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"TOTOE VÍCTOR ÈSofffe SPOILS" XHE ALTUOUGH many preparntion in i), r oí "POPULAR AJEDICJNFS ?""' ctd boen beforo.the public, damnng l0 ffTvfi , r " be tfild even uro the nlost invetérate diwL. 'el ve nono have so well answered the mrrrT ' }'el suerman-s. medicated loSgp na Dr. Shcrman's ".cniiEg, f"COUGFT LOZExGES" cure lbo moal obstinóle cases of Cm, P hours. Thcy havecured aW nmfí feí fe aS. ons who have been gi ven up by t?"' f P" nnd friends, and many vho , pby8l0lM g tb ihevergo of ,l,o Wc by 1" ICJ 3 Conaumpiion nnd Hectic Fevïr l! L -blOC g have had ibé rose of.heahh restore "V" gard cheek. and now live to enenfc r !ha L praiseeofth.sinvaluable medicine 7' i 'ht 0. . "WORM LOZEAGES ■y ;nve been provedin more than 400 0(10 'L Of bc infollible, in fact. the onJy cem i Iv e t0 Ih .„ing medicino ever dicov1 C, ,„ wil 1 ent ihem when d.ey ennno, ba lo'rced . V e. any oiher medicine, and tlié bonfi, , , w'ak 1C the administmion of 'itfe E# iorm m gfen, b,yt,(n) con.eption 'ne!thc ,_ nev,er boen k.own to fail. Dr. Shern.S UV' J "CAMniOR LOZENGES," .. relieve .ïïcndiiclie. Vcrvous i. i . ; göttótfBr-ïhvgifit ,mi :; ;; :t -' PaI ',c .lew minures. ,. Dr. Shenpan's ' a Tory ;c ;POOR MAN'S PLASTER" u is aeknowledL'cd ly (il wiio have vo s, bchebes: Streng henig L ntKo",? sand a sovereirrn remedy Tor painsi ,-OrlJ - in the back, lo.ns, 6S?SS&é M v joints. Jüeuinatism, lumbago &,. p' 18 r to procuro Öie above and all other'm r 08refu! y nusiake n; qunn.ity or charpe "' bc no '" ' Folin!nr3' 5, 784-1 ARJj- when cal d ,y fty other hSÜie, or the pi-fcïïS . be K-fundcd in o„y ca.c if it S S f ioplacenunhin.reael, of all, ibcVriZl i been rocneed n:oJ(. tl„„ fcur ítS . o.W,r. vi:(! r,f),,:[ oWj2,ÏL ■ ne, ,s „,u,-h as the lorruer, and h! ftl 5. f nearlen tirm-s as usut-h. m I Ne. famüy thafhas any wh to wii Fajl tohaveCo.v.NK.A Painúr OiñIm I a ways a, hand. o iife, al! rSSSS ded thoy have seen n used.-or v. iil Lfi ,k : who have .usedit. ' e lh#8e COMSTOCK & CO., ÍT? snre.ther.fore. and ask fo, Corr's as our pl.-ue MÍ,!,Dnl!ey'a naníeon it ffifií 3.o,en, aKh, ípunolls ll5 ' J b on it. Knovvr therefore. U.'u i, con e8 d ' rectly frpm Comsíock fc Co.. or shun it . ■ ■ WiM. Ö. & J. W. Mí YNÁRD, ■v" '. , AfiLy (í A.n Arhor. J OFJ.J1JÍ subecribpr hnving '0- =& .'l(f;' received a )iew:ulVy ' J drifon ;o hirt í'ormer stock of p 'Id'i Goods is p.-epared io eell Y vJ i wljta hem ch'oiip for C;sh. A- 1 (vX oU.Í !V01I= w"iclí'insiy bc fouod TJsg3 ihe (ollowing: Guid ]'iniror Peinas, and Iiusom Pins, Hearts, and Crosses. SlJvér añd ConiUToii Thimlr( s, ,-üch (, 'hüins and Kc-vs, l'ui'.'ii Gadesi al8Oj poqne, fcjugar jJijwh. Butier Kmvts, 'j'!',!h r;iid íhiii I'ruhes, i'i'ckcl Jíi)okh. y-.olin Stiings. éefles. líoo!;t. ai;d r,yes. Spectacles. Finé ("l-Jül?, iSülc Caríilie,. Bpck Cobíhs, PocKet Ciüiibs. Water PíiíjÍís. Markjng Coírfií. Stoel Pens, and Tweaserp. Smift'tt Tobacco ]3oxtí. Ülasiies. S-c. All of w hiela - ili be so'ld ae clieíp ns h't any'otl!er 'estíiMishment ih'ia side of NÜw York. N. B. -The si.iiis'.-iü'tr tliaij-klul fui so hirgo a share of public i)a(!or.-.:r. sfill éolicíis'.ñ continueñeé otlo sime. cr,(U'KS AXDWATCIU & oi' tHTryjIcHcripiioi) repaired íiid waiianled. Also. 3E í]'LllY repaired on short nonet'. 8íify at hfs nlij f.i:iui örreeriy opposite ihu Court lioiisu. Qtfih i'i'.'.i ípje oid GoldaiKÍ SiJar. c. íjLiss; Ann Arhor. Jvly 1. l'4'l. 28-] y. rjlHE fölfgwihgiiia'ispeÏÏsalVfe !,- m:ly rèmepiM _f_ may be1 fefld; üi w-, i.,' Dm-vsi Slori:. id Aun Amor. i.oiic wjlj he Yoh! un lees U;Pwf; ío be ót líe Best Kiruí nnd no ::onii!trínr (nicli evb oSíech patent nn-dicnie inrnrinbly procure'd oi üke QJÚ' J invcinor or iií regulní suceessór.í O" A" (nr.'.l-j ï'iovld bc, a vuele without hese remedies. f Jlidtn of Co'vHil'iu. jar (.'ir JTnir. whieh wil Htop it i( l.illii;: oui. oí ic?:oie non b;.:!d piacee;, a.nd on chíldrcü ni.ake it row rñpídiy, or on vs'ho h'avt.' lo.t ;hc rini'r ('ron'] ;'}iy cñtiá'e. Al.L VEIi-Mt-N-iliat ini"cs.' Ufé htfatfe rt cliildreú ifi sciiooJs, are pic.venie.l or killed ly it at once. Fiml ',:-.e iiaini; oí Cü-MSTOCK en it or'never try it. $eme?nbr tfiis alicays. PILES, cvc. are wholly provciiinl, or governed ifthe ndnck hhs come on, ií yon use the ortíyirüó IIayï' L;.vmi-.M'. froni Comstock & Go. All SORES, and every rliin relieved by it líial admils ofnn outwardapiilicaüon. It acts likc a cIkudi. Use n. IlllíCÜiUATLSM AND LAMENESS positivoiy ciircd; oí] éhíríveJIed hiusclcs and Iinihsare restored. ín the ld or yontií?, by the ludían Ve! (Viblv, Elixir and Nene and JJonc Liniment - but neyei without the nnme oí Gotn.tock & Co. oh it. KOLM STOCK' S VERMIPUGE willcradiente all WORJVlSin ohildren or adults witb a certainty quite fi.'-ionishing. TODTH DROPS. KMnks- cures eílectunlly. % Ann Atbor, Feb. 5, 1844. '4


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