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I TO THE VICTOiE. SPOILS" lHE f A LTHOUGH many preparatinn .1 , A oí "POPULAR MEDICINES1)? Ï"0' ! been before the public, claiming to %L & -, and even cure tho moet invetérate difw r t; none have so well answcred the Lïn CH yel : Dr. Sherman's J-ENGES. "COÜGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate cases of rn,,ni lu-urs. Thcy have cured a larfe níSf J ?f" sons who hnvo been given up )y ,"",'' ? gjffc and fnends. and many who havr '1 P-vs1co"é 10 theycrge of the gravo by l" rct'f Consumption and Ilectic Fver 1 L b]ü0(i hnvc had the r,.ee of hoalth restorr,l , , r llfSC gardcheek, omt now live lo Bfí?l f hnSpra.?eSofthiS.nVa!uab]e medicine ní (hc man's "" í. Sber] -WORM L0ZEAGE8 imvc bren proved n more thnn 400 000 M tiè inlalhble, in fact. the onlv h Xv SCe ' stroyin medicine ever' dïScove 'è Y&k Wíl eat them whon thc-y onnno. be (ocí í i'" Jny o.her, and tho u.-ncfi L ' '?;ike the ndmimstration of medicine to-tSíS? form is great beyontï conception. Tl 1 i "C never been k.iown to fiúl. Dr. Sherimfn' "Y "CAMPÜOR LOUNGES" relieve Headachc. Nervons Sick-I-li 1 puationof thaHeart. and S2nt ?'C' ?M few imnures. Dr.'s a VüIy "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" ■ja acknowledged by all who hnve ev'er tí,s 1 ■ , be the best strcngthenina Plnster L ,1 (' " to da sovereign rcmed %r rld, ". the back, -loin., sido, brL? n cfT' rhoumatism, lumbago, &c b' 'Iniía' to procure the above and oft tlt ' j? cnrcI mistake in quantity or charge be a3 AnnArboJL'11?; THE TRUE PAIN ' W EXTRACTOR SALVÏ2 lUCHcureslikea charm all BURN' Sc„„,-„. f„ & jsil ítsíál be refunded n any case ií it does inSíf To placo it within reacli of ai) thrVZ i bcen reduced more than four ü S hüB times „8 much aS the tonner, and he í rfènr ten tunes as much $1 BIZ0 fail to havo Cokkel's Pain Extractor Oin., II ngony from any b„rn in íive numne.s, p v" led they have seen H used: or will beS ?,Z ' who have irsedit. "l88e COMSTOCK & CO.. rr n , ' Courtland Siicot - O Be euro, tSerefore, and ask fo, CoSS? a our plata Dnllcy'. nnn,e on ir Whcn (0.011, and tho spurious rnay.appenj wiiLS mine on ,t Know, therefore. that it comea J ■ecily f,om Comstock & Co., or him h WM.S.&J. W. MAYNÁK1) A8ei" íor Ann Arbor.JEV&LR Y. tr 1 $ti nPIlK subscritor hnving ;, tcüa. ■% just reecivod a newnd.íf kj (ini'n ;o his íormer stock of ffV' S Güü(ls is ptópaféd lo sc)l V I fflfe 'hem cheop fór' A5 (#& i sáPi T"? uhl ch niay bc found jijjX-.SaáiI%apeg 'nc iollowing: Gold Finger Rings, and Bosom Pina, Ucarití and Crosses. Süver and Coniinon Thimbles, Watch Chaina and Keys, Pensil Cases; nlso. Spoons, Sugor Bows, Butler Knives, Toolh and Uair Bruthes, Pocket Books, Vi o! i a 1 String8, JVeedlcs, xda ' %# Spectncles. Fine :, Con-,bs,Dressing Combe, Side Conibs, Bnck Combu. Pocket Comba. Waier Páínféi 1 Markinpr Col ton, Steel Veus. and Twea8crSvSnuff& Tobacco Boxcs. EUsúv. &c. ' AII of wliicli wíj] be eold os chenn rs nt nny'otlier establishment this nido of ISVw York. N. B. The subscriber.thankfuJ for so Inrge : a share of public pattonnM, still solicitsn contini eftee oftlí'e Same. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of every description ropaired and warrnntcd. Alsp, JEWELJiy repnired on sliori notioc - Shop at bis oíd stand diroctly oppositq tbe Court House. Cutíhpuid for oíd Gold and Silvor. C. BLJSS. Ann Arbor, July 1, 1844. 2fc'-ly. TliE folíowingiñdiñpengalle i;inn!y reñie((ió=8 in;iy be found at Maykakd's" Druggí'st Storf!. in Ann Arbor, vitóte none will be fcld unless known to bc of the best kind ;md no coumorfeit article'cvcr of?ered, páVeni mcoicTno invariably procured ol the origm'l inventor or bis regular s.ucccssor: Ño J'dviiL'j should be a weck uilhout these remedies. % ■ ' BALDNESS. Balvt of ' Co'umbia, for tile, Unir, ivhich wil 6top íl if fnllin out, or restore iion bald places; and on cnñdren make it grow rapidly, or on thoee who havo lost the hair froni any cause. ALL VERMJlN that inlest thc licads of children in schools, are prevenied or killed by it at once. Find ike nanu; of COMSTOCK en t orne ver try t. Reviemher this aheays. piles, m. are wholly prevented, or governed ifthe nUnck has come on, ií yon use the onlyltue IIays' Linimet, írom Comstock & Co. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that admits ofan outwardapplication. It acts Jikea chium. Uso it. RTIEUMATISM AND LAMKNF.SS positively cured; all ehrivellcd miisclcs and íiriibsriro rostored. in thc oíd or youhg, by tie Inditín Vegetable FJh.ii; and Nene and liime LinimciU-but never without thc no me of Coinstock & Co. on it. KOLjVÍSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE -.vill craátcate all WORMS in chijdren or adulto wiih a certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kiakkb- cures efícctunlly. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41


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