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PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis havo now been ten yearsbefore the public. During that period thcyhave obluinedu eclebrity uupnrallelcd in the history of ihe most popular medicines which have r preceded them or hnve followed in their track. - Tlie hnppy combinniiön oí vegetable ingrediente to wliich llicse pillsowe their elïicncy, is the result ofyears of earncst study and experiment, directed by long previous e.vperientc in the propertiess of medical eubstaiicea. the paihology oi'disease. the nnlure and inodus öpeWndj of the various finida which -minister to the support ,ind suutenunce nf the humiiu body, and orgatiization by which those fluids are prepared, modiiied und distributod. Tlie trininph of" slull. nnd paticni experiment bas been complete. Throughout t]lc ,f length and brcadth of'our land. n Briiish, America and the West Indios, and on the continent of Ktiropc, the fuirative vir'.uca of Pctor's Vegetable Pilis, are gratofully acknowf.üíged. They may be c:Wcd mu .medicine v.wi h.xckm.k.nce, o( tho Southern Stiltes. Their eorisnmption south ot the Potomae, iti enormous.. anj co'ntinually on' theincrease. Noc-théVpill i:i{oc.s down" there 1' however sugared over with hired puffsand home tnnnuiactured eertiiicates. ,. Peters' Vegetable Pilis may bo termcd a universa ƒ medicinu, for there is senrcelv any dei rangement or obsiriicUon of the orgnna nnd functions of' the human machino which they wil] not allevia'.e or remove when admiriistered in the 1% early smges of congestión of the stomach or bowels. ihey spcedify relax ihose organs. reduce the nttendnnt fever. and restore tfiesuffererto health. Containing no irriiaiing or drastic substanees! iheir exhibition is nover followed by that prostration of the bodily po.wers which chnracterizc the Opcration of rnost other cutharties, and theV nifiy be administerèd without the slighlest feSf of producing local inílammation, so irequcntly eaused by the purgent compoaitions vended bv the quacks and charlatans oí the day. , Jn nlmost all stages óf disease, Peters' Vétretnble Pilis will bo found of beneficml elfect,= buf they should alwaya be resorted to wheu the first symptm rnakes iis appearance. The cononest of the complaint will then be easy hnd immediato. In billious disorders, remittant or intermittnnt fcver. dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, chohc (harhren. dropsy. sour or foated eructations en' largemont of the spleen, sick headache, all complamisgrowingoutof irnperfector too rnpid dl gestión, torporof thebowels. fcmalcobstructions habitual co&Uveness, and all other diseases in n purgative medicine is proper.. Peters" Vegetable Pilis wil] be foiind unrivaüeil in the speed, certaimy nnd gentleness of their opcraiton. J It is osked iipon what principie these extraorcünary cileets are produeed? We rcply that Pe ters Vegetable Pil] nets os á purifier of the blood, by punfying the chyle and other fluids of i! n ?d is Chyle is a milky fluid by the disestive matter on ' the coais of the intcstines; and which when coinbmed with the billiary secretion, is f-r imH$$ ve',ns nnd bornes the principie of ife. actsdirectly lipo„ thechylcl rom which n èxpels all acrid particles, and al f humors detnmental to a henlt-Iiy circulation h i the juices and fluids bofore the f chnnge takes plycé which fits them for the imme c late purposes ol vitality. This is beginniri at h the bcgmmng. To ombue the streams of, Me with health. it ie necessary to purify the'm at their soumis. . öuch is the radical mode in which this C1"6, ?&?rmH, Ue testimoniáis which ■would . ftll volumes (many of them from high t ecionnfic authonty) nre its vouchers, and it is r uscd in the practico of the first Physicians horc ■ and abroad. ForsalebyF J. B.Crnne, W. S. A .T. W. - Maynard J. Ff. Lund, Hnrris. Pnrtridges fe Co b . A, Jowctt' Davldson & Bceker, H. Becker, Chnstinn Eberbaeh. G. Gfenville, D D. Waterman C. J. Garl.-md, E. T. Williams! 