WOOL we ,ould say give us a call, befoiv pürfhasirig ejepwhere. . A1 . . . _, !1 BECKtEY & HICKS. Ann Arbor. I ower 1 own. tV7ay 14. 1844. 4-8wlAiÍES CÍTBSON takes this metliod of informincr his friíMids and oíd customers he rs again eiiten-d f he M rc;inri!e buir ess, and is now opening a general and splendid ;tssortmciii of JDÉt'T &Qm9 GR0CERIE8, CKOCKERY, SHELx HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C. all of wliich ivill he offerreM ío t lie pübi c as clieap as the cheapest, for Casli or B. irle v. Wüfl hik) mo-t kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE wjlj e faken in exch;mge for Goods. $ Tole no man's word, but examine for yourselves at No. 5, Hurón Block, Lower Vlliaíre.. Ann Arbor, Wíiy 15, 1844, 4-6 m.BH flrUi jwa LSj tf tW B3S 7 HpQ ' nEe F?w BSt ' JWHS MM DOb NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN. - : - Q FELCH lias remover! his establ;shment f rom the Upper f o the'Lower VMage.No. 4, Uivon B;ock,wheie he lio]d huns'-lfin read'ni s- to 'drts ifie l'unferstatditis" of v-ry M;in, Wo-nan, and Ci'ild wlio will give dim ' cali, in ihe ne.itest, cheapest, unil b st nianuei cutí be done in Mic.hgan. LEATHER mé FINDINGS of til kinds constnntly on hand. CASÍT and MIDES, in any quantities, for which ihe highesi prices uil! be sriven. ÖtLet none purchae until they have called at-Felth's, No. 4, Huron Rlnck. Ann Arbor, May 4, 1844, 3-ivBOOK BXKTDEXTSr. ATTV PAl't.R flll.L i, l.o VAÍ. Tow N A.N.N AKBoïl. EBOÜTH would respecilully inlonn the iiihnbimnis'jf Aim Albor and vicinity dia ie continúen íl'"r '"-"i'ii 'p - BOOK BINDI1SG, it theol-l stunfl. in ihe 1'npei JVlill. Old Bookp ■.vil1 'e nently rebouiu! on short imtice. A1Í kinds of KÜIJNG done to orden - Hrtnntry producé tnlu-n in payinent. Apr I Ü. H4X r?-if. C'ME intn 'he pnc.losure pf ihe. v,ijlfccBer. the first of Rf-pienilier last. èrri OX. nppn nrly iibnut t-iiihi venrs nlfl, ppo'ted ted iik! viiire with n bi-'l ií his ne k. The owner e remcstoil to preve property pny chirge nnd take iim invny. S. JENNIiG? Ann Athor. MnviOth. 3Av Votice to ]TIcrcanf. THE Siibtioribers enouruyed hy tlie patrón ngp they linve hiiherto icceived in iluvlioics.'ile dppnnniejit of rjnjir business, will lUc. rst Hay of Miy nfixt. open the smre nnv orcuei] by Gen Orenville. froniing on Hurort ;!roc', nd co'inpfüinsr wilh their picsent stort WHOLS SALES &OOM, where tliey will keep at all titnea a f uil assuii■rnt of Dry Gonrls. Bons, 8{ Shncs Corp f tinsr Fíofs, Cop, Paper ffatpitgs, Bonjicts, Cracker bi Ihe Crale, Hardware avd Goccries, Sfr. 8,'C. Src. nll of which will be pnld on ns aond terms as at any point this sTde-of New Y"rk City. G. D. HILL& CO. , Ana Arbor, Marèh 26, 1844. 48tf.Clothing Clothing' Clothing HALLOCK& IIAYMOND have ju8t receivec! n verv Inrge assitpripnt of Ready Made Clothing, Consistí ng m part of' Cun-s. Panialoun& nm! Veste, of all discr suiiablc for the senson. Aiso, n l.irge mid wel) seclécieH assortment u Broail Cloi'h?, Cnssii'ieres, ' Vesting?, Tweetls ind everv othcr nrticle Tor crentlemen'r svetirmg appiirf-l. wluch iliey ure piopnrerl u minul;ionire in tho lx at Vind most insliiiinnlil. n.niiner. nndnt ilie slmrifst noiice. fiüving de reinuned 10 sell at the luwest rush priccsihfM fonfidcnily nrae nll n want of Heidy Mftdt Clothine. or gnrnieiiis mnnufncinred to order. 10 c-'ill nnd exnmine thcir stQck, at iljp Fnsfiion nhp riothing Knip.. liniii, corner of Jeffersni n! VV-iodu-nrrl Avenues. Detroit. 5 LINF.iN Slir.ETING. iwu ynidsnndaqw.-.r ter. aiif) mrop yards wiiie. nf RAYMOND 8 CAPH STORE. 14$ Jofl". Avenue, Detroit. My20. 4 Fealhcrs & Paper Hangings Ti 1 1-) Riiliscriher wül.ken "i'P'y ot' Gei .