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A T TEJVTÍ OIV CI1OTBIE8RS ! JltíT i-eceived ut tlie General Depot, tor thc sn!e of Cloihrers Stock, Machinery, Dye Stüffs, &c. &í.,-No. 139. Jefferaon Avenue Detroit, the iollowing Inrge, wetl usaorted, and BStrclully selected stock, viz: 100 bjjld. St. Domingo Logwood, Out, 0 Tóns i; " ln Stick' 150 bbls. Cuba Fusiic, Cut, _ 5 TÖhs " " ■■;-■■' m Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Clupped, T0 " Urna Wood, " :?0 " Red Wood, 12') ' Ground Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Uark, 5íK) Ibs. Nutgalls, U) Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lnc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spoivish índigo, 300 Ibs. Sumnc Sicily, 3 ('nsks Miidder, 3 Casks Blue Vuriol, 5 Casks Alum, 2 l$;irrels Red TaFtar. % Barrels Cream Tortar, 'A Carboys A qua Fort i 6, 5 ' Oií Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris,DJ líioeiv i ni, Teasels. Twinc, Copper Kettlea, all sizes, Pnrson's Shearing Machines, Curtís' ' !i and Press Plateö, Cranks. Press Paper. Steel Reeds, Worsted Harneas, Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's.. Olive Oil, Olothiers' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes. Shuttles, Pickcrs, Card Clcaners, &c. &c. The above, with n variety of other articles bclono-ing to the trade, have been purchascd this en mm er by the subscribers from Manufacturcrand First Hands n the New York, l'hiladelphia. and Boston Markets, and every tliing having res ccived his personal inspection. he can with the utmost con fiden ce off-.T thein to purchasers as the lc$( and must 'complete stockin the country; and as it is his fixed deterininaiion (by the Iov rates at whic'u he will sell) 10 Drevent the necessity ol our Cloïhiers and Manufh'-'urerB leavmg the Stato to mnke theirpurchases, would merel}say to the trade, CALL, examine th? ?oods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper amj whtrr, else. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1ISG MACHINES made in this State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jefierson Avenue, fl r-tf.] Detroit.DRY GOODS, DHST 6ROCERIES, FcatSiers, Paper Haiagingrs, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at ihe lovvesi cash pnces, nt Raymond's Cash Stuks, 145 Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit. The undorsignecl hns just received a full stock of SPRING GOODS, of the most desirable styles and patterns, 6uitable for city or country trade. AMOSC! WH1CH ARE: Frencli Lawns, Gingliam Muslina, Muslin de Laines, Balzarinos, Balzarine Muslins. Siriped Swiss Muslins, Rich ,Calicoes; of all qualitics, colora and patterns. Pantaloon and Coat stufis, such aa Gambroons, Swedes Cassimeres, Fancy Drillings, Linea Checka. Plaid Swedes. Fancy Enslisli Cassimeres, Broad Cloths. Keutucky Jeans, &c. - ALSO- JJlue Drills, do Linens, Fusiians, Ticking3, Checks, Liuseys, Burlaps, Baggings, Padding, Canvass, Browa Sheetiog3 and Drillings, Bleached Gof.cns. Swiss, Jackonet. Book & Barred Muslins, "VVide Laces and Lace Edgings, of every description, Vestinga, Bonnets, Ribbons, Linen Cambric, Cam bries, Hankerchiefs, Cravnts, &c. &c. &C. Persons trading in the city are invired, at least, to cali and look at ihis stock, and if the prices are not as low as elsewhere, patronage is not expectcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefierson Avenue. Detroit. May20; 1844. 4 6mTo Cloíhiers, Maiiuractiiiers and Tile re h anís. THE subscriber is now receiving at his stores. 188 aud 190 Jeffirson Avenue, Detroit, the following carcfully and well selected stock of Dye Woods, Dye Stuffs end Woolen Majspfactürer's Machinery. 55 tona Fustic, Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'and Carthagena. 