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1 Jfniiaaeiphia lpsesin manuo.d ways by hei ■ riols. She Joses just so ranch property at ' is destroyed; for the county has to pay the pi1 per. She loses the timo of her citizens and her soldiers, who are taken away from recular employment, to keep the peoce. She loses the amount which has to be expended on the heavy military pieparations. She loses custom from abroad and business is paralyzed at home. She loses her reverence for the laws, and her charaeler. In fine, without one single soul being1 the gainer, she is disgracod, corrupted, out of pocket to the tune of millions, besides havïng brought down a vast amount of odium on the country at large.- Cin. Herald. A SUBSTITUTEFOR STEAM. La Reforme, (n French paper,) announces that an operative at Ruel nenr Paris, has disco vered a substitute for eteam. The experiment is to be made in a few day on the Versaiües railroad. 'Figure to yourself,' snys the Reforme, an enonnous (doublé or drum,) wheel, fi ve yards in diameter, between the spokes of which you place a horse with liis rider. This large wheel being attached to four ordinary wheels placed on the rails of a railroad, it wül merely be necessary to turn the large wheel to make the carriage advance. But what motive forcé does the inventor employ? It is the horse placed in the interor of the wheel, and yoked, by menns of two bars of iron, placed perpendicularly under the axle. The horse by drawing, causes the wheel to turn, in the same manner as a rúense or a squirrel in a cage. In order to allow the horse to enter this singular wheel, it has been found necessary to dig an exenvatiori near the station-house, into which the horbe is let down. The inventor slates that 4e can modify his wheel so as to admit three horses, and that in such case, the heaviest train may be propelled along a railroad with a velocity even more rapid than caused by steam. 05 The circulation of the Cincinnati Weekly Herald and Philanthropist has attained to 4,000, and the proprietor, after many misgivlngs, has concluded to offer the paper to every subscriber who will pay in advance, at One Dollar. - This is the right principie for publishèrs and readers - a large business, low prices, and ready pay.I JL Remarkable Facf. - The Missionary Herald for June, containa a brief report of a speech made by Commodore Jones,of the U. S. Navy to a great meeting of the natives of Sandwich Islondi. He complimented them on the system of education established nmong theni and stated the following remarkable fact, highly creditable both to tiiem and the Amerioan missionaries under whose auspíces so inuch good has been accomplished: "At Monterey de California there are severa! Englisii and Americana intermarried with descendents of the old Spmiards; and they have children growing up around thcra. On rny inquiry as to their schools and rneans of educalion, judge of my surprise when the an8wer was. "Oh, we have to send them toihe Sandwich Islands to be educated; there they have good schools, herc we have none."-Cin. He raid. Chccrsfor the Printer Mayor. - Mayor Harper óf New York, seems deterrnined to signalize his administration by acts of public usefulness and munificence. His latest plan for the public good is the establishment of a splendid city bathing house to be open to the whole people. at the bare cosí of management. Such an establishment would bé an invaluable blessing. It takes a printer to devise largë measüres of' permanent usefulness to the people. Sueöess to Mayor Harper. A vote wds taken on the Cars coming from Albion this moming, and resulied as folio wp; Polk, 18- Clay 12- Birney 4.- Jackson paper. The average wages of a hard-working, agricultural laborer in Èngland, are said to be seven cents per day, he boarding himself. It is stated in the Vicksburg Whig, that. Senator Walker is, or was, the owner of Í65.000 acres of land in Texas. Iftlüs bé so, the kcy of thczeal of this gentleman, n advoCating the consummation of a treaty, by which this land would be rendered as valuable as govcrnmen! lands in the United States are at present, niay be readiJy discovered - Atigusta ( Georgia ) Chronicle. Eggs' - A single house in Cihcinhatí hns, in one sumrner, abippcd to New Orleans, $25,0 0 worth of cggs. Tbö coast of Irelnnd opposite Liverpool, scarccly produced eggs sufTicient for its own use; when the steam naVigatiou has given them a market. induced attention to the subject, and they now send annually tö Liverpool $500000 worth of eggs. If proper meafts con ld be relied upon for saté pneking, we could ship a million of dollars worth annually to Englaad and othcr places where eggs are scarce. TrutJi and Love.