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PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PEEVA1LED. TJETERS' Vegetable Pills have now been t 'JL years before the pui)lio. During thai peri tliey have obtuineda colebrity unparalloled in tl liistory of the most popular medicines whioh ha1 i preceded them or huve followed in their track.The happy combïnaiion of vegetoble ingredien t.o which these pills owc their efHcacy, is the r sult ofyeors of earnest study and experiment, c recied by long previo4is experience in the pro artiesof medical.substaiicee, the paihology ol'di ense, the nntiire and modus operandi of the vi rious fluids wlnch minister 10 the support ai sustcnance of the human body, andorganizatic hy which thosefluids are prepared, modified ai distributad. The triumph of skill, nnd patie exicriinent has been complete. Tbroiighout tl qL length and breadth of our land, in Jiriiish Ame ca and the West Lidies, and on the confine of Europe-, the curativo virtues of Peier's Vcg tablc Pille, are gratefully acknovWcciged. . Th may be calledTHE medicine par KXCEr.r.K.vcE, the Southern States. Their consumplion sou of the Potomac, is enormons, and continnally c ■ iheincrease. No other pil) "goes down" ther in however sugnred óver wirh hiied puffs and hou {„ manufactured certifícales. r Peters' Vegetable Pills mny be terrned a un r versa i medicine, for thero is scarcely any d e rangement or obstnicfion of the organs an ? functions of the human machine which thoy wi nol allevin'.e or remove when adminisrered ín tl: )r early stages of congestión of the stomach or bov els, they speedily relax those organs, reduce tl: attendant fcver. and restore the sufTererto healtl Containing no irriiating or drnstic substancié their exlïibition is never followed by that pro; tration of the bodily .powers which characteriz 1 the opcration of most other cnlharticR, and the 2 may be ádminístered without the slighteet fear c producirtg local inflammation, so frequent! caused by the purgent compositions vended b the quacksrand charlatans of the day. Jn almost allstagesof disease, Peters' Vegeta S Me Pilis wil] be found of beneficial effect, bu they should always be resorted to when the üra sympt m mnkes its appearance. conques d of the co rp pin int will then be easy and immedi atc. In billious disorders, remittant or intermit tant fevxr. dispepsia, dysentery. cholera, cholic ainrlibVó, dropsy. sour or fore'd eructations, en largement of the spleen, sick headache, all complaintsgrowing out of imperfector too rapid di ïcstion, torporof the bowels. femaleobsiructions linbitual co8tiveness, and all other diseases ir } which a purgative medicine is proper. Peters Vegetable Pills will be fonnd unrival.'ed in the speed, certainty and gentleness of their operniton. r It is asked npon what principie thepe e.xtraordinary effects are produced? ; We reily that Peters Vegetable Pili acts as a purilier of the blood, by purifying the chyle and other fiukle ol which blood is composed. Chyle is a milky fluid depnsiled by the digestive matter on thé coats of the intëstiries; and which when combined with the billiary eecretion, is convey' ed nto the veins and becomes the principie of life. Thismedicine acts direcdy upon the chylel froin which it cxpels all acrid particles, and al humors detrimental to a healthy circulation. It i cleatises thejuices and fluids beforé the chemical change takes place which fits them for (heimmediate purposes oí vitality. This is beginniníí at the beginning. To embue the streams ofIife with health. it is necessary to purify them at "their sou rees. Such s the radical mode in which this medicine performs its curea. Testimoniáis which would fill volumes (mnny of them from high scientific authovity) are its vouchers, and it is used in the practice of the first Physicians here and abroad. ForsnlebyF. J. B. Crane, XV. S. A J. W. Maynard, J. H. Lund. Tiarris. Partridges & Co S. P. & J. C. Jewett, Davidsnn & Becker, H. Becker, Christian Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D. D. Waterman. 