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New Hat Store. JAMES G. CRANK would respectfully nforin ih Public, ihat be ha openod a fin aiock of Hafa, Cgfsi Stocks, Cravats, Scars, Collars, TJnibrella and Glovcs nx No. 105. Jcfièrson Avenue, Detroit, nearlr opposite the U. S. Coui i Room nnd Post Offlcu, whero he will be f-appv o see lus friends and npply iliem wisli as gandan anido in his lin# is cm be procurt-d, ei:her hcio or at the aai. trui as tJièap. Gentlemen in the interior, wisluñg a firat rata faahionaöle orticle oí' Hats or Caps, can b supulied l)y sending thpirsifce or bave nny stvle furnislied tu order in few hours. nd warrunlad f inil. Cali and see - it nuiy srive yon n dollar. JAxKS G. CRANE. Detroit,, July ]2 1844. JS-6ai TUK Ml SS ES CLARKS7" Young Radies' Seminarj, iNN ARBOJX, MICHIOAN. MAR Y II. CL ARK. Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MïSfi WF.ST. Tctcher i Music. IJ. F. yCIIOFF, do of Clasica. 1)0 do in FronehV F MARSH, of Maihemmics. RIJOBY E. CLARK, Teacher oi Ju venile Upt. TUIS lnstiturion hns heen in operation sinc November lti. iKiy. Thescholastic year Jiubracina fny-eigln veeks. two tertri. compriaing iwo quarter8 each - twelve weeeJts in a quarer - a general e.xaminaiion ot the close of ach term - in Ft-bruary and Augntt. he last (junner of the preèent term commeiiced MryüOih. After a monih's vacaiion, u the close of thiqu:trter. vvhich enda th schqa8tic year, school will I,e again resumed the Lirit eek in September jtex-t. jus 'f'uiTioN --For the English branch ■s, .-5.50 io .5 per quaner. No reduction mad or aiBBce. :xcepi in cuse ol sicknfss and no upil ikeii for lt-ss than a quaner. Exua char jes are ior music on th Piano, with tha ase o the.instrunient, 8.01) French, 3,00 Lmin. ... S00 lirawing and Puiuting, 5,00 Fnncv Work, a,00' Board, ncluding wnshing, lights, te, $1,?& er week if jjnid in advnnc. or $2,00 per wéák I pnid ut ihe close of tlic quaner. Pareuts and tfiiardiaris aie invited to viiit tho school everv Friday, wben the studies of thweek ?.re ïeviewcd- a's semiinonihly on. Wedneédoy ifienioon, at readiiijjof tbe weekly cohij isaions. - Young Indif3 desjroua of entering the school ■ind pursuing ihe regular cours ot s;udy, would do well to commence at the begining of th er ti. 4 Having purchused a healihy and commodioti !)iithliiigiii a pleasant and onvenient jart of th. viHage, no pains or expenso síiall bé apared toi iicilitaie the studies nnd render ihe aituation of die ynuDg laüies profiiö'ole.und greeaWe. líeloning to the school are a Librarjcpf brween thrto and lour hundted volumes, and Phi-isophical ' Apjwraiti?, Electricnl Machino, Globes, &c Scieniific lecturea are delivered before th íchool at proper intervals. The Nlissts Clark will endenvor, not only tff promore the imetleetutl culinré of their pupilo 'i'U will atteud etrictly to thcir moral deportuient. With a deep pense of religious responsibilily, hev would jiivi; ench a tone to charncier, ss shall ronder il praclically fitted for every station - yieldmg todutybut hrm lo principie. Among the books uséd in the school are, Abercrombie vn the Intelleclual and Moral Power. - K.uie's Elemenis of Criricism- Wayland, Vlor.-il Science- iewiii;in's Rhe;oric- lledge' Logic- PaJey'sííuiural Theology and Evidenccs f Chrsriiinity- Coinstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy- ConibePhy8iology- Mrs,Lincoln's lioiany- Eaton's RÍunual of Botanyr - bu.-riu'sGèogrnphy of Uié Heavens- First. Sec- nd and Third Hoó'ks of History- Mrs. Wil:iard s Repubhc of America- Phelps' Legal CJassics- Playlair's Euclid. and Davie's Algebra and nihtnetic- Parker's Natural Philosophy. The Wisses Claik have tnujjht a Young La-y. dies Schtiol lor several ycars in ihe Ci;y of New Vork. and are furnished with testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjamin Onderdonk. D. D., and John V? Gri.con, M . ü., of New Ycrk, Rev. J. L.Blake, ofBrooklyn, nnd Mra. Emnia Willard.