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New Hat Store. JAMES G. CRAiNE wouid respectuJIy inforin iho hublic, (hit be boa oixijjid á ñna stock of j ias, Caps, iSVocAs, Cravats, Scarfs, Coliars, Umbrettas and Gloves, t at No. J05, JeTerson Avenue, Detroit, ararlr I oppjbite tbc U. S. Cfturt Hoorn nnd Poai Office, whero be vyill be bnppy (o see his friena and ' supply theni wi:Ji na good on nrticle n bis line is cm be procured, either beio or ut tbc ast ■ind as cieap. Gentlemeu in the interior, wisbing a firat rato Tashionable article of Hnfs or Caps, can lio eup. Dlied by st.nding ihcir $'z or have any sivle fur nished t order in a lew liours. and warranttrt u uií. Cali and see- it miy save von n dolinr JiVMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. July lg 1844. J3 6:n THE MJSSES CLAKKS' t loung Iac2ies' Seminar, AXN ARDOR, MIcníGAN. MARYH. CLARK. Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MlÖS VVKST. Teacher in Muaic. 1 ÍJ. F. SCHOFE, do of Classics. 1 d: do in Prench. í F. MARSH, Teacher of Maihen.oiics. , RHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile Dept.TÍJIS Institution has been in operation sinö' November 18. IH39. The schobnstic yeáf embracing forty-dgru week, two terrr. comp'rjsing two quaítsrt; each - iwelve weesksin a quat er - a general examination at the cloae oí each Woil - n Februajy and Augi.s'. ' 'Hie luat -quaner of the present term com-" menced Mcy 20ih. Afier o monih'a vacnñon, at the close of thisqu?irier. which tftids the echoIi8iic year, school wil) ln again reaumed tho firat week in September nexr. -- Te.h? of Turnos - For the English branch"9, 2,50 to $5 per quartér. No reduction mada' for nbsance, except in case orsiekneas. and no' pupil tuken for less than a quarierv; Extra charsea are marie lor musió on the Piano, vvitli tha use o'-the-instrumem, SvOO Frenen, ÍOO I-atin, s'oO Drawing and Paiiiting, ,. 6,00' F-incv Werk. '-' 3,0 JBoard. includinjr wnfh;ng, ligliti. &c, $t,75 ;ier week íf jwid in ad vanee. or$2,ÜÜ per week il flflid at the close f the quarter. Pareiits and guardians are invited to visit the" school everv Friday. when the studies of tho: week hre reviewed - a'so Bsmi-monthly on Wednesday afiemoun, at readingol the weekly compositions. e Young lartiea desirous of entering the? hooi and pursumg ihe regular conrs olatudj wouid Jo well to cornmencc at the tegining of tb :iern. liavihgr pnrchaseda healihy and commodioua ' bmldingjn a piensan t and conyenient part of ilio, village, no pains or expense shall be' epared ta laciluate the studies and render the situation of ihe voung ladies pmfiiable and agreentle. Belonging to ihe senool 'are a Library of berweon three and fonr hundred v(i.iunes, aiid - sophicul Apparatu?, Eiectrical Márhinc, Globes,' &c Seiemiii'é Iecture3 ar dtlivered balbre th .school at proper niervals. ■ ♦ - á The Mi8ses Clark will emlenvor, mt only to promoié the inteilcciusl culinre of their pupila ;' b'it will altend strictly to iheir morul deponment. ,. . With a deep pense of religious respohsibilitjr, ihey would aive such a tone to chnractbr, ns shaü rt-nderit practicalfy fitted for every siation - yieldmg to duty but hfm to' principie. ■ Amoní the b.ioka üsed in he school are, Abercrombic ,n the Intellectna'l and Moral Power -Kane's Etoments of Cri:icism- Wayland'a Moral Science- Ne-wman's Iiheroric- HefJge'o Logic- Paey's Natural Tli'eü-íógy and Evidenccs il Chr;8tÍ!inity - Comstock's Chemistry and -Vatural Philosophy- Combe" s Physiology- Mrs. Lincolu's Jioiany- Eaton's Manual of Botnny - Bii.-ritt'sGeography of 'the lieavens- First, öecond and Thud Books of History- Mrs. ' Willinrd"s Repuhlic of America- Phdps tegal Clsssíes- Playfair's Euclid, and DaVie's Algebra and Arithmctic- Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Misses ClarlT have taught a Young La-V Jies School for severol years in the Ci.y of New York, andaré furníaiierl with testimoniáis from ' Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D.. and Jolur M. Griscon, M. D,, of New Ycrk,.ftev.' J. L. 