- afn sure troth never lost any ihinjf by being spoken in love. I am opinión that a principal reason why we are not more of one mind, is that we are not more oí one heart, How soon they who feel heart to heart, begin to see eyetoeye! The way to think alike is first to feel alike; and if the feelingbe love, the thought will be truth. I wish, therefore, for the sake of sound docthat the bretbren will love one another. An Odd Before the Cincinnattj cpurt, on the 16th insU, one man sued another for damages forbiting the end of his nose off inafigbt - damnges laid at $5000 1 The defendant ntends instituting a suit for live ihoueand dollars for an improvement in plointifF's look.6, by bitin oif the organ in questiontT he following is an account of the incom of all the Bishops ofEngland and Wales, froD all sou rees: Bishoprics. Oiher sources Canterbury, $76,500 York, 45,000 London, 5i,CiO Durham, 36,000 Wincheater, 47,250 Bangor, 18,000 Bath and Wells, 22.500 Carlisle, 13,500 $6,700 Chester, 14,525 3,658 Chichester, 18,900 JEly, 24,750 Exeter, 12,150 2,542 Gloucester and Bristol, 15,650 Hereford, 18,900 Litchfield and Coventry, L0,259 Lincoln, 18,000 Oxford, 10,500 Peterborough, ] 8,000 Ripon, 18,000 Rochester, 6,565 Salisbury, 22,500 St. Asaph's, 28,850 St. David's, 11,250 VVorcester, L9,250 Landaff, 4,500 13,342 Sodor and Man, 9,000 The Populaiion of the Spri'ngs. - The editor of the Rcpublican has been taking the census of tho men women and children now sojourning at Saratoga. Here Í6 his report: The number of visitante now in town ie over 3000, which raay beclassified as follows: Married. 1000; unmarried. 200C; old bacliel ors, 400; in pursuit of wives, 875; in pursuit of husbands, 900; Gentlemen, 800; Ladies 1200; loafers, 500; blacklegs, 240; pckpockets, 25; politicians, 700; pious folks, 1400; ïnfidels, ROO; freethinkers, 600; nothingarians, L00; invalids, 540; in pursuit of pleasure, 1700; Springwater drinkers, 1400; wine drinkers 1600; iops and dandies, 700; flirts, 800; flats, 1000; men of eens e, 300; belles, 14; baauties, 7; butterjlies, 250. To all these may be added 3000 citizens including 200 porters, 300 waiters, 360 chambermaids, 50 scullions, 40 ecavengers, 80 hostlers, 100 loafers, 400 suckers, 620 negroes, 100 gamblers, besides any quantily of good-for-nolhing, know-nothing vagábond?, who only live to be so inany pests to the place they inhabit. Such a medley of human cliaracter, is an interesting1 subject Of conlemplation to the philosophical observerand we i ntend as sooq as other claims upon our attent ion are disposed of, to devote a chapter to some of the most prominent claims now congregated at fiar A f Wreek of the JBne.- Capt. Weaver of the bark Sandusky - whose departure from this port for the purpose of raising the ill-fated steamer Erie, was mentioned by us last week -has called on us to report progrese. By means of a diving bel!, cast at Predonia for the purpose at an expenee of $1,800, and weighing 4 and a halftons, he hassucceeded in visiting the wreek, ata depth of 63 feet, and got fairly to work on Saturday morning. - They have raised the best bower cable chain - 150 feet iti Jength, and oneoft.he best on the lake - and are now getting up two other cables. As soon as her shafts, nowfrom her sides so far as to be in the way of raising ber - are got out, the farig Rocky Mountain, now in port, will proceed to the spot, and aid in getting her up. The wreek was discovered, as Captín W. assures us, by means of a compa6s, rendered very susceptible to the magnetic attraction - the same by which the wreek of the Lexington was found. The inventor, a Mr. Chapin, who is now at work with the diving bell on the Erie, has likewise ascerteined the location of the schooner Young Lyon, sunk with railroad iron on board, some two years since. The company now engaged in this enterprise, also intend raising the schooner. - Bvffalo Jldvertiser. Education. - Thesystem of education pursued by Wm. Cobbett was a