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Will bepublished every Monday inorning, it Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For the Michigan State Anti-Slayeby So. cIett. . TEKMS. One copy, paid in advance3 or as nearly soa; mnybe, Two Dollars. Fivk or more copies, to one Post Office, ifpuic ín advance, at one time, Ome Dollar and twen. ty-five cento cach. Txfí or more copies, to one Post Office, if paid ín advance, and at one time One Dollar encli. Clekgymen, on pnying nrrearages, can have he Signal for one yetir for One Dollar, in adVance. UTAH old subscribers, on paying arrearages, tan join the clubs oí Five or Ten at any time, by Forwardingthe advance price. N B. - All Club papers will be stopped as Soon as the advance pay shall be exhausted. All othera will be forwarded until ordered discontinued All subscribers will bc expected to pay within ïhe ye.-ir. TERMS OF ADVERT13ING.For onesquaro, one insertion, 50 cents. 11 enchsubrequent insertion, 25 cents. Legal Advertisïng by the iolio. Terms of Advertisins: by the year or quarter made known at the office. O Manufacturera. Booksellors, Machinists. Wholesale Merchants, and all oihers doing an extenúce business, who wieh to advertise, will fihd the Signal ihebest possible medium of comtnunication in the State. (O Ail Remit Unces and Communications shoulcl be addressed, Post paid, ÍT'StGNALOK LinuRTY; Ann Arbor, Mich.rj


Signal of Liberty
Old News