0. J. Garland,-E. T. Williams. Ann Arhor; George Warner &, Co.. E. C, Whitwood, J. Milíard & Son, N. H. Wing! Dexter; M. Jackson, Le.ani; Paul Raymond! JftcLfon; Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood. Salive; Stone, Babcock & Co., Ypsilanti; Scattereood & Co Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton & Co. Detroit; also in Adrinn, Tecnmseh. Brooklyn, Pontiac, Chicago, and almost every wliere elsc. ' Ann Arbor. Jan. 15, 1844. 27-ly AFarm for Sa 5e, SITUATED in the town of Ingham, Ingham Cotinty, Michigan. Said Farm contains one hundred and fifty acres handsomely si:uated In the midst ot a thriving settlement. The land is what is ' üsually called timbered Land, in Mlchignn, ihe timber being sugarmaple, whitewood, beach, ash, oak, &c. all kinds of timber peculiar to the timbered land in Michigan. Thers is on this farm about forty acres of good improvement: a good part of this is Enslish (VTr-arlow. Also. a enof] LOG HOUSE AND NEW BARN, framed, 34 by A' feet, wel! finished. There are alsöon the place larming utensils. such as Chains, Plouehs. Drasr, Cart. Fanning Mili, &c. which will be sold with the place. TERMS OF SALE. One quarter of purchase money down; the romninder in ten years, if necessary. with annual interest. For particulars ehquire of the substriber in Dexter village. . JULIUS RANNEY. March 20, 1844. 48-tf.Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THiS valuable mocücine so justly celebra'e as a certain cure, for Scrofula or Kini Evil. or any discasc arising from impurity of th blood, lias beconie so wetl known ns to need n publlcation of the numorous certifícales now i ourpossession, of the extraordinary cures latei performed by it, butfe:irng there may be som persons afleetcd whó have been gulled by usinj the imitations got up by othersj we would re spectfully request them to cali on us and satisf themselves of its many curea in similar cases.By purchasing of ustheycan rely üpon the gen uineness of the article, which they shonld b eareful to do, as we are told there is a spuriou , urticle of the same name for sale in ihis vicinity Be eareful to observe that "Bristol's Extract o Sarsaparilla, Buffalo," isstámped upon the bot tles, and "C. C, Bristol" written in lus owi hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 36 líiíierty Almanack for 1 843 THEsubscriberis preparing an Almanack So 1845, which will be made a general statisticnl and historica! record on slavery and emanci pation. A great variety of original articles ii pióse, and a choice selection of entirely new mu sic for Liberty Meetings, will beinserted, making it a valunblo book. Itwill also contain some excellent articles on the subject of Temperance. It will hc richly embcllished with plates,among which will be the likeness of James G. Birnky. our Liberty candidato for President, also a briei history of his life. We shall be happy to receive orders from any establishment desinng quantities. It will be published in August. Publishers wbo will give this notice infiertion for three months, shall receive 100 Almañacks, each. J. N. T. TUCKER. 113m. 0UAmong the many striking proots o the excitement of Bristol's Sarsaparilla, not the least ie furnished in the fact that such a multitude of spinioiis and counterfeit preparations have been put forth, and some of them by men that profess a lugh business standing. Unless this medicine had been of sovereign value, and its great successbeyond all question, it would liave found no imitations. People never counierfeit that which is valueless. Whoever heard of a single counterfeit of the wild-cat currency of the West? Sieiüng coin and safety-fund bilis are countericited constantly. The facttbata thing is extensi-yely countrrfcited, is proof oí its value.- The success of Bristol's Sarsaparilla bas caused it to be counterfeited in almost all the cities and towns in the Uuion. Spurious money is universally rejected, so should spurious medicines bo. No sensible person will take the falso when he can get the truc. Feople who do not vvish tu be imposed upon, should obtatn the genuine article. Attenrion to this is of the first importance. Cadtion.- Ask for Brisiol's Srirsaparilla, and see tbat the written signatuie of C. C. Brislol is over the cork ofthobottle, noneother is genuine Xoi sale by W. . & J. W. MAYNARD.


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