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Medie die il JPlfrster, spread for HimneitUtte use. I'RICE O NI, Y ONE SHILUNO, IX OKDEB. T' I-LACE TIIE.M WITIIIN TIIK MEANS OF ALL. ÍN síight ?ilmenu, or nhere the pniient preler n If5s exttciisivc nrticle riian ihe 4Anti-inii-matory nnd Rlieuviaiie Piaster," these wil 1 be' foiuij hiurriy beneíjciah Being nlready spread! .tur iiiiiiioil'i:iiü npj.heni'on. tljey will be íoiind very c.nvenient iur VVE.AK JiACKö, Pain or VYeaknees in Sido. Biatn. Siomftéh, beween ihe Simuhlers. itv wheiever ilicie íffPnin, (ir wlrere n i'lasrer is uceded. Thoy njny be rtn.dtreii moro pervicenble by pnsiing tí Arte of cloih on flie back ol itum lieforc tliïy nre npplied. Miiíi::u(jes have been rclieVed öJ'püin and satferinü ií,'stj Chca p IMnsiers. Fr tn!t ni .Muscly'a Booksiore, nnú ly J. T.ptocking, Tr;ivcllní AgeiU lor Michigan. !__, IG-ly FOOR mAlSI'S PILLS. An excil etit vgriabJe üiinily Medicine, in fses ol ludiyiiíiiaii.'a, Liver Corh. l'lainis or Jüundicc, Agne atul Fever, Conféíí jTpngite, Sickncss ot ihe Stoiiinf-fi, Síck Headache, lieinidani and lnf'erniiticni !''evcis,CoughS; Culcls, Cniarrh,"Xc". !Lc. Eniiruly vegetable they aio cinph'iiically JTJBlTURM&S FRiEJ%IP, conducing to heHh ond counteráciing nisease by purify'rng the t-loo I, clennsiñg the pysnom of ivíiimed hurnors, reifioving bstruction' stniulaiing ilic orn-lnns ot secietion, uiingling with.'tha ooii and actíng t-very woy in harmony wilh the Bysíeni. For Infí.Tmnfory fJisrnBCs riped in ronneclioiï wifh the "Itheumatíc Piaster" Che? will' be t'ound greatly to niri tu the removal of disensos tor which the Piaster is above rccoinmondod, nnd pnrtieuinrly tire ihey cnlcitlated for II derangeniem8 of the Digestiré nnd Bilinrij Organs, the pritnary orisin of n ninliítude of disesoes. Price - 25 cents nnd 50 cents a Btx. Fir sle nt Alopely'e Bookstore. and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agunt for Michigan. 16-ly ANTI-INFLAMMATORV AND RHEUMATJC PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Rheumatiam, Féver Sores, White SweHings, Felone, Pain or weakiiess in ihe.Backf Jireiist. or Limbs, Burns, Bruises, Crainps, ChilbJains, Liver and Lung atiíctions. Indolent Tiunors. Spinal affectiosn, Inflamed Eyes, fcc. &, It ís unsuspaased in all Jnflfimnintury diseases. either Chionic or Acute, ns it opérales by counteraeling and rtduchig lnfiamatiorv, allaying Pain, Sweating thr parís ííiected, and by its strciígiheni'ng and Anodyne proporties giving speedy relie!. Also invuluableasan. adti-uiercurinl pl.-isur. Price ?5 ceñís per Box.- For iurtfver particuInr8, see circulating Paiuphlet.) For sale nt Moseley8 Bookstore, Ana Albor, and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigun. 16-lyTHE M1SSES CLARKS' Young Iiadics' Seiiiinary ANN AUbOR, MICHIGAN. MARY ÍI. CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principale MISS WEST, Teacher in Miigic. H. F. SCHOFF, do of Clatsies. do do in French. ■ F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica. RHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile Depf. TiJIS Instiiution hns been in operation eincO j JL November 18. ,J 839. The scbolnstic year embrncin" forty-eighl weekst two terms. coniprrsing two quarters each - twelvc weeeks in a-quarer - a general e.xamination at the close of i each term- in February and August. he last quaner of the present terrti'com menced May 20ih. After a immilj's v.-ication, [ r.t the close of thisquarter. which onda fhe scbolastic year, school will bc again reeuuietï the firet , week in September nest. p TjËKJi of Ti'iTiON.