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Throwing Away Votes

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lliaí votéis mt thrown away which accomplishês the vvork íor whiofi it was deposited. The Liberty ballots are doing their work every year. Supposing tlie number of Liberty voters to be 100,000, or one thirtieth part of the whole, Vvhere can you fihd atï equul number of private citizens whose influence upon national aífairs is greater? We must of e'ou-rse excepl the slaveholcters, because so rnany of thera are clothed with official power. If, then, ve alréhdy exert a greater influence than any other equal number of northern voters, Jet us not couni our soiffrages of ' no valué.' becáose they will not at once accomplish aZthat we have in view.UT Thé Oaklaud Gizstic, VVhig, represent t'int a portion of the delégales u tlie Bnlürr.ore Dcniocrntic Convention were bribed 10 drop Van Buren and tike up Polk by die distributio of Texos scrip thni. The GaZeite 8:iys; "It has been chnrged upon tliose delégales w the Baliimjre onvenlion who violnted tlien pleilges, and aided ii Polk's noïnina.ion, ihai someihing liko iive iniHionöot" dollars worth of this scrip were spcretly disinbuted aniongheü' ns iheprice of their .infauious) trenhery. Thai thL charge i$wdlfjt.tiLcd Üi'.re. can be no man ner (f doubt." The Gra!ttj does not offer orty tangible evidenceof what it thua 60 roundi'y nsserfs, and of course no sensible man will believe it until it cnn be subaiahtiated. It is bad policy toput out allegaiions of this kihcl without pioóf. Besidés. it tends to imp'tiir cohfidence iu 'thé statements of the jipresi generalij'.


Signal of Liberty
Old News