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CJLOTH! CLÖTHÜTU E" Sulíscri.bers woivld: inforvn' the PubLc thai they will.corilirnitó t uianufai:iun ni ' i . - 1 r htniír;c!M-y. lv :!m! a :ai; i:;i;,:, ... -: oí Aun Arbojt, on lú íinrnii, on tho íoiiuwi;:' TC11MS. ■ l'n;;] fKié í -.-.( Sfirj oí Janiinry, 'A. D. r !.". 'ihe pnce vvül tw -Ü7A, cents' per yunl. oí haií the cloth ihe ivool wjü niúké'. frm ,o jgj orj.-munrv lo nio'lúth OfMyí IMíS, i!ic' irico' wífi be i.) ceins k i y. mi!, niüe iwon.imk-, üic w:oüj will ntnkc, ihat is, 15 yards om o' -lí'O' manufauí'iinxl. 'J'hc wool n-;!l be KioíAilalú'rc'd in iiirn us it may come ínto the actory, ns iic:r as .muy liú wiih, reí'ercnce to tlje jfeAni 'iu.iiüit.s. Any iicrson wiio wilj furnjsh pne oj ■ ' i.-uin 80 fo rèö pu uncís oí' oniquliiy ;a Javc i lü.'tiHifacmred by iisili..Vóol víif 'oe' fece;ve'd ;u Sg'ñ, Wool eem by Fí;i:lroai wíil Ve íiüencícri to irf iliesame m'Ü J.or as it ihc uu-üor wrt . to come wkji ii - ii RhoiiM'iie careíuÜy markecj. We llave íuanuíitciuivd 'i-vih (uriiíg the past yenr for ; verv laiíic oí cuiUmivis: to w íioin sve btilit-vo yi'é fiave giveífvery g&ñeral satisfacuoñ Wiih tíipíe faets nnd [he-WVatffógee oOere.! by fbe low pii(;e:it whieh wo offer to manufacture cloth, w bopu iüja large í-har? ui pntr..u,-i.r 'feAMÜEL V. Fü.STJÍH&CO. - Scio. Wash-tcruiw Co.. July ;5, ]64 !. ,'j-rf ,,Sew HatïtöreT F4JVLES Ü. Cl.lA-i: would n'sptctíiilly inl9 lonnthc rüBUé, i!ia he 'has oponed afine jÜwí. Caps, Si ocha, Cravals, Sca?fs i ' Lollárs, ünibr ellas xmd doces, , it-No. J05. Jefierson Avenue, Detroit, neariy ÍPPosóe the I'. .S. Cnirt Room ;-.nd Ü Oíilce. ollero' lio will be nöppv to áfe hia friénds nnd ' ;up]]y thein wiih as:gjod nn ftriiele n lus line ! is can bc procurcd. öijjier iicic p,j; u ilie.eust, ait as 'tlitUp. Gi iitlii.ueiv n ■ tho inlorior. wishing afirst rate whionablo íirticlo o('H;us or (J.-ipa. cua bo fiipjliv.d by señífirig inbirsízé or líave aV)y stvíc iihed ia iu ,h íew hours.-.and vr-,-v',,v.-7 (ú ' uü. Cali and s,ee- t may síivc yon n rlollar E "' TAiMKo (i-. ('JtANR. ! Detroit,, J.u)y 1 2. .18-14. J.'j-G.n ' T 1NEi SHKj:TLXC;f iwoy;ndsandaquar iA ter, and threotyáftft wide. iri RAYMOND S CÁSÍI STORI-":, 1-ltí JojK Avenue, Detroit. Muy 20. 4 j DEFENCE of the WhgS; Whig Al.vanncs. I U hig Songs, nnd Life o f Heiíry Clay by l 3:iea'!í" Für salc al ferry's Book &toie. . May 23 13-14. 5U I F-IÍÍ.ST rate Tea, Sugor and Colee, at thc . iowesf m-irkr-t prcea, ai RAYMOND'tí CASÍ-J STORE, _T nr l'lí Jeí!". venuo, Detroit. Miy 20. 4 ;


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