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AFaráíá í'óf 'Sale, SÍTUAThM) ti the to-wn of Fíígháínj Iiifrlinm Co.unty, Michigan. Suid l'inm cont.jiní, onc hundred nnd liíiy aeres hnnd.wncly itua'.f.d Ín tho 'mi:!st oí a thriving seulement. - Tiiejnnd is winit ig usitally calted timbe-red Luk!, n ÍVrichiirnn. } nmber Seing sugnrmaple.. whhewuod. -beadi. asli, oak. &c. a!l kiüds oí' tiiiíber peculiar to (he .lipibercd land in Micli'iLj.-in. Tbers son thig );riu a bout fort y negree of Lítód improvemcni: a goód iart oftlüs isEnsish Mfdruv. A'so. a .,ori L O G 1 í OU SEA ND KÉ.W B A R N, ' írniiic!. Ü1 bv 'í"i fovt. wcll íiuisbed. The re are nlso ou the plnco tnriíiinír utensils. such ns Chñins, PlouheJ Drqr, Cari, Fañjíihg Mili, &e. which will be sold v.-íih iic plnee. TKílAití OV SALE. One rpnrter ,of purchasc money down; (he romaimler n ton years. if necossary. wiih nn'nuhl interest For pnrticulnre enquire oí the subÊcribcr in De.vter vil age. ■jülíüs iiANNr.y. :. . =___.b _ i Bristol's Sars apar-illa. r g Mi iS vi-JhíiI,),. iiifdíoiin; ho jusily cek'!)rn'o(! JL as ;i ccrtnin cure í'ur Sccoinla or Kinírt l.v:!. or any dis,( ase arjsing Iro! itupurily of' llu' ''■ni. 1k:s )ecnie ïd wcü l-.nowii ñS tó r.ccd ÍK' u!)l cfiííhn oí the nmncretiR ceniticaics now in iiurpi)s;'V'.;oii. ol'thc cxir;ioi-dinay euros a:cly perroriUga by i. but fe. a ring ilieio m;iy be sotnc ilii'cifd who h;jve gultcd by ífsirig! lie imitntim: ítot up by otliurs. vc wmild re; ' si i!h'ii tocal) 011 us and saüsíy theiiiseívep ol 'i'.t mñ'ny cures ín sinulnrca'ses.- r !y iirt:-u:írii;T oí ustlicy e;m rely vfpdfl t),c genjíiícccss of the ■■irtk-lé; vliicb tkey sliould :be ■;.r!iu' to do. is we are toíd jbi;).e is a spurious Ji'iífle of ihe same ñamo for sillo fn ífíis vicinity. He eai'cful lo fbserv tliat '-'Biistol's Extract ol Sarsapanlla, Baílalo," iestiiiped upon the botles, atid "C. C. iírístol" written in bis own iajid over the Cirk. . W S. J& .T. W: MAYNARD. Ann Arlior. Den. 5. IS-l.'í. 3(5 LiRíeríy' Ai issapack 'íor t S45! . TTlHEsubscriberis preparing ;n Altnanack for X 18J5, whifcfi i i J bé i;:u!t' a í-etieral stalieical and h e tori cal record on slíivery and eman.ciaiiiin. A ave-a vaiioty oí' original nrticles in iosc, and a cboice selecdon oí ontirely new muK íor libctiy Meetings, will be insertad, niaking t a yojuable tiook. li wll Sisó contain soine excellent articles on be subject oí 'J'cinperanee.' li will Ikj riehly cmbellisbed wfth ]ilates,among luch will he ibo like)K;f5s oí' Jajils ,G. Biunky. ur Liberty candidato íor President,, also a brief isiory uf fiis life. 't BhttH w tíappy to receive orders fróm any 3tiblshnn.)i. (l-sli mir (ni.intuies. ]t will be published ín August. Piibüshciö who will give this notíee inscr"ii mi ikrce niqnihs, síiall reeeive 100 j acks, each. J. N. T. TÜCKER. 1 1- ?m. 'BIFAmonírtbe many stritinc prools of t lie exttinient üí' iiristoTs SársapariMa, n'ot the least íf irnished in the fact that such a multitiuie oí )uiiou8 and counterfeit preparations have been ut fonh, and some oflheni'by uien that profess liiiíh 'b'ifiiiu-ss stán.át'ng! fjjnless tivia medicine nd been ofsoveieign valué, and '" "■ i ts great sucíss bcy'ond ail queüHon, it would have found nu nitaticins. People ever coutv.eifuit that which valueless. "A'lioevcr hcaid oí a single üúaríVit of the wild-eat curreney oí the West? - lerjing xi:n a"Htl sufety-fund bilis aro counter ited eonstantly. The fact that a thing is. exnsi i'i-ly roijiit' rfciicd. is prooi oí its valne.- ■ he successof Iírisíol'g Sarsnparilla has caused to be counterfeiiod in ni most all the cities and iwrts in the.üuion. Spurious mor.ey is viniUsaíly rtíjected. so should spurious medicines 2. No sensible person ■- í 1 i ÈnUé the false Avhcn ■ fin ■■(■(. (he truc. People who 'do not wish'to c } impoêcd upon, should obtatn the gennine i clo. At(ention to tliis is of the importance. I C.JlUtion. - Ask for Hrisiol's Snrsa)arilla, and ( é thai ihe wiitleri.signntuio of C. C. Bristol is ; s-evthccoik offhcboitlr, nono oliier ie gonuine. i For salo by W,. S. &. J. W. MANARD. '


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