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DENTJSTRY. THbl yuhscnber ngain offers bis prulessiona services to the ïnhnbuants oí Ánn Arbor and as lic 3 anxious t secure ihe confíele. ice o all persons requiritig the services óf an experie eed DENTItíT, will be pleased to present 1 those calling upun hun satiataciory tesiinióniuL t his long anU successful practice in tho ciiv u New York. He would otaerve that encournged by his forrr succers lie lias rerhuved his fatnilv; to.Michgan, and vfill make thia place his prmcijjiil loca ion. ■ -.. , ! , Híb tormo wil I, in no cose, be unreaonab!e, ïnd ai) operación warmnted E. G. BURGKR, Dentist Office at the residence of Mr. Churles Thayer. rJuron at. ( August 2, 1844. The followtng are a few of the numerous tes l.monials Mr. Bcrgeh cn present in fuvor o hit experiencc and profesaionul abiliuea. From the Rev'. J. L. Blak?. - New Yohx, Maren cÖ, 1844. i have been personally acgWined wiih Dr. F, G. Burger tor sévernl years. and entertain f;r h m a feelmrj of sincere respect: when living in Kük Broadwny, he was employed by my funnlv ir several operaiions upon the teeih, and 1 have ful conhdenee of hm skillin the several bnmehes o Dentistry, according to the most apptoved mode of pntciice. L. BLAKE. Niw York. July 8, 1844. ït gives tre ploaeiue 10 aiaie ihat my frien Mr. t.. G. Burger, has be n well known by m fura number olyears; that he ia j.isily regarde amongst the first in our professbn in thiecity an sustntns a character of sirict intcriy and mor; woith. . J. SJITF1 DÖDGE, Dèntist, 47 Bond Street. New York, Mny 13. 1844. Mr. E. G. Burger ha ving be.n" employed b several of my frienda in vorious operauons upo iheir teeth. during a period oí twelve years pus I lake pteasure in adding my nanie in favor of h abilities ae a Döntist. WM. S. TOMPKÍNS. M. D. IG1 Bowery. Nr.w YoRft, May 20. 14. BeÜeving Mr. E. G. Burger 10'bea gentlwnn wel! skilled in his' profession. and of excellei character. i t ifibrds me plensure to ecommun him to all who have need of the services oí a experiencerl Dentist. GEO. F. HUNTINGTON. M. D. 261 Third Avenue. -. : Cheítomathic Isstitute. ] Rve. Wesichesier Co. N Y. May 21. '44 1 I have been aequninred ith Mr. E. G. Bui ger, of New York Ciiy, Dentist. forsome ten o ywelve years,'and it aiv-s me preat jleasure 1 "!) testiinnny to the h'gii moral wnnh of Mi B.. and to his' skftl na n practirioner in the Den ml art. Such ot my friemis as have lhrouh n indiv''unl recotrinientíniicúi fartnfd an ocqunint in e with Mr. Bursrer's piraciicé. hnve s.ioKen o his services with emire smisfaction. .Wnh ür estinintinrr af his nbilnies. and inrreard for hir ■is a Gentteman. i do most cordinlly cummeiii liim tu Uié favorable consiiJeration of all who mn hive. occasion to avail themselves of his profess iühuf services. SAML. W. BERRIAN. 5 ,. : Nxvf Vork. Mny 22. 1344. Ar with Mr. E. G. Burger, lor tlir last J 8 yeiirs ennbles me to add my Jeétunony ;i10 lus rntegriiy and moral vvoith. and hsvittg uvuiled mysslf of his professional services 10 ; consideraole exient lor. the last 7 yenrcnn. wiih: ri'easurf and confiJence. recornnen him lo al who may have need of Donial openi tions. E. A. VANDERHOOF, Firm of Speaft Vandethoq, i 45 Water s't. N. Y. Washtenaw Cobstt Gcekk's Office. } - Ann Arbor, Jury IS. A. D. 1844. ' ) NOT1CE is iiereby giver thai tbc Sessioi Lawsof the Srnte of Wchigan fyr tlie yen 1 644, have been receivi-d at ihis office, and nu low reudy for delivery (o sucli oUiceis ne ore y Inw. en 11 lied to receive ihein. Also blaak: for School Inspeciorè; and D s riet OHicfrs. :iwl4 E. P. GAKD1NRK. Vlerk. HELP ME ÍLONG INTBË WQltL. Help those who sjLrive io help themselves by. Honest Industry. The cuniinuuiioi) 01 ''Hiird 'í'iiues" urges 1I11 ubsciiber to cry out lor hel, and to iniorm ut lose who aredetirous to Economize, Uiat he hii.ieiK-(l.ti Nw and S'iPCÓTii) Hnn'.l Eio5ing EstáblishRieRi, )n Vvuudwüid Avenue, nt-xi üoui 10 JJygc il V jlder'ts Scule Factory, lc ween.. "Vtwriier uii Vmidhridge streers. wiiere hc will jcell c!';liin; tittU Cteapcr tuui tjte Chcapastgr Cus't.- Ie wil l.a!s,eun'inue (ocarrytn ihe "AlLOMNG AND CLOTHES CLEANING BUSINESS. All persons desiio'us oí' liaving gresse. paint. il, piich, tar. &c removed from iheir clormuj: vould do wcll to c.ill un him; as his mode ol le;ming is by a processol stearn. he wnnants u otnpletely renovrne Uie garmems. andgive ihcu ie appearance of N"fc]V, without ding injurj 0 tlie coth in lorm or cliïrabiliiy. . Collars and Jrensts of conis watranied in perieci Iwoe. Any kind of cloihing'alércdjand repaired 1 the neateBt style. nnd on texms to corresponi. viih 1I10 redueed pnces in other business. Jle respectfuliy returns hi& sincere thanka tb ïecitizens of. Detroit, uid the public in genera! jr their vcry Kberal pairnnage iiiat he hs ht-re afore recciveí. and hopea that by n consiant exrtio'i and strict aitention to business, to meiit nd continue xo receive n share of public pationjo to hdlp him along in ihe W.ORLl). WM. LAMJ3ERT. N. B. - New aod second hand clothing boiigln. jd. exchange(i, or laken in paymeni fur cl danig or' repniring. Orders nitendedto' in anj nrt of the ciiy. All ol which is respectfuliy subïitted. Don't frcirt thnt Lambert'a Tailoring nnd ,lothing estnblishmunt is on Woodwnrd Avenue, ext door to Hyde Sr Wilder's Scale Factory. etween Atvvaterand Woodbiidge etieets. ?oMti, Doctors. Farmers and JHcrJianis . fOK. "Vme bring your old garments and have t'iem made ntiic. 2ml3


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