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WOOZr! WOOL! CL.OTH! CLOTÍÍ npiJK Subscribers would inform the Pub X ih:it they will continue tü manufacture go V JU -i-. wiii d V-l-v W 4 4SP 9 ' U ihcir Mnnnfactory. Lwo nnd ;i hall miles wé of Ann Arbor, on ihe ( f ii'on'. on the fó'Huwii TER MS. ' Until the first flny ot Jununry. A. D. 184 the price will be 37 cents per yard. or half tl cloththe vvool will inake. Fioni the Ist of Ju unrv to the I5tli of M.iy. 16-15. ilie price w be 3) cents pêryard, ór nine iwciiiicihs of tl clqih the woul wil! makc, thut is, 4Csyurds out li' 0 mauiifiiciiji-ed. The wool will bu nianula tufed in turo íj it inay come uno the laetory, near as niny be wiih ïeferenee to the diflbrei qunüties. Any person who wili (urnTsfi one i more parcela oí wool Ironi 80 to JIK) pounds i one quniiry can have t ninnufiictured by itscl Wool. will be rece ved al Sc i. VVool sei hy Railioad will be a. Tended tó in th'e same mni ñeras iftheowncr were to come with it - should be care'ully mnrked. We have fiictnred cluih dur.rng the past year lor a ver hirire pumber of custoinérs. to whom tve believ wc have givei) very eonernl snYfáfnCti6n Wit these fa-i't.0 -and the ndvantngea oíiered by the o brice al which we oli'ur lo ninuufitc'.ure cloth, w bopefor a lare share of pal roncee. , SAMIÍF.L VV, KOSTER & CO. Sein. Wüshtetiaw Co. . .hily 5. I 6 ! i. 3-t ICPAmong the tuady stnkiní: próols oí the ex citement oi Biistol's Sürsnportlln, not the least i furnished in the fnet that such a multitutle o spuiious and connttul'cit preparalions linve beer lis put forth. and so me of theni by men that profes a hipli busitiess stumling Unless tliis medicitn o. had been of sovercign valué, and its great sue es cess beyond all question, it would have fbiind nr ie imitntions. People liever counterieit tnnt whier lm isalue!ess. Whoever heaid oí' a single cou.j)d terfeitof the wild-cat currency ot the West.'- es Sterling coin nnd s.ifety-innd bilLs aio counterol (eited constiuuly. The fact bat a tíiing is exie tensively count' rfcited. is prooi of its value. - j The success of Bris:i's Sarsapnrilla haa cansed ij it to ha. counterfei;ed in njnipsj aJi the cities and y towii8 ín the Uuion. Spiuiou.-; money is universally rejected. so shoiilJ spurious medicines 3 be. No sensible person Ií rake the false when he can get the true. People who do not wish t lie imposed upon, should obtntn the germine nrCicle. Attention to chis is of ihe íirst importance. Caution. - Ask for Brsrol's Siirsaparilla, nnd f, see that the wriiten signatuie of C. C. Brisinl s - ovRithecork oftheboitlo. nono otier is ffenuine. For snle by W.' S. &, J. W. M A Y N A R D. THRLSBIiV" i MACHINES. ' rVMiL Subscribers are now manufacturin? L 1IORSE POWEItS and THRJESHING MACHINES, constructed in and most durable mannër. The power is a four horsc power, but is n!so a first rate power for twohorses when wanted tbr ihat purpose. It is entirely unlike any ihat bave ever been offered to ihe public in tliis State "r elsewhere: and is believed to possess important advamages over any other power. It will work easier, (that i, with lesa slreng;lvo power) than other powers ; is n ore compact and convenieni to move ; occupyin? on!y three íeet by soven. and ca be loaded into a conimön wagon box with the tfaresher and árawn by one pairof líorses. Economy, strength of Tiia'erial, and durability. are uuited in the constriietiou oftiiese Machines ; henee they can and will be sold VKR-Y LOVV ,■ lowcr (han nny Machines have ever been sold in rhis Siaie. We are .inxiouo to seíl then for CASH. and those viu) can pny CASH are espeeially inviteti tocall on lis. The cylihdors ti thcihreshersnrenil ion. Th3 is the best power in existence for Farmers lo use. for threshing thelrown grain, and has been got up with a view to ihf r special accommouation. The facility with which it can be moved from oneplice lo another renders i i very convenient for scveral joint ownerg. Whenever n p.weris wanted for two Iiorses. a thresher oí suitable size will be constructed at very short notice. Two or thréo Farmers, havlng Inrge crops to thresh can purchase one of iliese Machine? jointly, at less cosí to eacli than ibe expense of job threshing (or one year. ■ The establishment is ü miles wes' Irom Anu Arbör, o the Rail Road, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER & CO . Scio. June "7. 1S44. 9tf I5Aï,ioCK & RAIIOKD, FASHIONABLE CLOTHI.VG E3UP0RIUM, fhsnoyrrs' Block, 127 J fferson Annme.


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