singular one. - He had a Jarge family of boys and girls. They wete never sent to school, and never made to read or study at home. Books and papers were lying abouf, and tbey saw their father reading and wriling, if they asked any questions they were answered - if they wished to learn they were taught. Their owri curiosity and emulation prompted them in ali Iheir ocquirements. Study becsnë their play. The result was that every one of the sons has writieh able and s'.dndard works, grammars óf different ïanguages, and each of the daughters has writen popular books upon some branch of domestic economy. There is but one thíng that diserves whipping, and that is disobediehce to resonable commands. A child must obey, but there are punishments better than castigation, if any are riëeded, and there are stimulants in emulation, the desire of approbation, the germs of the master passion of the human soul. In ninety-nine cases in a htindred, there is tío use f striking a blow- in the hundreth it taay be fatal to neglect W.-JYew York Sun. The tf. S. Senators tthose1 tèrfns óf office expire on thè 4fh of March next, are Deniocrats- Fairfield, Maine' Sturgeon, Pennsyl. vania; Tappah, Ohio; ílenton, Misouri- 4 Whigs- Phelpp, Vermont; Choate, Mass.; Sprague, R. Island; Huntinglon,Connecticut; Ttillmaffe, New Yoik; Dayton, New Jersey; Bayard, Delaware; Merrick, Marvland; Henderson, Mississippi; White, Indiana; Porler, Michigan; tfoster, Tennessee; Rivee, Virginia--13. The Atlantic and Pacijic. - By ah nfrival at Key West, a few days since, of a vessel from the Spanish Main, we learn that thê French Government have been actively engaged for the last two months in laying rails, gradingi and otherwise making preparations for a steafn conveyance from Porto Bello to Panama, thus connecting the Atlantic and Pacifie Oceans, and doing avay for the present any intent upon cutting a canal at the Isthmus.- St. Augustine News, July 23.e Matanzas, July 1, 1844. n The leaders of the negro insurrection were shot a few days ago. This affair has had the ). effect of obligmg the government to becoaie stncter in the execution of the exisling laws, and has swept all vagabonds out of the country. Most of the prisoners wül be transpor'ed; and all free foreign colored men are banished from the isJand. ♦ Workmen are now busily engaged in demolshing ihe old rough-caai building on H mover street, behind the counter of which, in olden linie, Franklin. the primer and philosophsr, sold sonp, candies, &c. It is said to be one of the oldest buildings in the ciiy. - Post. The Oranite Freeman snys it confldently counxs on 10.000 Liberty votea next Full in New Hanipshirel According to this, TSew York ouglit to give 50,000 to do ns well. Murmon Mevwrials. - It is snid thnt Emrna. tlio wile of Joo Smíth, has had the box in whicn tho dend body of Joe wns cnrned from Cnrthnge to Nauvpo, eawed into èuiuiblo strips for walking ennes, and that yhe is distributing them to her friénds as memcnïoes of the prophet. Watery Potatoes. - Put into the pot a .piece ' of limo os large as a hen's egg, and however I wntory the potatoes may be, when the water is pcured off they will be perfectly dry and meai ]V' TlieEmperor ofRuasio, while n England, always elept on the ground, on a leather tick, stuffed with straw, as being more conducive to health than a feather bed.- JY. Y, Rrpublic. A Liberty Electoral ticket has been fonned in ' Virginia. This is the first slave State whcre an ' attempt has been made to organize a Liberty par' tv. Honor to the mon whp have dared to go forI ward in this matter. ( Southern Demoeracy. - At a dinner given to Mr. Pickeiis, in Abbevile, South Carolina June 22d, the following was among the toasts: "By A. H. Simonds. Daniol O'Connell- The cadaverous bird of prey, whosc beak has been whetted on the hearts of the poor, and whose talons are yec dripping with rhe blood of white slaves- may the first rnorsel of black flesh be 6wallows,stick fast in his filthy gullet.' -Emandpator. The Post Office War.