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To The Six Hundred And Fifty Liberty Voters Of Jackson Count...

To The Six Hundred And Fifty Liberty Voters Of Jackson Count... image
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Friends ok Libertt: - In anoihcr column o the Signal, m published a cali for a Maas Convention of the Liberty party for the purpoee o thorough and sjstematic organization. Will you respond to the cali? Are you prepared lo engagc in tho coming contcst wïth increasing energy? - There is no üm to Ione in inactivity and procrastination Already are the two great proslavery partiea. (each ranged under its respective master.) actively engaged in propping up the Slave Power - now touering bcfore :hr wcll-direcled blows of the Liberiy party. Shall we timely look on, while thcy are pursuing whh unwonted real iheir unholy object? Or shall wo not rather renew our efForts to weaken their attempts. and thus hasten the overthrow of the $1 ,200,000.000 Slave Power, which has for years pust wiclded the powers and resource of this Na[ion for the upbuilding of slavery, nnd the enbnncement of the value of Slave Lnbor Products? Whethér James K. Polk, or Honry Clay be callad upon by the Nution to ossume the Presiden tial Chair. we may be assured ihat the interesis of Slavury, and the producís of Slnve Labor, will reccive iheir especinl care. and that Liberty and Free Labor interests will in every instance be sacrificed for the advantage of ths former. Ii lias been thus for yeurs -it will continue to lieso while the Slave Power governs the United States; and it will govern the Nntion as long as we elect slaveholders, or pro-slavery men io the liighest seats of power in the Government. Libsrty nnd Slavery are antagonist principies - one 3r the other must die. By casting your votes, ind your influence on the sido of Liberty, it will speed is triumph - but every vote, "even this jnce" given to the Slave Power, weakens Liberiy and strengthens Slavery. Can you doubt for moment what course to pursue? Loolc at our present list of home officers: John Fyler, slaveholder of Virginia, President; John rVCnlhoiin, elaveholder of South Carolina. Sec etaiy of State, George M. Bibb. slaveholder ol ÍCeniucky, Secretary of Tre?isury; Charles A. WicklifTe, slaveholder of Kentucky, Post Master Grenera!; John Y. Masón, slaveholder of Virginn, Secretnry of Navj ; John Nelson, slaveholder )f Maiyliind. Attorney General; Roger B Tan ;y, slaveholder of Maryland, Chief Justice: V . '. Mnngum. slaveholder of North Curolinn. Presdent of the U. S. Senate; John W. Jones, slcveiolder of Virginia, Speaker of the U. Housf Representativcs: Winfield Scott, eluveholder )( Virginia, Commnnder-in-Chief of the Army. nd Willinm Wükins of Pennsylvanin. who is in ávor of the immediaie annexmiun of Texas, and II thestrong pro-slaveiy measures, is Secretary if War. Thus we have yieldeu our s'ipport yeir fter year, to the exorbitant de'nands of the SoluIi intiï of the 1 1 most important home offices oí he Government, the South has 10. and the North iut 1, ond he. a traitor to her best ïmerests, and he cause of IÍ n man Liberty. ft is easy to see that wiih this predominance. ielded to the South by Northern votes, and' íorthern subserviency, the Slave Power comro's t will ihe whole domestic policy of our Counry, Yet we are wked to chnose between Clay & lk, which we wiil have to wield the power of proiessedly free government, for Hur years more nsirengthening the 'uands of slavery, and prosrating the libertics'of cotr country. The friends f eternal slaVery may choose the man whom they eem will prove most efficiënt in strengthenin heir cause - but true Liberty men will choose either.There is not a single Foreign Minister employd in negoiiating a markct for F ree Labor pioucts, while numbers are employee] in opening lew and valuable markets for the producís oj i?lave Labor. The result is, thai ihe producís ol he South pay for thegreat massof Northern imports, while our agricullural products are depreiated in value. Let no one be deceived by ihe reiterated cry hat the Liberty party will vote for a slaveholdet qt President. I hnve visited and ectured in pven towns in this County si nee the fourth, and onversed wiih numeious persons, and have ound but ONE person who voted the Liberty ['icket last (all, who declines voting il at t'ie cotnng election. while numbers have avowed their let-rmiriation to voteit for the first time. All we need to show an immense increase in our popular vote next November, is a thorough organization and efficiënt action. The Signal of Libeny has recornmended to the Liberty party I each town. to ineet on the 1 3th of August, in iheir respecti"e towns, and thoroughly organizo them. The Central Committee of Jackson Coun■y approvesof the propositiön, ns wel 1 as of the plan of organization recommended, and hopes that cvery town will do its duty in this particuiar. In conclusión, let every friend of liberfy be ac rive. Form Liberty Asaoca;ions in every neighborhood. Meet often and discusï'our principies nnd objects. l'nvite your neighborsto áftend and take part in the discussions. Conversé with your neighbors on the subject at every opportumty. - See that every man is supplied with Liberty Tiacts. Extend ihe circulation of the' Signal of Liberty as much aspossible. Every man can afr'ord to take, at Ie 'St one copy 3 months. It will :proro an efficiënt auxiliary to our cause. Jf you ':lo your utmost during ibis c;mipaign, our vote will be more than doubled, and' Jnckson Coumy aiII. in one year more, be a true Liberty County. Finnlly, let every Liberty man attend our Coun tv Convention on the 4h of September, bring all bis neighbors whom he can persuacio to come - ind be prepnred to propose and adopt the mos: tjfficient mensures for ihe Liberty campnign. Yourfellow-laborer in the causé of libertv.


Signal of Liberty
Old News