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Wool! Wool!!

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npHE úndersjgncd, havinií bren repeatedly soliciied to make sme arrano-e■ ments by vvhich'the Wooi, Growers ol "VWhienaw, and ïhe surrounding couniry, could dispose o-! ilieir ivoój in a mantu-r íliaf. would be mututually beneficial 10 ihe Grower and ihe Buyer, woulil begleave to say, thar we have just receivcd a weli stlecied and valuable stock oí Domesfic and Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, ftétti from New York find Bosion, which we purpóse to exchangc for Ca-h or Wool, on the most reasonabie terms. To onr old custon.ers, and as tnüny more as choose 1o give s a cali we ive the assurance that we can mpply you uiih every article necesary for family use as low as can be boughr thi side of Lakc Erie, and receive f-our W OOL in payment at a price perfeclly saiisfaclory. In addilion to our usual stock of Ful! ÖfotW, S itineit, Flarinels, &c. we ïave Broadclotlis, (vaiying in pricc A om two to Pen dollar.-,) Cassmieres all cinds of Summer Clolh?, &c, which we propose to exchange as above ''l'o ill who wih for richgo'ds, real haigains and hih pricesf or WOOL, we i vould say give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. á ; T BECIÜLEY & HICKS. ! Ann Arbor. Lower Town, May 14, 1844. 4-8w ' . c


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Old News