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Another Legal Murder

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WtJl doubtles8 be enacted in the case of Mi Walker, memioned beiow. A Ü. S. "man-of war" ha8 been used to arrest hitn. and he is to b tried by a law sanctioned by the Presidenta an membersuf Congress elected by Northern votee even many wlio aro now abolitionists, aided i the infnmous business. Walker the Alolilionisi. -The U. State, steamer Gen. Taylor, Lt. Com. E. Errand, ar rived here last Thursiiay evoning from Key West brought prisoner the man Jonathan Walker wlu recently abducted the teven negro slaves beiong' ing to Messrs. Willis and Cadwell, under a cero, mitmentirom the civil nuthority nnd on beinj taken bofore the United States District Judge, th Court being in sessioii was immediatcly remanded to prison, on aihng to give tho necessary bail. to await his triul at the next term of the Court. When the prisoner landed on the wharf the crowd was immense, and as he was escorted to the Court House by the Deputy Marshal, the crowd thronged the streets and sidówalks, nud the Court Room was filled td"overflowing with a high ly excited masa of peopln. Since the above was in type? wc learn that the Judge hasdetehnined to hold a Special Court for the trial of Walker i a few daya. Pcnsacola Gaz. JulyW. The boot and shoe trade ia one of immense importonce in Massa chu se tts. In Abing'on, the value of these anieles manufactured annually, is $l,250;0Ü0; in Weymouth, $1.042;257;in Quincy, $11L8S1; in Braintree.-ii656,r)4l; ui Randolph, .-$944,714; Brigdewater, $164,000; East Bridgewater, $277,800; &c.Kt-.p i' lef ore the peip'c. That the Speaker of the House of ïlepresentntives exercisea more !W power than any other offieer of our Government, ed cxcept perhaps the President himself; yet, nut,t. withstanding the North hns twice the free popx_ ulation of the South, we have only 9 Speakers from the North since the Government wás 7. organized, while the slave-holdera have had o.' 20! In the town of Cambridge, (Mass.,) there is perhaps the best library in thh re country. It belongs to a plain, unassu2j ming mnn, a leather dresser by trade, js who has managed to collect and read j. twelveor fiiteen thousand volumes on ev1, ery vatuablë subject, and attend besides 3, to his regular business. The students ;e have dubbed him L. L. D., the Learned Leather Dresser; and he fully meritsthe title, for he is indeed a learned man. - The Lynn "Awl." The best Dish yet. - Take beets and potatoes, and having boiled them fit for the table, cut thcm in mouthfuls, about as a much of beet as potatoe, and pour over ,. them hot cream if you have it; seasoned with salt, (and pepper, if you hke it.) If you have not the cream, milk will do very } well, with sufficient butter to make it as rich as cream. if you try them, you r certainly will, like the writer, cali it the besi dish yet. 3 South Carolina - Important Movemcni. - We lea-rn on authority not to be doubted, that Col. Memminger, widely known J as a distinguished statesman of South Carolina, is making zealous exertions to 5 have a law passed requiring masters to"■'W.uou a ve cuuuaieu. a movement will be made on the subject at the next legislatura Col. Memminger, is a tíitizen of Charleston, a memberof the legislature, and highly popular. Within a year or two he has become a professor of religión, and this movement of his, would seem to be actuated by the best motives. As might be expected, he encounters great opposition, but is not without many supporters. - Ciru Her. On the first Monday of June last, fhe Cen trnl Bank, Ilallowell, Me., had a circulatioiKof #59,120, against $1,695, of specie!! TÏip. (ufen of ' Madagaacar not long 6óce administered poison to 3000 of her subjeets. She is an usurper. One day she sent an officer to a village on some business of state. He w&a siíddenly taken ill, and died. Suspecthig1. that the inhabitunts were nnfiiendly to her gfovernment, and liad murdered her message, she compelled 3000 to drink tlio Taugiun, of which 1100 died. This the same poison that w-.s g-iven to the Cliristain in the hornable pereecuti'ons whicli have raged in that islond, in which multitudes of Christian converts sufíéred manyrdom.Camels are the only animáis Üiat' cannot awim. It is an exlraordinary fact thnt the moment t-liey lose their footingf in a stream, turn over, and can make no eífort to prevent themselves from being drowned:., Cure f o Diarrkoca. - As there are numbers : suffüring ai th8 lime from the efieets of thisse rious disorder, wc publish for their especial benefit the following simple remedy, Vouched for by the Ne Yorli Aurora: "Even after all other rerrtedies have failed, n certain care for t will be found in rice waler,- Boil the rice, takc the water, make ít palntahlo with aalt, and drink it ccpiously while warm.- We never knew this simple tliing to faiK" From recertt accounts we lenrn that the Liberty party is increasing more rapidly, ií" possibte, tharrever before in New York, Michigan, Ohio, Illinoia. Vermont and Massachuaetts. We set down Maine this fall for 10.000. íf she gives 15.000 for Birney it will be all right.- Bavgor Gazetto. Curiom Fací.- Il Englarld paid her national debt it would take L56 Gs. 2d. from each person to pay it; it wouJd'tnke Lll 6s. 6d. fronreach Frenchman to paj the ebt of France: it would takeL55 89. 4d. from each Dutchman to pay the debt of Holland; and it would only take L'4 12e. 9d. from eacb Pennsylvanian to-pay the debt of that State. The Mexicans are abotit aendinganother arny to Texas, consisting of oO.OOO mení Four mili'. lons of dolían aro to be raised to pay the expense of the cxpediiion. Should they eucceed in recovering that it will put a qoietus upon thequeetion of annexalibn, which now so'generally agitatearho people. of the United States.


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