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DR. SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PIULS npHESE Pillo are prepared by ïïm. M. Smith, M. D., late Profesaor of Maleiia Medica an JL Pharmacy n ihe Uinversiiy of Lake Erie, Ohio. Dr. Smiih would say to the publis, tha in offbring lUem thre Pili, he presenta no quack nostruru thst wíll by ita irritan ng cffecta upo the8tomach and bowels créate disease where there iras little or nonc before, bul one thai ia sale mild, salutary and uniíonu in ita effecta upon the wholesystem. He would 8ay tbat be hoa now spent 20 years in research and infestigation, directed to the Pa tholigy oi disease, and ihe proporties of medicinal ubstances, and iheir adapiaiion to the remora oí the raaladies lo which flesh ís heir. As thü reault of tbese labora, h ig now able to gire io th public a combination of medicinal vegetable subttancea, which i as near perfection. ag careiu study and close investigation, tests and e-tperímante, can bring it. He vroald say to Physiciana as well a oibera, try this pill; it vH not deceive you. It is peculiarly adapted to the ïemoval and prevention of the followitrg diseases: Bilious. ínter mutant, and Remittant revers; Fever and Agne, Cough, Liver Coroplaints, Sick Headach Paesive Dropfcy, Rheu.uatiam, Enlargemei of fhe Spleen, laternal Fil., Colic, Acidity of th Swmach, Incipient Diarrhffia, Habitual Costiveneís, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels whena cathartic, aperiem, or alteratie, re neededv They are mild, yet certain in tbeir opera tion. produeirg rrcither nausea, griping. nor debility. ThO agenta of these Pilis are insirucioc in caBe full ■atiaiaetion il not giten to any peraon who may purchaae theni, tuut they ehall hav lUeir rnoney rtiuuda-J. TESTIMONIALS IN FAVOR OP _ t DR. WM. M. SMITH'S UNIVERSITY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Monroe, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr. SairTH - Denr Sir,- T take much pleasure in giving my testimony in favor of you valuable UNIVERSITY PILLS. I roost dieerfully recommend them to the public as safe, easy, and efficieltt cathartic Tor most of the diseaaes incident to this región of country I have made extensiva use of them for four yeara in my practico, aml I believe thein to b the BEST Anti-btlious Ctthsrtic or Aperient medicine ever combined and offered for gen eral tue. Yours, Stc. GEORGfi LANDON, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF DR, TELLKR. -- . MasilloiT, Ohio, May lt, ]844. Dr. Smith - Sir,- I tak much pleasure in bearing teslimony to the efficacf of you Pilis in removing bile ftoro the Btemach, deterging tlc Lirer, and In all complaints emana ung frona that soorce, J. V. C, TELLER, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF. f. L. WELLS. Watekkoo, Mich., March 10, Í814. To Dfl. SAith- Sir, - For upards of s?i manths I was cruelly afiïicied vvitli Fever an( Ague, and during that time could 6nd nothing that gave me permanent relief; at Icngth how ever youf University Pilis were lecommefided1 to nre by one of the best Physicians in these partai and I am happy in being able to aay, tbat frocn the use of one box I was permunently cured of my ftgue; since Uien a mimher of my tamily liave been aa signa lly benefitted. Yours, RespectfuiJy, F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL G00DN0W. Mowrok, Micb., Jfune 1, Í844. I bereby cêrtify that Dr. Wm, M Smith haa been my Family Physician for four years last paet; that he has used his Unirersity PiHs in his practice in my family witli unparal leled succotey and 1 think them preferable to any pil) for bilious afiection in the world. PA NIEL GOÓDNOW, tnnkerpet, Macomb-St. Houu. TESTIMONIAL OF" D. S. PARSHALL. FlínT, Mich., June 5 1344. Dr. Sni- I am happy to p'w you my cordttf approvai of yonr University Pilla. I am able to keep off Fever artd Ague, nd Fevers to which all of tie are ubject in thi Western Country, by the timely use of your University Pilla, Send on Apent this way as soon as poseihle, for we are all out. Yours, &c. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYFIELD. We certify that we are and have been pereonally acqnainted with Win. M. Srnith, M. D„ and knoW tlwt he ia a man of eminerree in bia profession - and that for four yeara he filled tbe cbair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willoughby University of Lake Erie, wilh honor to himselfand satiffaclien to the Truateei nd Facuíty, as wíll aa to the Student! of the above Unirerty. Ae for his Pilli, thty re partxcpllence." CHARLES NOBLE. Manroe, Micb., June 18, 1844. B. F. FÏFIELD. TESTIMONIAL OP RIAL B. CHASE. Tbis I certify, that in the month of September laat, 1 was attaclied with Billious Fever (whrle away from home at Owasto to buifd a Water wlieel) and with one doeof Smiih'aUnivereity Pilis, I broke it upj and as many uthors were ick at the timr, 1 administeed these Pha to them, and in all cases it bioke up tbeir ferers. I have used them many timea since, and with great eucceus. They are the best pilJs I ever used. RIAL B. GHASE, Millwñght. ShiavVassee Town, Mich. Jime lst, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Thia may certify, that three year nyo I was attacked with Liver Complaint so sevcrely thnt I could 6(farce]y turn myself íd bed; I osed manry specifcd and remedies, such as Brandrelh's, Resurrect'nn, Oriental, and other piïls, bot with Iittíe or no effect. One year ago, my friend Hr. Srnith called on me on bi way to BoBton, when he gave me a box of lúe Oniveroíty Pilis, which perfectJy restored mef and my heíilth has tot a?ain puffered from like caase. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. RochestcT, N. Y., No. 13, Street, June Í5, 1544. TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. ÜBrAft Doctor- Justice refjuires me to state, that 1 have sold your University Pilis for one and a half years rast past, and tha; I can sell nö others while I have them on hand. Tiiey fiave superseded the sale of all others-their effect is truly wonderfuf. JOHN W. MILLER, Druggist. Monroë, Mich., June 12, 1844. Pot Saíeby J. H. LÜND, Lower Town, and WM. S. & J. W. MAYN.ARD, Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. 13 -jy.


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