4nn Arbor; Geörgê Warner &, Co., -D C Wbitwood, J. Miüard & Sou. N. H w'inG' M. Jackson, Lom; Paul Rüymond! Jacksonr Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Uinton; D S Hnywoöd, Salive; Stone. , Babcock&Co„ Ypsüanti; Scotterirood & Co, Plymoxith; Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton & Co. I)uroi; also in Adrián, Tecumsch, Brooklyn Lontiac, Chicago, and almost every where else Au n Arbor, Jan. 15, 1844. 27-1 v'AVarm for Sale, S1TUATED in the town of Ingharn, Inghnn County, Michigan.' Said Farm containi one hundred and fifty acres handsomely aituated In the muist ot a thriving settlement.The land is what is usually called tiniberec Land, in MJchignn, the tjmber being suar niaple. whhewood, beach, ash, oak, &c.%l kinds of nmber peculiar to the timbered land ir Michigan. Thera is on this farm about fort) acres of good i m, prove ment: a good part of thit is Lnshsh Mrndow. Also ,n gnn] LOG HOUSE ANJD NEW BARN, franied, J-J by.42 fect. well iinishcd. Thcre are also on the place tarming utensüs. stfen ii Chams. Ploughs, Drng, Cart, Fanning Mili, &c. v.iiich will lie sold with the place TERfl OF SALE. ' One quarter oí' pinchase inoncy down; tho romamdci in ton yenrs, ff necès3ary, wiih annua! ïnlorest For pnrticulars eiirjuire of the subscriber in Dcxter vil lage. "JULIÜS RANIVEY. Maroh 20, TS)1 4?_,f, Bristol's Sarsaparilla. ri ''ÍÍIS Valuable medicine sojusily célebfa'eè .X;:a8 a certaiü cure for 'Scrofula or KingtEvil. or any disease arising from impurity of the blood, has becorne so well known as to need nu pubheation of the nuinorcus certiiicates now in ourpossessiony of the extraordinary. cures lately perfonncd by it, but there may be eome persons ail'ccted who have been gulled by using the imitations got up by others, we would respectfully request them to cali on us and satisfy theniselvea of i te many cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of us they can rely upon the genui nencss of the article, whicli they should be careful to do, as we are told there is a spurious nrticle of the same name for sale in ihis vicinity. Be careful to observe that "BristoFs Extract ol Sarsapanlia, Buffalo," iastaniped upon the bottles, and "C. C. Bristol" writteniri his own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 36 Iiilcrty Almanack tbr 1 845 TH E snbscriber is preparing an Almanack o 1815, which will be made a general statistical and historical record on slavery and emancipation. A groat variety of original árdeles in pi ose, and a choice solcction of entircly ncw music for. Liberty Meetings, will beinserted, malciiig it a valuable book. Itwill also contain 8ome excellent articles on the subject of Temporáneo. It will be richly einbellished wiih plates,among which will be the iiJceness of Jamjcs G. Bík.skv, our Liber'ty candidate for President, also a brief history of his life. Weshall be happy to rocei ve orders from any establishment djeiriag quantities. Itwill bo publislied iii August. Publishers who will givo this noticc insertion for ,'tkree months, shall receivo 1ÖÜ Alman.iuks, each. J. N. T. TUCKEIt. 11 -3m. , EPAniong the mnny striking proofs of the excitcuieut of Bristol's Sarsaparilla. nul the least is funiishcd in the (act that such a mulLittuic ol spuiious and counterfeit preparations have been put foriü, aiid.some of them by mon that profess a hih business standing. Unless this medicine had been of sovereigh valúe, and its great success beyond all queslion, it would have found no imilations. Peoplc never counterfeit that vvhich is yalueleaB. Whoever. heard of a single counterfcit of the wild-cat currency of tho West?- Sierling coin and safety-fund bilis, are countcr(cited constantly. The fact that a thing is exlensively countrrfoited, is prooi o its value. - The sucecssof Bristol's Sarsaparilla has caused ! it to bo counterfeited in almost all the cities and towns in the Uuion. Spurions money is 'universally rejected, so should spurious medicines jc. No sensible person will take the faïse when ie can get the truc Peoplö who do' hot wish to ?o imponed upon, alunild tibtatn tbc genuine ar-iele. Aitcntion to ihis in of thefirst importance. ' Cai:ti-n.- Ask for Brislol's Sarsaparilla, and jee that the written signatiire of C. C. Bristol is )vcrthocork of the bottlo, nono ot her ie genuine S For eule by W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD.


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