( Fe.nh'ei'( i".nnsinnt]y.'on hnnd. Alsf nn nnsWrt of Poper Ilnngings. B'rdprS. Fie-'innl Papers, &c. W. A. RAYM0ND. 148 Jefil Avenue. Detroit. May 20. WOOL AND W00LEN CL0THS. rwillexnhatiL'e woolen cloihsof every wiriih and quality for wool, to be delivered in May orJune. or after elienring time. My etoc' of cloth is complete, quality good. pricen low. &c. F. DENISON. Ann Arhor, 'Fchruary Ist, l84S. 41. N. B. It i? important that wool be done up in good order, and anv -'nformation wil] be ?iven vhen esked F I.PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis hnve now been iei yoars before the puiilie. During tlint period Uicy hnve obtaineda celcbrity unpainllelcd in the history of the most popular medicines whicli have preceded them or hnve followed in their track. - The happy combination of vegetable ingrediente to wliich these pillsowc iln:ir efiïcacy, is the reault of yenrs of carnest study nnd experiment, di recied by long previous experiencc in the prop ertiesof medical substances, the pnthology oi'disease. the nature and modus oporandi ol the varioua fluids wlnch minister 10 the support nnd sustenance of the hutnnn body. andorganization by which thosc fluida are prepared, modified and The i.riumph of ekill, nnd pat.ieni experiment has been complete. Thronghout the length and breodth ol our lanfl, in iJruisl) Ameren and the West Tndies, and on the continent of Eurnpe, the curaiive vir.ues of Peter's Vege table Pilis, ore gratefully acknowledged. They may be called the medicine par.kxcki.i.knce, ol the Southern Stateí. Their cohsumpíióñ south of the Potomac, is énormoué, and eontinually on theincrease. No other pill "goesdown" there, however sugared over wkli . liired puflsand home m:inui'actured certificatcs. Peters' Vegetable Pilla ffiay be termed a universa r medicine, for there is scnrcely any derangeinent .or obstruction of the organs and functions of the hum -in machine which they will uot ïllevin'.e or icmove when administered in the enrly stages ol congesiion of the stomach orhowele. they speedily relax those o rga na, reduce the attendunt fever. and restore the suiltrerio heahh. Cotuaining no irritating or drastic substances. their exhibition is never followod by that prostration of the bodily pbwers which charncterÍ7.e the operation of most other catharties. and they mfiv be administered without the slightest fear ol producing local inílammntion, so frequently caused by the purgent compositions vended by the quncksand charlatans of theday. Jn almost all stnges of disease, Peters' Vegetnhle Pilis vill be found of beneficial effec.', bm ihey should always be resorted to when the firsi sympt im makes its nppearance. The conquesi ■ if the complaint will t!ien be easy nnd immedi He. In billious di-orders. remittant or intermittant fever. dispepsia, dysentery. cholera, cholic. iliarhcea, dropsy. sour or fcetèd eructarions. enlartrement of the Bpleen. sick headnehe. all complaints growingout of imperfect or too rnpid dize8tjon. torporof the bowels. femalcobstructions. habitual custiveness. and all other diseases in which n pursncVe medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be found unrivalied in the -peed, certainty and aenileness of their operaitpn. It is asiked npon what principie these extraor dinnry effects are produeed? We ïeply that Pe'ers. -Vegetable Pili acts os a piiririer of the '!od, by purifying the chyle andother fluids ol" vhich blood is coxnposed,. Chylc is a nilky fluid deposited liy ihe disestive matter on the coma of the intesirnes: and which when wmbined with the billinry eecretion, is convey i;d nto the veins an ' becomes the principie of 'líe. This medicine acts dircctly uuon the chylel iroin which it oxpels nll ncrid partrcles, and al. 