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■TTENTÏOfl J'Utjr receivcd ui-tlie General Depot, or sale of Clothiera Stock, Machiriery, 1 tímffs, &c. &C1., No. 130, Jcfferson Aver. Detroit, tbc following large, weil aaaorled, L purefully 6elected stock. ix: 100 bbls. SU Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Ton 4' Í- lil St!c! 150 bbïs. Cuba Fuoiic, Cut, 5 Tons " " in Stiel 6tí bbU. Nic. Wood, Chipped, f0 " L'unn Wood, ' 30 M Red Wood, " ]2 J " Ground Camwood, J(J ' Qacrcitron Bark, 6)0 U'-s. NiitgaHst 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, SOO Ibs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spani.-h Indigo, 3'f) )i3. Sünwc Sicily, 3 Caska Mndder, 3 C-asks Blue Vitriol, 5 C.isks Al urn. 2 Bárrela Red T.-n-rnr. 2 Barrels Creirni Tsrtar, 3 Carboys Aqna Fortis, fi " Óil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, ffíO Iba. Virdigris, &) " BlockTTin, - Tenséis, Twine, Copper Kettle, 11 iize Prsin"s öhenring Maf:hJney Cwrtis' " . " Scrcws and Press Platea, Criuiks, Press Paper, Steel Reads, Worsted FInrness, Temer Hooka, Eniery, nll No's.. OüveOif, l Clotbiors' Jacks, Saltinett Wnrp, Clothiers' Brushca, Shuttles, Pieker. Card Cleaners, &c êcc. The above. with n variety of othcr artfclrs h loning io the trnde, have been purchancd ti ummcr by the bscribera from IVIanuíñcinr and First Handsin tlic New York, Thiladelphaiivi Roston Markets, and every tbtng having i ccived liis personal inspeciion. he can wivh t Titmostconlkkncc ofT:r them to pnrehnsers ns t best and most c&mplëfe slorkin the country; iti as it ie his tixeddetermination (by the low rat at which-he will sell)to prevent the necesaity onr Clothiers nnd . Manufvurers leaving t State to mke theirpurchases, be would mere ay ia the trade, CALL, exaioiiie the {oods ai eseertain prices bofore you wiy you euu bi chenper aiuj irhsre else. fíe is also prepared to contract for CA'RDlN MACHINES made in thisStare or Eaat. PIERRE TtlLLF-R, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Joftergon At(nue. ri7-tf ] Poirgl DRY GOODS, Feathers, Paper UaugrAUgTS BASKETS, &c. MAY be ibiind at the lowesl cash r ice, a Rataiond's Casu Stokï, 143 Jefferso; Averme, Do'ioit. The undi;rsigned Ima just receivad a full b;oc! of SPRING GOODS, of the mot desirabl, Biyles and patterna, euitable for city or couatrj tradc. AMOlfÖ YTHKK jiKX; French Lawna. Gingham Mus'in, Muslia de Lnineí, BalzaririCv-i, Bnlzarintí Muslins, Striped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, of all qualiti9, olor and pt terne. Pan talnon and Coat Blu8s, aueh a Oambroon?, Öwedee Cassimerea, Fnncy "üriilings, Linen Checks Plaid Swedes. Fancy English CaseimCTes, Broad. Cloths, Kcotucky Jeans, Ac. - ALSO- JJlue Drills, do Linéns, Fu9!iane, Tickinga, Checks, Linseys. Burlape, Bagginga, Padding, ■ Canvass. Brown Sheeting and Drilling, Bleacbed'Cottona, Swiss, Jaelvonet. Book A Barred Miíalins, "VVide Lneea and Lace Edgings, of ovary descriptkra, Vcstings, Bonnets, Ribbons, Iinen Cambric, Cámbrica, Hankerchiefa, Cravnts, Sec. &c. êcc. Persons tjading in the city are invired, ai least, to cali and look at (his stock, and if the pricea are not as low aa eleewhere, patronage ia not expectcd. W. A. RAYM0ND. T48 Jeffewon Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 144. 4 6m To Clotlüers, J?lani3ffeciarers and Merclaaist. y t THE sut'Scriber is novv receiving at hia stores. JL 168 and 190 Jtffsrson Avenue, Detroit! the following carffullyand well selected stock of Dye Wooüs, Dye Stuits end WooLe.- MasXTFACTunEK's Macuinert. 55 tona Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'and Carthagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 lons Camwood, veryplioice, 380 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, , ]3J " Fustic, " " 100 " Red Wooda, " " l'20 Cainwood, " " 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 " Blue Vitriol, 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Cream Tarter, 2 J Nutgalls. 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala. 2 " Dyé, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 ' Grain Tin, 300 pounda Verdigris, j5 Carboys Oil Viinol, Spirits Sea-.Saltsand Niiric Acid, ALSO. Copper Kettlee and Clothiers' Screws, Tcnter Jiooks, Jacks and Brushes, Prees Papera, Caid C!eaiier8, Weavers' Shearsj Kippers and Burjing Irona, Comb-platea, Pickers and Bobbins. "VVire. Worsted and Cotton Harnees, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Looms andFly Shutües; Steel and Copper Alaila, Emery, &ó. Pasons' Sjienring Machines, 4, G, and9bladea. Ailen's doublé and single Curding Machines. Machine Cards, Leiceater, The above goods have been recently purchascd directly from the importer8 and manufacturera, kxci.usivkly for cash, and will be sold at ie New York jobbers' prices, adding transport;uion only; and in consequence of the decline on tnany of the American rrjanufactured articlts. ivill, in many enses, be sold at riPTEBN tkk ::.nt r.i;ss tiin FonicER prices. Thirteen yeare DXperience in the Dye Wood business ennbles !ie eubscribcr to say to his customers thac he is il at all times to warrant his goodsof superior quaüty. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wond and Dyo Stuff Warchouse 188 nnd 190 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. TiiO Ain Arbor Journal, Ypsilami Sentinel 'ontiüC Gnzette, Fiint Democrat, Adrián Expoiior, Marshall SlatCBman, Niles Courior and opublican, Gezette. Michigan City (la.) and ie Knquirer, London, (Canada,) will ench pubbh :ho above notice insidc, to the amouni of ilüars, and send copy of notice with bilis i s ibscribèr for paynient. ]7-tf. BASKET WARE. rRAVELLÍNG BASKETS, &c._ at . RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, May 20.-1. J 143 Jefi". Avenue, Detroit.


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