- For the English brancb( es. L2,50 to 5 per quarter. No reduction niado ior atsenee, exeept in case of sickness. and nopapil taken ior les than a quarter. Extra charges are made for niosic on the Piano, whh (heuse o' the instrument, 3,00' French, 3,00' ( ftti 3,00 Drawingand Painttng, 5,00' Fnncv Work, 3,00 Board, including watíiing, ligbta, &c. $I,75 per week if jmid in advance, or $2,00 per weefe il paid at the -close of ihe quarter. Paroma and guardians are invited to visitthoschoot every Friday, when the studies of tho week are reviewed - u!so semi-monihly on Wedesflay afiernoon.. at readingof the weekly oom- posiiiuns. Yodng adies desirous of entering the school' oud pursurng the regukr course of eiudy, wuuld do %vl-U to comnience at tLe begining oí th term. Having purchaseda healtny andcommodloti biiiltlingin a pleasant and convenient part of ihe vill.-jge, 110 paiiis or expende shall be spared to facilitiitetlie studies and render ihe situatioB &f the young lailies profiiabhe and ngrefiihls.. Belonging to ilie school are n Libraryofbe rwetn threc and i'our himdred volumes, and Pbiosophical Apparatus. Elecirical Machine, Globes, &c. Scit:niific Icciuies are ddivercd belore the schoöJ at proper intervals. The Misses Clnrk will emlenvor, ntf only to promote the inielleciusl culiure of tfefr pnpile, but will attend sirictly to theír moral deportment. Wiih a deepsense of reíigiotis rc?ponsib'rlíty, thev would nivn sucii n tme to character, as shall rentier ir praciiciHy fïiteJ for every etaiion-yieldí 11 y lo duty but ftrtn to principie. Amone: (he books used in the school are, Abercrombit: in the IiUellectuoI and Moral Powers - Kane's Elenienis of Cri:ieism- Wayland'a Mornl Science- iNewmnti'á Khe:oric- Hedge's Laie- Pnky's Nnniral Theoloy and Evtdences of Chrsnoniir- Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy- Combe's Physiotogy - Mrs. Lincoln's J'otnny - Eotoñ's Manual of Borantr--Uucritt's Gèngrnf.lif ofthe ile.ivens- First, Second nnd 'Htird Buoks of Uisrury - Mrs. Williard's Republic of America- Pheljis' Lesnl Classics- Playfeir's Ettclif). and Duvie's Algebra and Arithmetrc- Parker s Natural Philosophy. The Misses Clark have tanght a Young Ladies School for severa! years the Ciiy of New York. and are fnmished wirh testimoniáis from Rt. Rev. Benjnmin Oiifferdonk. D. D.. and John M. Griseon, M. D.-, of New Ycrk, Rev. J. L. Blake. ofBrookiyrf.. nd Mrs. E mm Wütord, oí Troy. N. Y". ; dso, reference is mnde, by permiseioir. to fhe following gentlemen : Rt. llev. S. A. McCoskry. I). D.. Roijert Rumsey nnd L. B. Misier. E?qrs., Detroit ; Rev. Isaac S. Ketcham. Cuntreville ; Rev. J. fïudson, Whita Pigeon , Rev. J. P. CJvcland. end Geo. Ketchiim. M.-.rshnli ; Non. Vni. R. DelaiKl. Jnckeon; Pnttl B. RÍTíg Midiigan Centre; E. II. Winan, Alnan: Dimiel Mixson, Clinton: Gardine, Wheder. M. D.. ilowell; Rev. F. H. Cumine, Grand Rapids; Rev. H. Ci)lobzer, Rev. A. M. Ftchr S. Dentón. JVJ. D., P. Èngham. M. D., Hon. Wm. A. Fleicher, Mon. Wm.R. Thompson. E. Mundy. Esrj., Jhn Allen. Esq., Geo. W. Jewett. Esq., C1. Thomas Mosely, Capt. J. Perkins, Thomns M. Lndil, F. SawyerT Jr., Esq . late Superintendent of Public Instruetion, Professors Whitirtw,, Williams and Houghton, of ihe Üniversity ot Michigan. Ann Arbor ï James Rirdsnll and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amos Mond. Esq., Farmington. The following gentlemen, Rev H. Colclozer Rev. O. C. Comsiock, Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiting and Williams, of tbc Universiiy of Michigan, and F. Sawyer, Jr.. Inte Superintendent of Public Instruction, have consfnied to act as a visitíng committee 0 the schooi to be present when the weekly siudies are reviewed; but especial ly to attead during tho semi-ntirunl examinnüons. September 4. 1843. 9tf Washtesavv Coü.nty Clfuk's Office, n Akdok. July 18. A. D. 1844. ] NOTJCE is hereby given thnt the Session Lnws ofthe State of Michigan for the year 1814, h;ive been received at ibis office, and ara now re:uly for deüvery to sucli officeis nf are, by law. ctititlrd to recèivé therrt. Alsn blanka ('or School liii-pectors, nnd I) s'nrt Oflicor!". 3wl4 E.P. GARD1NE1Í, Clork.


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