'uimors di-trimentnl to a healthy eircirlution ii leanses ihejuices and fluids beiore the chemical hnnge lakés place which fits them ro ihe irnmeli-Ue purposes of vitnlily. I'his is beainning at hr beginnins;. To enibue the treams oTlif. h.ealth. it is neeess.'try to purify them a 'heir smiicos. Such is the radical mode in which this mediint performs its cures. Testimoniáis which iviiulil hll volumes many of them Oom high ïcicmifie authority) are i8 vouchers, and it "s ise.l in ihe practico of the first Physicians heit md nbroad. For sale by F. J. B.jTrans. W. S. V .T. W Vlaynard. J. H. Lnnd.iinrris. Partridirps fe (,o =. P. & J C. Jewfitt, Dav.dson & JJecker, H. ilec-ker, Chrisiinn Kl.prb.-ieh. G. Grenville. 1) ). Waterman. O. J. Garland. K. Williamf. ■ivn 4r)or; Georore Warner fe Co., ü C Vhitwood. 3. Millatd fe Sop. N. H. Win". Oexfnr; M. Jaekson. L-.ovi; Paul Rnymond. fückson,' Brothprson & Kief. Manchester; D ■Ceys, Clinton; D S Hnywood. Salive; Stoned "$abock &Co.f Ypvlanti; Scatrereood Co. "hmovt'i; Pierre 1 eller and T. II. Eaton & Co letroit; also in Adrián. Tecumseh. Brooklyn. 'ontioc, Chicago, and almost every wFiere else. Ann Arbor. Jnn. 15 1H44. 27-lyA Farm ífor Sale, SITUATKD n the tuwn üí Jnghan), Inghnm County. Michigan. Snid Farm cont-iinsDne hundred and fity acres handsomely ituated In the midst óf a thriving settlement. - The land is what is gsually . called timbered Land, in MIchignn, 'he tunber being sugarmaple. whitewood, beach, ash, onk. &c. all kinds of timber peculiar to tlie timbered land in Michigan. Tfiérs' is on this farm about forty icre8 of good improvement: a good part of this ÍS Fm?l;.ll Mfn'lnw A'8T gnqj LOG HOUSE ANDNEW'BARN, framed, 34 by 42 feet. wejj (inislied. There are nlso on the placo fnrminsj uteiisüs. such ne Chains. Plourhp. Ding, Cart. Fanning Mili. &.c. which will besoldwith the place. TERMS OF SALE. One qunrter of purchase moncy down; the omninder in ten yeara. if necessary. wiih annual inierest For particulars enquire of the subscriber in Dexter village. JULJUS RANNEY.. Márch 20, 1844. 48-if. Bristol's Sarsaparilla, THliS valuable medicine so jiií'tly celebra'er! as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kingt Kvil, or any disease ansing frpm impurity oí üu blood. has become so well knowh as to need no pu!l catión of the nuinercus certifícales now ín ur posscssion. of the extruordinary cures latcl) .eríbrined by t, but feormg tb.ere niay be 6onu ■ersons nffecied who have been gulled by usins he imitatioi-B got up by othere. we would repectfully request them to cali on us and satisf hemse'ves oí' iré many cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of usthey can rely upon the gen 'lineness of the article, which they should be ;arelul to do, as we are told there ís a spuriou.' inicie of the same name for sile in ihis vicinity Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract o Sarsapanlla, Buffalo," isstanipel upon the boíles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. nn Arbor, Dpíí '5. 1H43. 3fi500.000 Fret PIPJB LUMSER. npriK sul).-c . iliers offer tor s-ile. Kive hunX clred ThmsniulFeei PF.ASONED PIN E LUMBER, which iinsbeen put up in ilie best possible man iier. and ia of every qualiiy nnd thickness. Per smiim wishing to jiurchnse Lumber tliul is fii ior iinvicrfiatc use, will do well to give usa oall. elore purehnsintr elpewhere. 11 AZELTON & PATRRSON. Fortnerly Avenís for Bench & Co Flint. Jnniifïrv 2?. IH-14. 