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The Arcade Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

The Arcade Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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i AncADK, July 31, 1844. Dkak Bkothkr:- Knowing the great interest you fccl in the advnncement of this gloriouf cause, nnd the zenlous cffbrts you nre makingfoi 1 tlieemnncipntion oí enslaved Iiumaniíj', I thougln ■ you would be glad to Imve sonie direct comniu. nication from our Lioerty gathering at Arcade. , wbere in thc daya of that sago nnd patriot. Myron Holley. he held the first püliücal aboliltion meeting ever orgaiïized ín iliis Union. Very íoiiui.'ously Cor us. it roined a litüe Inst evening nnd this morning, which laid the dust, .. and cooled ilie amioephero, so that tlic breezc carne bnlmily over us as we travelled in comfort to Ireeáom's gaihering. in ■ that benutiiul of all va! lies,. Arcade. We have here, Stewart, Chdplin, Jackson. VVnnl. Andrews, Johnson and o'hcrs, wiih us. besides Col. Shepard, who doubtless you know. uves here, and a mure active and eñective laborer, is not found nmong the friends of thc ekive, so thiit you may readily anticípate that vve shall have a season givinr great earnestfor the Liberty party, and glorious to all epgogcd in it. Buí ve are disappointed. nnd regict that the noble Birnky of yourstnie, and the eloquent Morris, of Ohio, isnjt here; but no doubt tíiey are doing good in othorpl'iccs. AFIBHNOON SKSÏTON, 1 o'clock. The throng is so great thnt we have to go into the rove, wbere we shall listen to good and eloquent 6peeche?, with cheering songs. Be as aurod wc have a preat gathering- thousands - and now Jackson :s speaking to gratified hearors, on the incon8Í8teucy of voting for sïaveholdors. lo be foUow'cd by Chnplin, who. you know, isone of the most popular advocates of our holy cause, f give you good notico, the pro-slavcry parties stare nnd tremble. They sec their ra'scality and liollow prclension8 shown up tfl gnze, nnd that they have beconie the contemptible objects at which the honest and intelligent multitudo "'point the slow unmoving finger of scorr..'' W. S. Chaplin has jist concluded a beautiful, ively and lineritedeuloginm upon tlie independent and patriotic Hfe and acts of our national and state candidatos. Glad multiiudes of the Liberty matrons and maids are present to grace and encourage our neetings. I have lived four jears in your yonng and vigroua Península state, and leel great interest in ïer stnnd and progression, in this liberty workí we are rejoiced to hcar so well of you - that you re raarching on with a strong and steady adance, which will be a blessing to oppressed oenge, and a glory to her. Go on, and God bless oir.Why don'tall, fparticularly young men) sensible and conecientious men, come out now and ':join the abolitionists" - now. while it will be an honor to them? Slavery must ccrrainly go down, and that speedily: and the Liberty party will as surely very soon be in the ascendency; and then these -men. whokeep back till they are com'pelled to come over to us, havmg no where else to stay or go. Where aro our young men- where their future honor - in the Libettt c.vusk! KVKNING SESSION, 7J o'clock. After the meeting was opéned with prayei and singing - the duty and responsibility of the Clergy and christians wore proposed and discussed, principally by a number of independent and benevolent minislers, who were present, in a mas-. teily and interesting manner. They are the messengersof Christ. 10 o'clock. Afier some business, the convention adjourned to the next moming, just as a severe hail storm carne ra'.tüng over us. Thürsdav, Aug. I, 1844, ? MORNI.NG SESSION. $' Glo'rious morning-! A severe rain and hail storm last night, but all passed harmlessly off. and now we have a balmy, delightful morning; with bright and cool breezes. In this character of the elemente, we may see a beautiful simiie of the happy event we are now mei to commemorate. Emancipaiion in the West fndies - a cloudy, gloomy, distracting right of jslavery hung over (hat oppressed people making the atate of the Islands slorniy; but thanks to the God of Mercy and Liberty, the fikst oí aügüst 1834, dawned upon that now happy people, with all the joy and brightness of light and liberty. The bright sun of Freedom and justice. in a flnsh melted off the chains of 800.000 slaves. and their hearts beai gratitude. and their limbs leaped with joy, and voices were raised in praise. Your fellow-citizen, Cras. H.Stewart is now on the stand, making an eloquent and intcresiing speech, to loud applauso. la great hasto, 'wirUout "co rrection," now and ever yours, fcr liberty and iusiice.


Signal of Liberty
Old News