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Help Me Along In The World

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Help ihose ipho strive to help iiernsehes by Honest ■ Industry. ■-. The continuarion of "Hard .Tunea" urges the ï-ubscriber to cry out tor help, nd ló iolorm ai.! hose w-lio are dei ohs to Fconomize. that he lia.r)ieiie(l-ti jSffvand Sf-cond -Hui.t ■ s CÍoiliin Establishment, On Woodwnrd Avenue, next door io Hyile & Wilder's Scale Foctory, itiöiween Atwuier nnd WiKidbridge streers, wheie hc will teil clo:hin{. ' little Cicaper tlie Cieapsat for Cus'.i. - He -wil I fllso ooniintie to curry H) ihe "TAfLORING m CLOTHES CLEANÍfsíB BUSINESS.' All persons deahoiis of httving grense. pnint. oil, pilch. tar. fcc. removed from iheir cluthinf; would dü w'eti to rail on hiinr ns his mode ol clejuing is by n process otystéatn. he wurrnnts to ooinpletely rertóv.-ite (he"warmenis, nntl "ive thcip ilie appeiintnce of NEVV, without doiDH injury 10 the cloth in (orm or dntnbrliiy. Collnrs aru) Hrejists of co.Hs wtirranted-io be kept in perfect shaDe. Any kind of cloihing iltered and lepaired in the neatest style. and on tefmï to corrcspoml wiih hii redticed priées in oilíer bíísiness. lie respecifully returns his sincera thanks to ihe eitizens of Detroit, and the public in genera' i'or their very libernl patronage that he Ins here rofore recrivetK and hopea th;u by a constant exertioi and eirict niieiiiion to busineásí'to rneri' ind continue (o réceive n. share utf public pationitge to help hini along in the WORLD. WM. LAWBERT. N. B - Ne? nnd second harïd dbthing bonght. sold. or tnken in pnymenj for cloani' g or repiring. Orders aitended 'fo"" in any pnrt of the A!l oï which is'respeotfully subrjiitted. . ' Don't' faxp'tl 'hit Lambert's Tniloring and Clothingestublishmènr ison Woodward Avenue, next door to Hyde Sr Wilder' Scnle Factory, between AivviHerand VVoodbridge gtreets. - Comí Latcyers, Doctors, Farmers and MtrJumls ■: tot. Come bring y Kr old garnients and t'em viaac %ctc , om i 3


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