- Mr. Wicklïffe. has served a mandamus on the railroad companies, that he shall fine therrf $50 for every time they transport any of Pomeroy's agents on the road, while Pomeroy tlireatens to prosecute the company .for dama ges whenever they refuse to convey his agents. Singular Restriclion. - The London correspondent of the New York Commercial Advertiser, under date of July 3, says:"A very singular bilí is now undei discussion in Parlament, having for ití object the regulation of the amount oJ smoke to be emitted from factory chimnies, and limiting their right of smoking to a certain number of minutes per day. The municipal regulations of some oí our New England cities forbid public smoking by human beings, but the extensión oí this prohibition to chimnies, (smokers by profession.) seems droll enough." Liberality. - General Cadwalader has received Fjfty Dollars, enclosed in a letter from Boston, from "Law and Order," to be applied to the fund for the relief oí the families of those soldiers, w'ho were killed or wounded on the 7th and 8th inst. - Pkil. paper. An experiment isaboüito be made in Paris on air baíloons, which is exciting thecuriosity of the scientifie world to an extraordináry degree. A balloon composed öf sheet copper, the 2OOth part of an inch in thickness, is so fáf cdmpleted that it is now exhibited tö the public, and is expected to be rëady for otecent in the course of the present summer. The constructor is M. Marey Monge, who has undertaken the work for the purpose of testing the practicability of serial navigation, and of rendering balloons subservient to the study of electrical and magnetic phenomena Sleamboat Yoting in MasSachisetts. - ín a promiscuous assembly yesterday, returning to the city on board the General Lincolnj ti vdte was taken for the Presidency, none called but passengers entitled to vote. It resulted as ibllows:- För James G. Birney,Si For James K. Polkj 14 För Henry Clayj n Declined votingj 10 CÍironicle. An Innocent Man Huitg by a Mob. - Under this caption, the Paris (Mo.) Mercury narrates some curious particulars connected with 'mob law.' Some years since, Mr. James Barnes, son of Aquilla Barnes, of Missouri, was hung by á mob in Arkansas, beCáuse he was suspected of having murdered the "Wright family," in oné of the Counties of that Siate. - Bariïs to fhë very last asserfed his innocence but the mob were inexorable, and he was hanged by them. It ïiöwfippears, from the Van Buren (Arfe.) Intelligencer, that the real müfdefers have been found and are in confinement at Fayetteville, in that Staie. There are thrèe of them, by the name of Star and Reese and they are said to havff frequentïy boasted of the crime. They will be convicted, it is said, on the testamony of many witnesses to these confessions.- _ -- The Mormon8.-Gov. Ford, of HHnoje has made a requisitiort on Ihe U. S. Government for 500 troops to be stationed ín the neighborhood oí Nouvoo, to prevent any bloodshed by the anti-Mormons or the Mormons. A Morman Shot.- The St. Louis Kepublican.of the 16th uit. state-s thataman was shot back of Warsaw, UI. on Friday previoiis. The guard stationed there savv three men, supposed to be horse the! ves, fired on them, and one feil. He was a Mormon, and they were retreating tú the time. This looks a little like shooling rather too fast. It shows the feeling toward Mormons in that quarter. AColorcd Lawyen-Mr. Mncon B. Allen of Portland, (nnd fortnerly of Boston Ma.s.) colored, whose application for ndmission to the bar in April last, under the new act, was as we stnted in our pnper at the time, refused on the gronnd that the opplicant was not a eitizen of Muine, in the coutemplation of faid iet, 8ub8eqneiul applied under the old law to be admitted by examinnlion. ïle was thercupon calléd bebre exarniners, a cornmitlee lecomending him to the Court as a fu :andidate - and accordingly he was yesterduy ïdmitted in the District Court, ft. practico ss an attomey and Counsellor at law in Uie Courts of this Portland Me. Adverliser. A man in Mississippi proposes a method for Lransporting mail matter. It is to ave a large air-tiyht ron tube extending frrm city Lo city, in one end a pis-ton is to be placed tvith the mail mntter attached, the air is then :o be exhausted from tho other end of the :ube by raeans of an nir pump driven by steam sr water power, nnd tlnis by the ptesstíre of Lhe atmosphere the piston and marl bag are to be driven thtong'i the tube like a sireak of lightning. Edward PerUins, n gamblnr, sliotanothct gnm bier nmned John Whiie, dead, nt Memphis, on tlie 9ih inst. Porkins wns seni to jail.


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