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1 A lew momhy mee, some of our friend thought il-at the utmost ihat the Liberty p,-r ? coulJ do the present year, ámid the whiríyin] I of a Presidencial eleetion, woulr! be to preserv, niírniiníber and influence unïmpnired. We dis i senied rom üns opinión, and expressed the belief that the exuiicmeiu would reach the anti- slnvery menas well as oth.ers, and cali ihem ou in deence of tkaïr principies. The resul t ha! - met our expectations. "The country is risin.,',' 1 buL it is for the cause of Freedom, as Well nsfoi ". Polk and Cluy. Wq havo enrofully watched thj ■ signe of the times, and we car truly say, that a 1 no time since the oranizaiion of the party h.-.i ihc unión of Liberty men been more perfect, their ibithand hope more fully developed or thcij exertioiis and ofl'oris mere abnndaní. There if lar greater. interest arnong liberty-inen now thar 1 thcre was a yearsincc. ín prooi of this we cite the foliowing cl;eering evidence of piogress. which wc cm from our exchange papers of a single mai!. Sig-ns of the Times. Two yeare ago, you eould hardly get the political press gencraliy, to -reeognize the existence oí the Liberty party, or the nomeftof its candiaates. The Liberty vote was all "Seal." Now, in the votes taken on board steamboats, the nnme oí Birney occurs as regularly as any o f hef;, and mnny of the Whig papers are as intent upon opposing the Liberty men, as they are the Democrats! Agnin, in 1840. the Whigs were assiduous in disclaiming abolitionism, as the Democrats wcre iti charging it upon them. Now they are eager to convince Liberty men that they are as good abolitionists as they are, while the Democrats, eo far from making this a weapon against them, are anxious rather to show the hollowness of their pretensions to tinti-slavery zeail What do these facts signiTy? We commend them to the iiou'ce of our Southern friends. In four years more, if the Liberty men stand fat, both parties, if then existing, will be more in fearot the anti-slaveiy. than slavery sentiment. The liibcrty RoII. Mnke way for the true democracy! Ch.vrlks MoRRfs, Esq-, a leading member of the bar of Truy, Miami county, supported Mr. Van Buren warmly in 16U. IJe aittrwards waa the choice of many for the President Judgeship of his circuit. He rejects Polk and Dallas, and will vote ns all true Democrats Bhould, for Birney and Morris, Jokl Tiffany, Esq., of Elyria, Lorain county, a very fluent and popular speaker, also a niember of the bar, was a supporter of Van Buren in 18-10. lic, Iike Mr. DoPuy, is unwilling to sacriíice his principies, at the bidding of the sluveholding oligarchy, and is boldly advocating the. men. He s making numerou conven , Polkism to true Democracy in Lorain I Mr. IIusjíaniw, a distinguiehed IeQr of ., Democrntic party i„ Rochester, ha8 .,,„ "" and , denounced by the Rochester Z & Samuel Lcwis of Cincmnati, in ]840 . riarnson „„, in J844, goes for Birney '" S. P Chase, inJ840an influential an ? supporter of General Harri in 1 ? aC"V I.-'4i?.J6adevotedLibenyman. " P'aCe' i Mr. Huichins, of TrumbuJl 'Co o . an eloquent advocate of the claimáór u '" 1810) .nl844,isdavotinghspower";hfVa", the Liberiy cause. he Succe88 oí Lewís L. Rice, an able WhigeditOr tA nowediting a 111Oet excellent Licrtnl8i8 Warren, Trumbull co. y pnPer at J. W Tai,, S!tys ,he Cleveland Pallw, , editor and publisher of the Conneaut O "' a strong Harren nndTylermnnine''e' opposes Clay, and is about . "40. erty paper at Paine.villo. Ho 1 T ",QLlllusold HarnsonsubseribersL?, ""' of opposed the Liberty Pany,i8no:o;"' The Cleveland Plaindealersav Ti Wopk1ns)1.F.Faintera„dMHHTer'H-1"ia of ita acquain.ance, and v"vf X' CÍt" to secure the eleetion of GenlH nre all Liberty men jL lhey „..