á froy. N. Y. ; nlso, rcference ia marie, byper nission, lo the Toilowing gentlemen : Ru Rey.. 3. A. McCoskryY D. D.. Robert Rumaey nd L. B. Misner. Esqrs , Detroit ; Rev. Isnnc S. Ketchíim. Centreville ; Rev. J. Hudson. White Pigeon . Rev. J. V. Cleveland, and Geo. Ketcfi'iin. Marshall ; Hon Wm. R. Deland. Jacksón; 'nul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. li. WinsB, .dnan: Daniel Ilixsof, Clinton: Gnrdine, Wheeli!!-. M. D.. Howell:. Rev. f H. Cuming, "rnnd Rápida; Rev. H. Coldniër. Rv. A'. M. 'trh. S. Dcmo-n, M D., P. Bng'ham. M. D., 'Ion. Wm'. A. Fieichcr, Hon. Wm. R. Thomp,. 3n: E. Mundy, Esq.. J,.hn Allen. Esq.. Geq. V. Jewett. Ksq., C1. Tliomns Mosely, Capt 1. Perkiñi, Thomas M. Lndri, F. Snwyer, Jr. rsq . late Superintendent of Public Inetruction, , Profrssqrs Wbiting. WilliairiB and Houahton,.of lie UnivèreitV of Ann.Athor : Jame. 'ïirdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amos' Mead. Esq:, Farniingtun'.. . ... The follbwing geni lemen. Rov H. CoIcIt Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Ir. Curtiss. Profeseóré hiling nnd VVillinm, l the Univerntv of Michigan, nnd F. Sawyer, 'r.. Lite Superinrendeni o) Public Instruct'ion, have ronspnied tooci ns a visiiing committee hf he b-chool to he presem en ihe weekly. smdifl ■re reviewed; hut esptrinliy to attend duringthe 5mi-oniíúal exnminí!tion3. n ' September 4. IH-J3. gtf DR. OSGOOD'S -'".- IIDIA CKOJLAG0GÜE. A.vltiiNG liie most v.iluiibicciuwhiifs.oi th medicine, is ns restoring infivenct pon uisiitinions itir.paired and ïrijuted by pre,v(ou itaclvs ol billioua iever, or. fever and aguè; or y a b'rig in ilioseclinKiies whichprouce them. There nre many. ciwüitutions which ecouic gr-iduilly nndermiot-d by a vüufviui inluunce,.. wühoui even u day's aottial cimJinetnent. .i sin'!) ensos. ihe Cholagugue ae8 lijvea charm -theeillow coniplexiun, loes of .apeíjlc, Ian-.. .'unr, wenrijieeaoiid depression ofspiuits, witfi, -ther uii.lemsnpt ayn.pton.g which rendar Jife mrden. al yiëld to tTiié retnedy wlien fiiitfifully. sed nocordini; to the directione of tl eacrompayiingpomphlet. li is emiiely avoieiuhle prep rati'tn, and may he taken wmJ, perlect stíety uner atl ciici:msmnces of the system. For Sblcby ' ■ -..-.- n 36 W. S. J. w. MAYNARDÏ , solé Agent. fir An'n Arbor and vicinity. THRESKIKG MACHIIOES. rZ".Ar'. HAVILANb A: LO woiiid resLV. pectfully iiiform the liirmeraof WHshtena,w. d ihe surrouncüng cóulniea that ihey. havs os-! iblished themtelvea in JLower. Town. Arvn Ai-. or. for the purposu ot nianufactaiing'Threshing' Mochines.. .. . . . . ,. ., Having been for msny yeara engaiged in tbit usinf-s; in Oliio. they eel ihat they can wiik )nfidef)ce recommend tlu-ir .They arinkiiig the BorraU & Cádiz, Machines and. loiso power.: aiso Eastman'a planatary power,v ifrerent. from any , other made iii this counfry nd renernlly preferredao any other Mach ine. hich .ihey iniend lo aell at such piices and on ach terms ns ennnot fui! to give satisfaction-- ïpy nrc dotermined not to be .outdone by any milnr esraoliahment eilher in prico, tyle or unüiy of work. :Compeiition s the li Ie" and all tbey, sk of the Fïirming, community. ia ,o patroniw. ïem po fnr as to give them nn oppbrtunity i supplping a pari of the Machines that maye wnniod. They aro prepared to repair oldT Machines. . . Their shop is in the basement story of H. éc R. Patriilge & Co' Machine shop, where the iay be í answer plTcnlls. . .. KNAPP, HAVILAND' & CO.' W. W. KNAPP, . T. A. HAVH.AMD, J. K. MC LA1H. Ann Arhf)-. Anril 99. 1844. 6mï MARRIAGE CERTIFÍCATE, OF uporior quality, just piintcd and for SaJé tu thip Office. Ann Arber, Nv. 2, 184}:


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