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Agriculture At The South

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i A few syoeksflgo; a fri'eod of fura was sb'oai to take a jomncy un busfncss, nnd ns he cbiilfi retpafú oorúe time ín n ceriaiii disírícl wherq ve had no subseriüers, he concludcd ns ve!l as ourselves, that he ínight coílect a few to add tü oíi'r Hst. in a-letter 'írom tóin. daiod ; 1 . Jnn. 7:!i. l&il." hesuys, 'i havo recent1}' tíiken a i of twelvc miles ironi iliis ciiy, and rciuuiuü by a uiñerent roati. I sr;w baí oue building ihm could bo constructed . inío an aoobgy lora b.'irn. vlíow do you manage without a: barn?' aaid I. 10 onc of ihe best farmers ! met wit!). . 'O,' siúd he, 'we have no use for bares, we have nbthing to put in tliem.' 'Huw do you thresh your wheat?' I inquircd. 'Wo do not growaiiy v.'hent.' 'Your ryE, tlien?' - ,'Wo do not grow any ryc.' ■Wliat ido you do witU your hay?' 'Noither do vc grow any hay,' was I1Í3 rep!y. 4 What do you giveyour horses during the win - tor?' 'The tops nnd bladea of the corn.' 'And how are your cowa providod for?1 'We let them tako their chance in the fields among the walks; thcy make out to live .till apriñg.' The same farhier tóhl mo'that he liad not manured an acre of land, nor a hiil of corn for niño yoare! 'And what,' I nsked, ia an average erop oí porn? 'Áatt'o] to the thoimand bilis.' 'And how many liilís do you reckon to the acre?' '-T.vvothous.iiHl.' 'And liow many bushcls to the barrel?' MVO.' 'Then your erop of corn is ten bushds. to tho acre?' 'Yes, we are satisfied with, and half of us do hot get that much.' ' 'Have jwu marl here?' I inquirod." 'II lili" e 'Yes, vE h.ivo plumy ol n Uireo or iour teel ibelow the surfucc, but it is too müeh trouble 10 g iiigit.' f Imcniioncd your poudreuc - , aid ht, 'a dolr [ lar and fiAy cents a burrel would make il cuat )t too much.' k Seeinjr a Iütle girl busily engf)ged in staking e a quart bottler I asked vrhat she had in ir. íáhe n aaswered erfiam, and thatshe waa niaking bui[,■ ter. I cünclutlc therefüie, tliat a farmer whohae u a horse and cart - a wooden plough, ropc traces, it and a corn husk collar, and a quurt botilc to - cburn hi bujter ia, ieels hitnsalf, amply prvpai- ed Cor coadacikig'a farm in tLco diggina,' witii:- out wosiing a dollar a year ibr tk# iuxuirs' Oub- ine:!' A mosrle2itim.-uo-cn!idtson-,tru!y. Wcshóujd' ', have come to the sarrio precisdy, lad we been if canvaesing oürselves, inatead ol our fneail. - tl Vhere would bo the uae in siirnng up ae"íglí- t borhooJ that wub quictlv reposing upón a bt-üeí h, in tho pcfft'ction habita, and in niae kiajg it fed ns own pnvntions by nhowrag ia tt i the superior privilcgea uí o:hersl lf a man is b cOiiicnt iroju year to year, and frota genet atjon r 10 gepëration , witn "' teributKeli ot cota to tlie f acre, witlt bic; wooden plaugh, husk. collar, anf{ a e quart boule chi.r.i. why ak faina to waaie his j moncy or. 8 agrieuhural paper, that would nisko - hún dissatieüed with theni all! Our fiiend aáo - infonued us that overiuking a boy that was re- turningïn his cart to market', he nquired how f'ar he had come - what his load of niarkëtin' iiuu' í coBfcifcted of, and liow imic!) be had obtainedior 5 nt He. satd he just -■)(( his load of foddw - he i had brouüht u tiiae nylee, aad got bixty-iwo and - a Wil cents lor it. We could make'uii a chap- tcrof reflectioixs upon iheac J'mle incidenis. bul as they would uot reach tho hifedul diírÍLt- g for no euuBcribers were obtained. - aiid fts ihobt e of ourjeadcr wil! be quite 'aa wisc as ourown,


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