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The fbllowing circular i from ;he Buffalo Cou rier, a Democratie paper, and wna evidently h; tended to be kept private. We havo no room for comments this week. We notie that a codv hns been sent to one "Robert McClellan."-! We know not whether thia person ia our Reprt. eeniativeto Congresa. H Bo, we wonder what anawer he returned to it. Will he uac his influence to have a Democratie Ami-Texas candidat tor Congress nominated in our District, or will he. be that candidate himeelf? The time m hand. [cONFlDENTIAt.] Sir- You will doubtless agTee with Ui that tb late Baltimore Convention placed the Democratie onrty ot the north in a poaitionof great difficulty ■ We areconstantly reminded that it rejected Mr' Van Buren and nominated Mr. Polk, forreaaon connected with the immediate annexation of Texas; reasons which liad no relation to the pnnciples of the party. Nor waa that all. The con", vention went bevond the authority delegatod tó ita mo.nber8. andadopted areaolution on the subject of Texas, (a subject not before the country when they were elected, upon which, therefore, ihey were not inairucted.) which seek to interpólate into the party code a new doctrine, hitherto unknown among us, at war with some of our eetablished principies, nnd abhorront to the principies and feelingaof a great majority of northarn freernen. ín this position, what was the party at the North to do? Was it to rejeci the nominationr and abandon the coinest, or should it tupporttho nominations.rejeeüng the untenable doctrine interpolated at the convohtion. and taking care that their support should be nccompanied with sueh 'in expression of their opinión, as to prevent itg lieing niisinterpreted? The latter altemative has heen preferred, and we ihmk wisaly: lorwe.conneive that a proper expression of their opinión will save their votes from misconstruction, and that proper effort? will secure the noniination of uch memburs of Congress as will rcject the unwurrantable scheme nowpressed upon the country: With these views, assuming that you fee! n this8ulject as we do, we have been desired to addresa you, and to invite the cooperation of yoursulf and other friend througliout the State. Isi. In the pubhention of a joint let or decUring our purposc toauppori the nominatio,rejecting the resoluiions respecti ig Texas. 2d. Jn promoting and supporting at the noxt lections the nomination for Congres of suib persona as concur in these opiniotis. If your views in this matte coincida withwurs, please wi te to eonie one of us, and a draft of the piopused letter will be forwardcd lor txaniination. Vrry respect fully, GEO. P. BAREER, WILLIAM C. BRYANT, J. W. EDMONDS, DAVID DUDLEY FIELD, TMfODORE SEDGWICK, ISAAC 1OWNSEND. P. S. A copy of iliis circular has been aent to the folio ving gentlemen: -Michacl Hoffman, Alben H. Tracy, Hiram Gardiner,Ashley Snmpaon, J. Osborn, Hiram Gray, Jared N. Wilwn James M. Smith, Thos. G. Talcott,William Al, en, Freeborn Jewett, D. Chandler, Hiram Donio, John Tracy, JabezD. Hammond, John 1. De Graff, N. L. Benton, Preston King. Ramom Gillet. Samuel Young, L. Stetson, J. B. Spencer. David L Seymour, David Buel, Harraanu Bleecker, A. C. Fbgg, Robert McCleltan, R. D. Davia, James Powers, Archibald Niven, Nathaniel Jones, John W. Lawrence- and will b eent to any other person you may wish.


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