4 '-m liiberty Almanack f br 1 845! ''IÍJ Ksnhsciil.ei is prepurinü fin Almanack la A J8 5, wliicli will be ninilc n genenil etatisi en) and historica! record on sí:ivery and emano tallón. A gruuc vaiiety of original 'lose, and a choii:e sileciion ofeniir(-ly new mu -ie (or ' ibeny Meeungs. will beinaeited, malun it i VJiIunlile liook. &{& xir-s; I' will ülsii c.intain ome excellent articles on kesubjeci of Teiiipemnce. It will Ie richlv embcllislied with plntes,amoiii; which willbe the likencss of Jamks G. Eirnky. ■ iir Libeny candidnte for Pr.eident, also a brifi nstoiy of h s life We sh.iü be hnppy to recpive orders from any 8tiilliluncnt fcfetritlB qu intiMes. li will Ub puLl.ahed in August. Pubiic!)er8 who will give ibis notico neor'ion Un iluee monilis. shiill receive ]00 Almanacks, each. J. N. T. TUCKEIt. 11-3m. BINffHAM ác CHAFÑAÑ, FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IJY DRY GOO DS, GROCERIES, &c. AT THE IUH,-HOAD DET'OT, GKASS LAKE. M!CH. H. H. BINOHAM. - dCHAPMAN. 43-3m."TO THE VIGTOaiBÈLÖNGTm. SPOILS 1E ALTHOÜGH inimy piepnrntion in tbefoMw of 'POPULAR MÏDICINES'1 h úeen before the public, cluin ing t0 -e "?[ and even cure the most invetérate discasea l none hnve so well nnswered the purnopp -,1 TCt SHEllMAN'S MED1CATED L02LNGvï' Dr. Sherrnan's -&$. "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate coses of Coimli ; r hours. They have cured a larec mnflrjí sous who have been given up by iheir „i ■ nnd friendH. and many vhc ,hnVC bleí ff rf? lo the yèrge of the gravo by, J ,-"J eCf j Consumpiion and Heclic Fever 1, . ?f ■blood have had the rose of healih resioíed te ,h "86 .ardcheek. niul now live t„ S T promesof thisinvaluuble medicine T l, "TTO72M LOZEAGES have leen provecí in more thun 4(l( (i( n „.' be inlallible. in fncf. the only "er ni„ W ttf stroying medicine ever dicoveT d rï' vvill ent ihem when they cnnnoi be iorcerf TJ,T any other medicine, and the benefit derborH the administmuon of medicine , o üuZ ? ? formisgreat heyond conctpnon Si t never been k iown to fail. 1)T. Shermnn', CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Hendaefir, Nervou? Sicícíhenche Pf "POOR MAN'S PLASTEH" is ncknowIedL'ed by all who have ever usert iV w be ihe best strengihening Pn6ter in , t L{i and a sovereign remrdy for pairs and wJk2 in the back, loins, suFe, breast. neck , n h jomts, rhouinaüsin,. lumbago, Ac. ■ Be C"SS tö procure the nhove ond ,! other medicines "f Maynmd's, nnd you willbe snrethere w, lL!-?i mistake in quantity or cbarpe. W.'S. & J. W. MAYNARn Ann Arbor. February 5: 1844. "$ THE TRUE PAIN W EXTRACTOR SA1.VB, WJliCH cures likea charni all BlUNS bv nre or wmer. and every exiernjl Sorv ING ever yet ibund upon the human familv tl which it l,s been applied, must always be aohtf genuine from Con.stock and Co., oi Nc-w Y0Tk -r ihe.r au.honzed agent. All a.e cn.itione agrtinsr nny spuriOus anieles., wl.ich n,8y h-a' bc avciided by knowing ,he one vou buy conic, from .Come.ock & Co f who now ihe Ju propneto'sand manufücuiriMs. Inquire ior Ccnnel s. which is warranied to do all i? ever woulrf vhencnlled by nny -oiher narce. or iho piicesliall berelundcd in nny case i( it does not pl.nse To it wiihin ,each of all. tho pricc hna been reduced more_thnn fou, l(,ld, „nd i8 now sold for 25 cents. ,;e forniêrpncë hehtg too.ex "ibitnnt. The 50 cent size now coniains four iinies hs much as ihe tonner, nnd ihe &1 siie nenr ten Urres n? nnu.h. . No inrnily tl,-,i m nny tille, ti. hnmnï.ity. Til fel, tohave Connkis Pn.n FxtiI;cior Oiniment ulways at handT to s;c life. all senrs. and reduce all nsony from nny burn in fivë minutes, puvi ded they hnve fcm it usw!.. or wilj beüeve lbo who have usedit. COxMSTOCK &. CO., rr- t, , 21. Courtlfüid Street. TT Be snre. therrfnre, nnd nsk foi CoNNEt's ns our plate wiih Daüey's n.