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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: The Liberty Party...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: The Liberty Party... image
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The object for which Texas is sought to be annexetl to the United States was ftnd is declared by the frienás o.anne:iíiori in the South to be, to strengthen and per;etuato slavery. It has been adopted as a party measure by the Democratie party at the North in obedience to thacommaud of the Southern. Demócrata at the Balümore Conventioa. Tlmt is, the whole Democratie party of the nution have adppted ths project of annexation asa party measure for the single purpose of increasing and perpeluating the curse of slavery, of extending this hcllish iusttiution over alarge tract of country yet unpeopled, of lending the power and iniluence of Northern roemen to perpetúate this curso upon their fellow uien, to bind the faith of the Government of the United States to the support of this system of oppression, to yoke in ev'efy man of the party to tlie diroct support of 'Slavery. N o body wil 1 pretend thnt th South would ever have wanted for zi.y other purpose than to support & btrengihen slavery, and nobcdy will pretend that any party of the ATorth have iny importaut interest in annernng Texas bevond the union of the Northern cnu Suuthern portions of the partv. The Democratie party thus present thenselves to the country and the worW, as the open and avowsd advocates of Slavery. Thoy go for Annexation because th9 South want it; the South want ii, because it will strengthen Slavery; therefore the party, by adopting Annexaí a prominent measure ïn their political creed, have agreed to3 and becomO pledged to extend and strengthen Slavery,at laest as lar as it can be done by the Annexation of Texas. Thcy stand before the country and the world, not merely passively disppsed to let siavery alone, but pledged ro kxtünd it over a vast Terriiory, and inerease i ís power, in the National Govv ernment. Every man that conteraplatss voting the Democratie ticket should examine these facts carel ully, and decide for himself whether liecan conscienuousy support a party l ha t is bound to .extond Slavery, and give to that iasiiiution tho controlling power of tlie.üenev&l Government through numbers: in tlie Senate.The Whig party ure not to bs trusted ín their oretended love of personal fiberty: I ihcir aciö béiie all such profcssion.a. - j Th.ey have selected n slave holder and duelist to fijl the Presidential chair; they have made no eifort to aboüsh Slavery.. where Gongrcss has the.undoubted right to do so; they have made no eñbrt to aboliöh the Slave market at Washington; they, hnve rnadc no ëffoft to probibii thé Slave Trade on the high seas from or.3 scctionofthe UaUed .States to anoiherj (which is as u.nlavfal as that from África to America,) they have done nothing to restribt the groving power of SJavefy; and more than all this, they do not now iprómise that they ever will do any thing difTerent from what they have done, to wit, let it alone, until it slial! have gnawcd put the vitáis of Liberty. They, as a party, have opposed none of the aggresions of SJavery upon personal liberty; and their present opposition to the Annexation of Te.xas does not origínate from their regard íbr personal liberty or their dislilce to the extensión of Sla very, but they feara war with Aiexico, orEngland, or both, and therefore oppose Annesation. If the hostility to Slavery is in truth the reason why the Wiiig party is opposed to Annexation, why bas not this hosiiliiy exliibited ltself againsl the coinrol.'ing in(luence which has been exerted by tílavery in the Goneral Government for the last twenty years? The truth is thisj i: is oiic of those cases in 'which the actions ot" men give the lie to their wprds. Liberty men are now invited to vote tbc VVIiiá ticket because the Whig party are not in favor of Annexation; they are invited lo support this party, not because the party proceses todo ny righteous ■ '' ' I II I I I -"I -iiH-i i,, HimMImi act, or any act whicfa Liberty men wam donej.but solely ón tlie ground that the VV hig party vill refratn from doing a ceituin, unrighteous wicked act, to wit, ítntiexiñg Texas ío tho Union. Thia is rill that the Wing party pretend (hat they wíl] do, or wil] not do, in regard to Slavírf-y; it is tho wbole pf the inducement wbich they prettíiiti ío bold out to obUiüi the votes oi' Liberty inen. Now. as a memfcfcr of rhe Liberty parly, I ftppeal lo every Liberly man and usk fcñm caüdiöly; if 121 his judgement, ibis is a sufijcii-ai inducement to give his voteto the Wkig party. Wus the Lib?rty pavty orgaaized for the purgóse of beirígtóái out to the Whig party for so contereptible a negativo pric? It was. orgaiiizcd tbr íhe bighaud noble purposo of aboliehing SlaWfy throughoat the naüon, and roiieving thè country from the !o;ly aovüLCs . of Natioxal DanceiV of reiriöving tlie National chaiaetar frora tlie difigrnee which Slavery las brought upon ii; of eléyatfng 3,000,000 f slaves io íiie eíijoyincnt of üherty; ead febove all, of relíeving tita country írom lhoáe dreridíul rc-U-i bu liona whioh must fall upon our postariiy, if tlio nutíoü continuo thlas3'sl&aí of uaparaUelod oppjression. Aro all theae objects to be sacrificed tor tue parpóse of choosing between the danger of An'neation wilh a Democratie lidmüiisíraíion, and.iho dunger of Aanexatiou wiíh a Tldg administrcition, Tor it is not ceituiu that Texa3 wiü not bo annesed undor a Whig administration, and it ia cot absolutöly certuin' that it will be anncicJ uhdeí a Democratie adauuistratiba. If fhe Liberty party remain firm and unJlvided, they vúl be ablO to esert a powcrfal iníluence against Aimexatioa under either a Whig or Deme-ccntic adminisíration, bat if they allov themselves tobo diviáed &nd destroyed by oitheï'of tilo other pai'íies, thoir inflnoncs as iudiviiiuate v.ill be very much Iqss íhauman organizrd party. Tlie Liberty party is fast increasing in numbers arrd strengt b, -and hs priñcipl-es are.griining access to the public eav; and if it sL-;il Lej;::;)porLCJ iu fuíure with ihat doc-roe of ferfery and zeal which have cliDvaeíc-ri.ed tito cubrís "that have èjéyated it to its presont pesition, it mast distaát da-y, embrace the majoriiy of the .IN aíi&D, ïi eiiiUüdies t!iose principies, and íhose orcly, vjiich can sustain Republican insíííutioíis; 1 gires Persoiíal, Poliíical & Religious Liberty to all men, without regaratobiríh, color, orsect. ïliese priaciples mv.a'í be ii-siiníained with íhe strjeiést míegriíy, or t!io republie raust AilK - Tho moment any portion of the iniiabitr.üís are deprived of uny of theso important rights, they are transíbrmed inío natural enernies of tho State, and' iTho diaeaáe, which tnust eubdue at leugth, Grows W.ilfa our grov.-tíi, aad strenglbena wilü our ktíength.f This-disease v.hh u& is sixty-Bine years oíd, a-nd has fuli} maintained ils posiíion in growing'with our growth, and sircMigthenlíig wi'ih out strf-iigth. A consistent, umvavering sunoori pf tho pfiiïcipléë of íhe Liberty Párty is tho Arpp.oi'EíATE


Signal of Liberty
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