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The August examination of "the Misse Clark's Yoting Ladies' School" wil! con) menee on Monday the 5th and close on th W edneday the 7th. Monday tlte 5th. . . 7 o'cloek, A M. to 12, the recitations j jnvenile reading ftnd i-pelling, Gecgraphy au Pbysiology. Music-. Half pnst 1 o'clock, P. M. to 4, i Aet ronomy Natura! Pliilosophy and Botanv. ÏMneic. Half post 6 o'clock, P. M ; to 8, Juvenil closs in American Hiètory. Reading of'th orig-inal compositioHP- The time in p.very lif wiiici decides the cliaracler gond or evi "Isany purt of God'a earf solitary?".A scen at the heud of Lke Michigan. "The mom ing hour. Miit-ic. Tuesday tJie 6l7i. 9 o'clock A. M.toiü, the recitations i Grummor, Moral Phiïosopliy and Rhetoric Mupíc. Half past 1 o'cloc-k P. M. to 4, Arithmetic Geometry and Algebra. Mu.ic. Half past 6 o'clock P. M. to 8, Logic and the reading of the original composirions- Twi ijrht iVJeditfltions, Remembrances of the Pat The wauderings of n Tliought, Let mé weep Music. Wednesday the lih. 8 o'clock A. M. to 12, the reciiationsJu venile class in Botany, Ancent Hiütory, Goology and Chemistry. Music. Half past 1 o'clock A. AI. to 4, Latin and Frenen. Mnsic. Half past G o'clock P. M. to 8, Intellectus Pliilosophy and the renc'ing of the origina ■ompositions - Difi'erence in the susceptibiliiea of different individuólo to emotions o beauty, The shipwreck, 'YVhat wilt thou whnt seekef-t thou in life?" Geologicnl view d he earth, Report of the School, The Wild Flower, Giving certifícales to graduatcs, Val edictory. Mnsir. MARY II. CLARK, Principal. Ann Arlor, August, 184.


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