-ui e on t )ne j,ee siolen. and the Bjnirious in.iy appe;it wiih tliat nnnïe en i. Know. tlïerefore. thni ii come di rpcily from CoicWtiick & Co . or slum ii V M . S . Sr. J W. M A Y N Á RD, '■ : 36 Agent for Ann Arhqr.iRScaJ nPVIU stibscnbér hoving &==2SL ' .-. J-. J"8t reciuvpd a néwadJrf% ÊiSi i'i'i-1" ;o hi, torivrr stock of [Á v .- 'yBÖl 00s '8 prepnrcd 10 eell Wjio O u]llfö ''"'n' c'!tiíP ll)i' Cnsh. A(íkv i dÊm. ",10"f 'vllIch my be iound j[j he fol luwing: Gold l''inger Rings, nnd Bosom Pins, lle.-ins and Crosses, Silver nnd Conimon Thinibles. Wntch Clining nnd Keys, Penoil Cíiíes: siso. Spoons, Sugar Bowis, Bulier Knives, 'i'ooili nnd flair Bruthcs, Pocket Books, Violin StringsNecdleè, Fins. Uooks, and Ej'es. Spectacles. Fine Coii,bs,Dres8Íi)g Gohilji, Side Comlis, Back Con;is, Pocket Coml)8, Waier Pairiis. Marking botton, gtfel Pfns. anJ Tweasers. Snuff& Tohncco Boxes. thsici. &c. All of which viJ] be sold as clicnp ns at any'other esinlijish'iieni tliis side of New York. N. B. The subsfrilier thnnkful for so larjj a shnre of pnblic patronage, st ril solicito n contin uencc of ibe snme. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of every desenpuon repnired nnd wnrranted. Atso, JEWEI,RY repnired on sliort nnrirf.- Shop at his oíd stand direcily opposite tiie Conrt House. Cash puicj fur old Gold and Silver.. C. BLJSS. Ann Arbor, Ju]y 1, 1844. 28-ly.THE foliowing indispensable ti.mW' remtidiñ mny be tound at May.naris Driiggiii Store, in Ana Albor, where none will bé soli! unless krowr. to be of ihe best kind nnd no counterfeit article ever ofiered, patent medicine invnriably procured ol the origm i inventor or hip regular sncecssor: EP No favitly siould e a iccek without thtst remedies, rn BALDNESS. Bulm of Co'umhia, for the Huir, whicli wil stop it t ''"Hing out, or restore iton bald places; and op child en make it gruw rapidly, or m thosf who h ivo lost the hnir from rmy cause. A IL VjlJÍMIN that infest the heads of enïïdren in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. Find the name of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Fememhcr tliis alicays. PILES, &c. are wholly preventi.'d, or governed iftlie oMnck has come on, il yon use the ovly true Baïs' Liimkkt, ironi Gomstock & Co All SOBES, nnd every thing relieved by it that admitsofan outward application. Il acts like a chajin. Ue it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENFSS positively cured: all ehrivelled niusclce nrd ün'bnare res'orerl, in the old or young, by the. Judian Vt ' t'iblc Elirir and Ncrt e and Bove Liniment - but rievtr without the neme of Coinstock & Co. ón it. $hna(KÍ-jc! KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFlGE will erndi. ente nlt WORMS in children or adults with i certainty quite nstoniphing. TOOT H DROPS. Klirks- cures eflectually. Ann Arï r Fe T, 1W44 4 ' 1844U - WHOLESALE & RETAIL.. j. .Ji'jF.ÊnitJEjr, OOOKSELIERAN SïaTIOKEB, SMAHTS BLOCK, 137 JEFFKRSON AVEMÏ, DETROIT-, Ket')s Constnnily tor sale a oinplete nesortiiient, of MisccUancoiis, ScIuk1 and CluEBicnl Books: Lener and Cap Paper, plnin and ruled, Quills. Ink. Sealing Wax,. Cuilery. Wropping Pupnr. Priotjng Paper, ol ail siz's: and J3iok, News and Canister Ink. o) va„B'LAWSBOOZSv Full nnd Imli luiiiim. 01 evn vnt;i )i iulirS MF-MOKAIVDUM BÖOKS, &c. To Merchnn's. Teacheip, anrl others, buying in qunntitiea. a 1'irL'P discount marie. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBIE SOCIETY DfPOSlTOR 51-tf. ESTKAY. Came into the enclosure of the subscriber n or about the 27th of June, a brindle Cow. with a etar in the forehead and line back, suppoaedto be about seven yenrs old. Th,e owner is request ed to prove property, pay charges, and take'hér away. SYLVANUS SU. 1 Adq Arbor, Joly 2, 1844, " ' ll-w


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