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The Philadelphia Rebellion

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Thedisturbnnceg are ended for the présent. . Tlie uuinber killed isatíited to be 13 - ol wound,. d 50. The mob eflected a compromiso with HB nutboritieí" oí tbe ciiy, by whicb it wns agreed ili-'ii the military should be withdrawn trom Suuihwork, and they - thc nrmed mol) - should i keep guard over the public peace, and defend it i - against Itemselvssl 'i bis is the snm ol' iliiigreement, as we could show, ií' we liad epace íoi tbe necc83iry extraéis. The niob hnve had their way from the commencenient of the riots. With nbundance ol anus in their own h.tnds, they denianded that the nrniB j should be removed from an Insh church, which were placed ihere for its defence with the assent o.' ihe proper a uihoriiies. Thc orms were taken out. ' Next they dftmanded that the Irish coropnny oí ' aoldieis in the church to guard it should be uirn. ed out It was done, and they were chased thro' . thc etreets. Next they refused to disperse, re siated the military, engaged in a regular battlc 1 withthcm with cunuon. nmjkets, pistola, nndall other weapons; and at the end of several days, they Batd that if the civil auihorities would withdraw the military, and constitute them filió, n band of pólice, with arms in iheir hands, peacti should bc rejtored; otherwise, dangerous crfnscquences might ensue. The nutboritiesyielded; and those who constituted the mob, are now the guardians of the lives and property uf the citizens. öuch seems to be thc real stato of thtngs. in the city so lar ae we can gather it. The mob have triumphed in every thing. Several mdivid uals have been exatnined and held to bail. The Spirit of the Times aya: "About 4 o'clock, P. M. the body of John Cook. the ringleaderof the rioters, who was killed while discharging a cannon on the military on Saturday night. and that of the waterman whose name vras unknown, were buriedfrom the Weecacoc Hose house, atienda!, ly a crowd af persons cfdling themetl es Nutive Amvicans, tnd fol'.owed to tiegruv ly a muhilude of women The boJies of these rioters were wruppcd ip in the American jlag! Minute guns wcre fired during their ntermcnil and the women collected. in irays in every direction, the money to defray tbc expensèa of the funeral. Anoiher pnper thus describes the 3tate ofthings after the miiUary were withdrawn Southwark:'■In the 'infected district the tranquillity, though serene, is superficinl.' Jt is nominally undür the (iorrtrol'üf tiré District Aulhbrities and a pólice', but in realiiy under no control whatever. The repose is somewhat of tlmt species which beasts of prey subrnit to when, salís lied to thefull wiih all their nppetite deniands, they grow temporarily nvërae to violent exenion. It is an incontrovertible factj tha: the late notéis tlure canno; be arresietl by any local authurity. It is indisputable, tliaï they collect in various public places- boast of their slaughtor of oui brave miHtary defenderá- of their prowess in de fyingthe luw and i ts rninisrers- of thrir preparations to put down any force the Governor ma) send against tliem - and tneir determmaijon to iesist any auihority but ihai oV 'iNaiive Aineiican' leaders, il canuot be dcüied. too, ih:it iheyan supported to a sad exient, in ihat district, b lublic opinión- ihat au Irishnmh ora Catholic. there. must submit to the scarching of his Iidusi by se!f-con3tituted inquisitors for arms - thut neither, ifstrangtiis can walk the treets. the hazird of pesnal nssault - that no niitíi o.' military uniform can venture therc, ulune, but ai the imminent peril of his Ihe."'


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