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ir dr. oscooD'y A MONG ihc most vuluablo pí íh' ■ jt. medicine, is Hs ristoiiñg tiíjtúirCce upoi cunstHuuone ropair.ed md injuicd by pToviou mtacks ol bijljojus ígver, o fcver umi íy a Iong residcncc in ihuse ctfhintea which pro diico thern. Theré ore many conslituiions whiel hfCQOme grndu&Jiy underjriined !v n tp.ictím.etl in luenec. wiihoui even u dr.y'á uctuul cününemcht [h fKicli cases, the Cífolayogue peñ üke a chira - dio b-tIIow complexión, tosa of appethc, languor, wcupí fi[i depresaion oí spivíta. wití othísr iHjpIeosatjl oymplpms which rnúer hfo : huiden. :i! yféld ió ifim tly v.hen iaithTnlí) usíd accoriJiny to I he dfíSCtíonS o' the!Ci)a;p;inyingpampblet. Ji is cüurfly a ye;ei;Me prep aratiori, and maybe tíkeñ w'ffi perfect sdeiy under all ifcu-inatunccs oí the syüieui. Fur sale ly 36 w. s: v j. v. maynatid: eo]f Agcnt, forA nn Arbor and vieiniíy. ANTI-LFí;AMMA'!-()íry AND RIIÈÜMATIC TLAiSTEií, A.V emeient reuiedy i'ur illif'i!j;.'ít9m. F.eve.) Sores,. Vlute Bi Folonái í' vvt'akiH8 in ih1 lias. ic . Jiress "Sitie or Lirobs, $iin.N, Jirui?es, CfaJnps, Ciiilblpius, ,fv rv.'] l."ii i'aíR cuuns. Iiulol:;t I'úriiorci Ppfifiol nbe- iíi-.-, InOaiDd I'!yíi) S:c. á.. íí is uftftip)t86ed tu a} ínñaininatory diso.isrs, (-itlicr C''iic or ctHc, as it openUe.s y oiuvtc"ifl ::& h'aú rcilitcWf lií!a)i:uion, :;!-iyi; . ■ . :i:_ig .Me paria aiföcted, r,nd by its streng heuing .■ ;inio pri-.poruoa. gvhi,5; ípfcHíly n ';-.f. AL-o ft .1' as uu anti-tnercurial piaster. Friceí íy3 ceñís por Bax. - Kor further pn.rricuhrs, circuntm{ Fitií'phle;.) Por gt'e -.t yjuiwley's iküLkiUro, .Ana Ab. r, and J. T. Bioolitug, travelling agent i'or Í!VSKigaa. . - m-lj '[-■■ F@O2! i.. , :L% A 11 (wtxüem ví-. in caece bflhdí&éstibUj Oyspepsia, Livfer ?órh pUints or Jnundico. Agüe' and Ftveri (-'oiiUd 'iVngue, $tckrjss nt .- the S.unn ncl.i, gipk HeadacFíe, lteniiit;iin aud ïntbrmititm Tévfr, Coughs, Culds, Caurrlñ cK:c. Lc. Lia:ily -?gütíi'ble. tlbèy are euinharicaüy - conducing to healih and caunterátííín'g oiaeaae'" by-urifying h bioo.-), cleartsing nhé fysr?m oí vitiateci humors. rcnioving cbsfructror,. Inung the orgaiis ofsccietioií, nñngÜng with the Awd and CGliug every way inliaTnuioy with the eysicin. P'or Inflnmator'y diaefipcs usad In c'óririëctïorï with the '-Kfieumaiir; i';,s:erM ihey willbe found greatly to aid m the lemcval of disenes íot viiich (he J'iubUT is fiÍKive rrcoiriíp.'i-n.ded, and p.iriícuJnrly are thy caleumfed for üll cí&rangeíurnts of the Digestivs ,nnd HUiar-y Orga;js, the pr;n,!:ty origin of o mulíitude of díseoaes. Piice- 95 eente and 5í cents a B.-x. Fyr tale u JJoBe!y's Booksu-ro. an4 by J. T. Stocklng, Travelling Agent for iliimo. :lrJy SMUT MACHrNE. TJiE Subscribera take ihis me;hod of informing nll sueh na rc encoged n 1I12 Milliiïg íufiineBS in the Stam of Michigan, that they aiè luw nianiífacturing in Aun Árbor, Washienaw ;oumy, Jlteiiiy-m, L. D. Walker's _ -agaehiae, vhich they would recoimnend to tke the bmut il oi wheat as mx!1 or better than any other incliíne;i Tlns inatíKine is ;i horïzsnt&l machine -tt remins al! -flic fricöon of tiic v. h . uiii siüipiicity wuh duvr.tüty, Ii combines thV'-uii:)?, scouriny, -and biowiïig prh.c' .'-'-. uw liarging iie dust and emut as fast a3 s,parated rem the Wbeat. This tnochine is perliscily seirü iroüi fire, and ruiis much lighter than any ther machnic in use. For ferthev informatian, ut laxge, bilis. in Lo;ver TtWn. S Frices agree wth the times. AU orders for Malainès viil be prompüy attendcd to. Addxess. E. O. & A. CiU TT ENDEN. . Ann Arbor, Wasluenaw Co., t Jnly 8, IS ft. lien, SINCLAIE & CHASE7 LTTORKEYS 4jYD L LORS AT LJIW, (OFFICE LOWER TOVN, ANTv ARBOE.) '.i!l ttond to ali business in their profesiion ith afidclity jid despajek. IJaricular attöniion wih be given tp coliect03ERTP. SIJTCI-AIR, . EDWARD K. CH 1SF . March 20, 1844. , 48-] y . t


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