'Jilake, ofBrooklyn. and Mrs. Emma Willard, ot Troy. N. Y. ; aiso, reference is made, by perniission. lo the foliowing gentlemen : Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskjy, D. D.. Robert Rumsey and L. B. M8ner. Lsqrs., Detroit; Rev. Isaac S. Keicham. Centreville ; Rev. J. iïudson. White P.geou , Rev. J. P. devei&td. arrd Geo. Ketëb-Jerra, Mar?lnll ; Hon. Wm. R. üeland.' Jackeór),' t'iul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. H. Winrfn;Wlrian: Dfmiel Flitóon, Clinton; Gar'rlín'ef'Whèelor. M. D.; Hówell; lUv. F. H. CUrrrhic;1 Ërrarid Rapids; Rev. H. Coicla2r, Rev.-A". M.F'tch. S. Dentón. M D . P. Bngham; M.';tD!f Hon. Wm. A. Fletcher, ilon. Wm. R. ThonSp'sbn, E. Mundy, Esq., Juhn Allen. Esq.. Geo. W. Jewett, Rsq.. Col. Thomas Mosely, Capt. T. Perkins, Thomas M. Ldd, F. Suwyer. Jr., isq . late Superintendent of l'ublic Itistructión, Professors. Wering. Willia.iis and Houehton', of :lie Uiiiversiiy o Michigan. Ami ArW;: Jamea . ftirdaali and Rev. John Bcach, Flint; Amoa Mead. Esij., Farmington. .' :'-r " .' The lollowing genilenn, Ticv H. Cp?clzer Rev. O. C. Comsiock, Re. A. M. Fitch'. Rev. Mr. Cuis3, Professors Whiting and Wiflifrii, f the University of Michigan, and F. Sirwycr, Ir., l.ite Superintendent of Public lnstniciion, have consonied toact aa a visiting carfl'mJueè ol he school to be present when the wéekly's uiies ire reviewed; Imm e$pecmljy to attenJ durrng tha spini-anniini examinaticna. September 4. IS-13. gtfDR. OSGXDOD'S iJtëDZA CHOLÜÜOGUB. AAlUiNG the most valuable qualnifts of tliii . medicine, is ts restoring inflrience upon c Misiitutions impnired and injured by prcvioui utucks 01 billiou3 fever, or fever awd ngne: 01 !y n lonij resirldncè rri 4h?eeliniates whïcK pro, luce them. Thfirs are mtfny constitutrons which lecomc grnáaatiy imderrrtmed by a mrostnal inluence, wiihoui even ji dayVactiial conrinement. ín mieb cases, the Cholngogiie'acts likea crbartM -the s.illow complexiort. Jóss'of nppefitcr, InrfUU'ir, wenriness and dèprèésion of sprrirt; with ■ither unplensnnt sjmptöWs whicli render Ufe a 'kirden. nU yic)á to tliis rémèdy wtien fttithiully 'ipcd accofding to ?he directiorrs'of thèocnompaii}ing pa-mpulet. It is cniiFety n vegemWe prep "iration, and nny bfe rn1en w'th perfect stiety tinder all circsimsrnnccs of the systeïii. Fur sale+iv -" ■ ; . ■ 36 W.'S. .■ J. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, Por Ann Arbor and vicinity. Nw i:taS(!slimnt. THRÏSSHING IVIACHINESO KiNAl'l'. -HAVJL.vNü & CO. would íespectfuliy iifbrm the fnrnwiö ol Wnshienow and thp sinrouhding cberhtïes (bat thèy bnvr eiallishe,d tfrenie;]ves rh Lower Tbvn. Ann Ariïor. iojr the puipose ot'nianulacturing Tlireshing .Vlncliinrs. Having beon for nijsrty ypnrs ensaged in' thij bU8inejss in Ohiö. ibey ieel thnt they cn vwith jjonfidence recofnmend their y-orn. TRe'y' are.' n.-iking the Bnrrnij &' Ci.d'z Mnchiries and' Hojse powcrV olso Enstman's planrfinry power,.' diñerent fro:n nny oiher made in this country' ind generally preferred tn nny other Machines.' which ihey intrnd to pH! at stich prices andónnch terms as cannot (iiil to give saiisfisciioti- -' they aro determined not tu -be outdone byany similar establishment cilher in price, style or' qunlity o!' work. ■'-'■, 'C'Miipetition is tfis life of tr'nde" and all they ■ék of the Fornifng community is ,o pntronize hem so fur as to give them an oppoftunity CsuppTping a part ol' the' Machines that moy "ie wnnfod. They are prepared to repair old Machines. Their tfióp in tho bneement étory of M. & H. Patrrrfge & Co's M.iehine shfp, where they' may be found to answ'"r all cnlis. KNAPP, J1AVILA.ND & CO.' W. W. JISAPP, - A. éXVILAKÖ, J. E. MC t,A!N ' Ann Arlin-. A:iri?9f) 1844. 6rp ' M AR R I AG E CERTIFÍCATES, OBuperion qtiality, piinted and for Sf at this -Ofiïre. Ann Arb?r, Nv. 2, 1S45.


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