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Will bc published every Monday inorning, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, by BECKLEY & FOSTER, For the Michigan Statk Akti-Síaveby SoCSETT. TERMS. One copy, paid in advance; or as nearly soas xnaybe, Two Dollars. Fivk or more copies, to one Post Office, if paid io advance, at one time, One Dollar and twentt-fivb cents each. Ten or more copies, to one Post Office, if paid in advance, and at one time One Dollas. each. Clercymen, on paying urrearagcs, can have the Signol for one year for Ose Dollar, in advance. ITT All old subscribere, on paying arrearages, can join ihe clubs of Five or Ten at any time, by forwarding the advance pricc. N. B. - All Club papers will be stopped as Boon as the advance pay shall be exhausted. All others will be forwarded until ordered discontinued. All subscribers will be expected to pay within the year. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. For one equare, one insertion, 50 cents. " " each 8ubrequent insertion, 25 cents. . Legal Advertising by the folio. Terms of Advertising by the year or quarter made known at the offiie. O" Manufncturers, Booksellers, Machinist, . "Wholesale Merchants, and all others doing an eztcnsicc business, who wish to advertise, wiH find the Signal the best possible medium of comxnunication in the State. U AU Remiitance8 and Communications ehould be addresscd, Post paid, ILTSignal of Liukrty: Ann Arbor, Mich.pj] SIGNAL OF LIBERTY. ANN ARBOR, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1844


Signal of Liberty
Old News