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Mr. Clays letter on onnexalion is wyll received ot the souU), and where that me asure is most likely to disiqrb the harmony of tb.e whig party. The Memphis, (Tenn.j Eagle says: - Han-y Clay of the West. 'ín giving publiclty to Mr. .Cluy's very able letter on Texas anneaation, we have time only to remark, thal it is ad hisfriends or fas country ould demhnd on the subject. Wfi are SATISFIED WITH IT.' The Government vs. Pomeroy ty Qo. - A suit was decided in. the District Coúrl heldin.this city last week, Judge Conklin presiding, the U. S. against otTjeroy & Co., for cprrying letters. Jjadgmenl was given in iavor of the defend.ants. Pomerov 6i Co. are doin#"a smart husiness, at letter carrying, aifii, cents from New Yorkto Bufialo, and most jntermediate píaceson the Rail Róad route. The Court has decided that they may do it with impunity as the Post Office .laws now stand. We had hoped the Opinión of the learned Jud wo.üld appeur in the Gazette in time for this paper - but' it has not. . . i The re is ro sense, justicé or ecoñomy in keeping postnge up to the high prices now charged. The British Post Office Department is recëiying a revenae on the Penny postage system. Two cents are enough in' this country vhere we now pay two shillings, and we hope agitation and competition wïll npt cease until the Government is cQmpelled to do justly in the tax imposed on intelligence. - Utica Paper. Chicago, onLake Michigan, at the, mouth. of the, isa singulör instance of the swarminy ef wealtli and pppulation. ín , 1832 the first steamboQt viaitpd, and, ii) the eameyar iho firat Caro building was pu( up. In lÖ33,ihe town of Chicago was laidout. ■- ' === The Cincinnatti Alias saya it is estimated tlat the market has been supplied with one huudred bushels of large delicioui} strawherriesdaily, for three or four weeks past. Tho, raBpberry is now succediug the strawberry in nbout the same quant itfe, and the blackberries will succeed the mspberry n iike profusion. There are slrawberry patches in the . neighborhood. contnining above twenty acres cultivated by a single individual; and garden of the same eize devoted to the raspberry. These berries sell at the atalle in the market at from five to ten centi per quart. They forra a standing dish on most of the tables of the wealrhy and middle classes; and none eo poor, but vvhat are more or less suppüed. We have meions and peaches in great abiindonce during the season; and as for apples we challenge the world to match os. Choice cuts of beef sell at 5 cis. per lb ; pig or pork 5; veal 5; matton or lamb per quarter, 25 to 37. Cook, the Rioter.-Cook was well known along the wharves as a desperate clmracter.- He wqs engaged in former riots, and eqmllv remarkable for nati ve intelligonce and his tuffian propensities. His conduct on the night he was shot pro ved this. He was busy in loading and firingagun taken from a ship. He managed it with tact. Taking advantoge o" the darknesi, he usd a piece of board on which he burned powder, lo make it sppear to the military that it burnt priraing. Thus deceiv:ng them, he was ennbled to fïre when they least expected it. Meanwhile, he was on the ground, protccted from thcir fire by his piece. Finally he was killed. It was this ferocious, bloodthirsty creature who was buried the next day, his body being wrnpped in the American flag! The same honor twarded by custom to the defenders of the country was bestowed by hU acqnaintances upon this tnnn, who was shot in open and savage rebellion asrainst the Hws. Snch desecration of the American flngjs certainly without a parallel. Philadrlphia Paper. Iron Soles - Boots and simes are adver■ Msed in Cincinnatti, with iron soles, whicli can be put on and tnken oif at plensure, bRinp very light and at the same time beautiful and , durable. Shakespeor's jurr, mnnufactured of crea mcolored earthernware, a venerable and precious relie, was recently sold at auction, and was purchased by a Mre. Fletcher, of Gloucester, fur nineteen guineas.The Jlrmyfor ihe protcction of Texas. A Government Agent in Cincinnati, lm-? pur chased protUions f?r the Army oii the Saline to theamouni of $20,0,000. Rats. - If they fire iroublesom'e, sprinkle unslacked lime in tli'eir holes and abont wliere they congrégate,' and tbey wiH depart withoui lail. This is muro simple tlian a trap. , Ait Ex -Governor .arretted.-r Bx. .Gov. Kmg, of Rhode ïlnhd, has beensrrested on a warrant of embezzling f550,000 of theunds ol iheR. f. Agrip.ultiiral Bank. WoulcJu't it be strenge if a Itgal governar of It. I. should gel nto the eaine box with Dony who isimpris. oned becaúss lié tried to be Governor? Monument tothe. Slain. - A monument ie now proponed over the remains of the military slain in the late engagement with the rioters at South wark. ft js also proposed to make a hardsome collectioii i'or the fumilies t.'ins deprived of .support. We hope both will be done. When nible-hearted und brav-e men stand upfor the laws and focivil poveruraerrt, and are shot, down like dogi by ferocicós and deluded béxngs, who think theTdeed p84,riotir, and are permittJ to büast of with impunitj} it is time the public sentiment 6hou'd Aoke a tangible nibcfe, of showing grntitude to the deceased and to théir living relalives. - Philadel phia paper.Mr. Bibb hite arrived at Washington an entered upon Ihe duties of tho office. So tha vve llave, in. veriiy, fiue slaveholders, and on gag-ni!e servilp, and not one northtjrrr free man, in the Cabinet - all confirmed, withou opposition by a 'vhig Senate!- Liberty Her ald. Judge tliem by tJieir fruits. - Henrj Clay is a slaveholder, that is his chnrac ter. James K. Polk is a slaveholder, tha s his character. arnés G. Birney is ar emancipator, that is his character. . Let "progressiye Democrats," ."Liberty-lov ing Whigs," and, practical . Abolitionists decide which of the three is best fitted for the chief magistrate of a frêe peopte. ■■ƒ-■■'" A The circulation of the Weekly Emancipator is now aboíit .12,000. A jear ago it was about 5000. 'Abolitiori ís d-y-i-n-g away.' Ladies Smoking, - The Mcxicmi lad wafts honeyed wards to her. lover l'rom her sosy lips, m edifymg fumes Irom her cigar. n:,á axtunds her ijimpled arm froni benenth the copious cohcealmeni of the niamilla to 1 gito Spnniah wrapper or toac'jist ihat ofher lover. And wby nut? - limen smoke, ' wby not' wofnen? Surely íhe breath of husbands aiítl lovírs canjioi be tswect lo theai i'nless ihey becpme accuetoíi)cJ to tobáceo. Ëither the nián shouldje.ave oíl" smoking or the woman youngor oíd begih! Wc go for the former, most empliatically. The Virgvna Dúel. - It is stated In the Norfolk perald, that John Tjfler,'' Jr., and fí. Pleasánts, editor of a Riclimond paper',, went to ïMargaretsviHe, N,.C. on the 4th inst. in order to figlit the talked of dpèl. The above flashed out itf'thin air. Mr. Tyler was qí), the ground with his secónds, &c. buí Mr. Pleastfnts. remained 12 miles off in a state of mania ])oíu. The messenger .whp brought t)is informal ion to the battle.gfound informed Mr. Tyler that Mr. (P]easants's second would , soon arrive ío pght him. But Mr. T. tookthe better partof valor and put off for Washfugtoo.


Signal of Liberty
Old News