„-. „.. we.proaounceiii, fóft..A""'írí.b.r5h, .„„Do,;,! a "The Comlmt Thickens.,, Tbc combat, bcwc ,he WI,.,,nJ Liber „,e„. Tbc D„„„or„e wi„ „„„ .,c.„ ,l,co,,emvsaomtobiild = - ü,c t,,,e,,y „„.„. In ,he - C,,=cc w,,,, f,,10fitsipa8ejMd.::! - s ODghi to vo.e fe, m Clay ; secondLy. Mitch IMMH lhitd,v, Abolírioa B f Mr, Cloy; ilflJllyí Burchard's letter to Abolición. This ís bnt n specimen of he fur„ the cnnv1M s takíng. Jncouníry places, where the „ntflavery sc.uin.ent i, .ron tlie orators rnouth t bout-L.bcr.y.,,,mocenofhe veiy elecf are hnlí persuadecj tlie Whiy pariyin anaboliuon pnnyíCincnr,at.i Herald. Wesíei-,1 JYew York is MoVVe earn by A]van S[(wartj Esci) who at_ ded the convention at Arcade, on the Jat of Augnst, that therc wae o g,eat and spiri.ed gathcringot the warm ;,„d fnst fneln]s of Li!eny at tlie.r nmn convemicn, nnd an efficiënt plan of acnon adopted for ihe enmuner contest. Arrnngements were tnaöo in one district for 500 lecturesl That is tho wáy to do up the work. A harvest cannotftil to follou-sueh nctivity. nor i. .1,i (anger of their tufnïng, to Olay who are so el Jj awake for Lm'eriy! l 1 ho Liberty Pnrry of Onondaga and adjoinin. t counties held n Masa speèting of 3.500 of th, [ Frcemen and women of this district, in Syracnse [ on the Ist dny of August. It was truly a mag "'ficentgntherinc. Bright nnd sweetly opene. [ the morning. öreat (,d glorbue the event i ', eommemornted. Tho emancipaiion of 800,001 r human beings frora the chnins and chattelship o e slavery- and thcir restoration to the iiberty am ( uiKiHinnicsofnion and women. [ In tho evcningagreciihly witi] an arrangemcn [ previously made, adiscnssion was hold betweei Charles 11. Sedgwidc, Esq. Whig of Syracim E and John Thomas and A. S. Wing, Esq'e., Lib: erty- upon the queeiion, "Is it wrong to vote fot , a man to íiíl an office under tho general governwho is a slaveholder?" The discussion was continued tmtil 1 1 o'olook. with spirit and great interest before some 1200 persons. F.ulton and Oswego. A boat Joad of. somo 80 or í)0 good Liberty met and women carne in to our convention, on Wednesday, from these places- and from Cicero fifteen large wagon loads. Cazenovia sentó delegation of o hundred or more. All were fulUi faidi and wide awake. All Ilail ?i mis us ! This townhas the honor of sending the largegt delcgation to the mass meeting. Our Fayettevillefriends, who always do up tbings about right, chartered a boat, nnd brought out by actual count onc hundred and scventy. 1 1 i8 suppoaed thai as many more carne in carriages. Probably there were not Jess than thrke hondreo and i-IFTy from that town. Givo her the banner .-Sijracusc Frccman. Judge Foote has Ieft the Democratie party einco the party carne to the conclusión to sacrifice their own country to annex foreign territory for tho spread and perpetuity of slavery. Tho Judge has beeoniea worhing Liberty man. He hasorr dered a bundie of the Liberty Press for the campaign the past week, and by his exei tions will da much to ncrease the Liberty voto in Chautauqu? county. Since the abovo was in type, we haye receired froin Judge Foote another order for catppaign pa pers. accompnnied with, a long letter, giving a view of the state of the cause in Western New York, their wants, and suggesiions with respect to the same.- TM. Press. Checring: froin Vercnont! By a letter jusl received frorn Hon. A. Stewart. ilappcar8plain that the State of tho mountains will doublé her vote thtsyear. He eaye:


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