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BOOH BIK" Bullir. (fTTBK PAPER Ml j.L II.IMKK Toj ANW AKBoE. EBOÜTII would respectfully infoTii tl,( irihabitanisof Ann Arbor and vicinity thai ie continúes the business of' BOOR BINDIA G, u theold stand, in the Paper Mili. O!d Books will be nently rebound on shori notice. All kinds of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payineni. April 'J, 1843. 52-tf. CME into the cnclosure of the suhscrihër. the fiifit of Sepiember last. an OX. nppnrpnrly obout eiííhl yenrs oíd, spotted red and white, with a buil on his nei.k. The owner is reuested to prove property pay charge and take ïim away. S. JENNINGÍ?. - Ann Arbor, MnyïOih, 3-öw IVotice lo I?Icrclfais. HflHE Subscribcrs encouraged by the patronX ngo they have hiiherto received in the vholesüle department of their business. Wil] ihe 'rst dny of IVlny next. open the store now oecu)ied by Geo. Grenville. froniing on Hu ron itreet, and conneciing wnh dieir present store n thfi renr. exclüively for a WKOLE SALÉIS ROOM, vliere they will keep at all unies a Juli assoitnent of Dry Gooda. Bools, SIiocs Carpeling Hals, Caps, Havgings, Bnnnets, Crockery by the Craley Hardware and Goceries, $v;. $fc. 8c. ïll of which will be sold on ns good terms as at iny point this sldcofNcw Ynrk Cuy. ■ . , G. D. H1LL& CO. i An Arbor, March 56, 1841. 48tf,


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