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, ' 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very chotee, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 " Fustic, " " 100 {' Red Woods, " " 120 " Camwood, " " 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 " Blue Vnriol, 28 " Madder. Ombre, and Dutch crop, 3 ! Cream Tañer, 2 f Nutgalls. 3. cases lndigu, Bengal, Mamila and Gua tímala, 2 " Lac-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 'í Grain Tin, 300 poonds Verdigris, jó Carboys Oil Vifriol, Spirits Sea-Sallsand ííitric Acid, ALSO. Copper Kettles and Cloíhiers' Screws, Tentcr Jtook8. Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers, Card Cleaer8, Weavers' Shears, JSippers nnd Burling írons, Combplates, Pickers and Bobbins, Wiré. Wor8ied and Cotton Harness, Steel and Cañe Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery: Site. Pasons' Shearing Machines, 4, 6, and oblados. Allen's doublé and single Carding Machines. Machine Carde, Leicester, The above goods have been recently purclias ed directly from ihe importers and manufacturera, KXci.ubivüLY for cash, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' priecs, adding transportotion only: and in consequetice of the decline on nuiny oi' ihe American manufacturad artices will, in many cases, be sold al flftkkn pük cent less thax FouMEK PRicES. Thirtccn years experience in the Dye Wood business enabks tbe subscriber to say to his custorners that he is prepared at all times to warrant his goods of euperior quality. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wood and Dye Stuff Warehouse 188 and 190 Jefierson Avenue. Detroit. The Ann Arbor Journnl, Ypsílanti Sentinel Pontiac Ga'Aette, FJint Democrat, Adrián ExpoBiior, Mursiiall Statesmnn, Niles Courier and JRepublican, Gazette. Michigan City (la.) and the Enquirer, JLondon, (Canada,) will eaoh publish the above notico inside, to the aniount of three dollars, and sendeopy of notice with bilis to subscriber for payment. 17-tf. ' BTSKËTWARE!. TRAVELLING BASKETS, &c- at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, i May 20.-4.] 148 Jeff". Avenue, DetroiL viFeaíliers &, Picjrfiilan?ïngs THE suliscriber will kcep ;i supply oí Geese Fenilu'js cwisianilv un h.-mrl. Also mi nssurt of P.iper Ilangings. Borders. Fire-lioard Tapers, &c. V . A. R A Y AJ O N ü . 148 Jen'. Avenue. Detroit. May 20. 1 C ri ARLES II. STËWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SO LICITO ÍN CHANCERY. JKFKRRSO.N AVJBNÜE DETKOÍT. 40-if HELP ME A LONG ÍÑ THE WORLD. Help thosc who stritie ib hdp t'temselves hj ITonest, Induslnj.The eoiiiiiiu.'iiion oi Wliird Tunes" urges the ïubscribcr to cry out for help, and to inforin nil those who nre dj-'sitous to Eeimomize, thnt he bas jpened r New nnd Second Hnml ESstalblishinciit, On VVoodwuid Avenue, iiexi, dooi 10 Jlyde & Wilder' s Sc;ilc Fuctory. bet ween Atw.iier rin3 Woodbridgc sirecis, where he will peil öl&tbfng a Uitte ChéapcT tkan the Cwapent fvr Cus'i. - He will nlso coiüiimc (o cnrry om ihe TAILORINS ANO CLOTHES CLEAN1NG BUSINESS. All persons desirous of having prense, pnint, oil, pitch, tar. &c, removed i'rom ihcir cloiliirtg would do welt to cali on hiin; ns lus inode o cleaning is by n process of stenm. Iiü vvjríap.Ls t compleiely renovaie the gnriiienis, aml t;ive tlicn the appearnncc oí' XEW, vi;ï)oul düina injuiv to the cloth in form or durobility. Coll.irs and Breasts of coais warrmiied tobe Isept in perfect shapc. Any kind ofclothingahcred and rcpnircf! n thenoatest etyle. and on terms to correspond witli iho reduced pricos n other business. He respectfully returns Iris sincere tbnnks to the citizens of Detroit, and the public in general for their ve:y liberal patronage tliat he has heretofore reccivcd. and hopes tliat l;y a consionl exertion and strict attention :o business, to rncrit and coniinue to reccivc a slwre pi' public patronage to help him aloug in üu. WORLD. WM. LAMBV.RT. N. B. - New and seconcl hnnd clo;li:n bought. sold. exchangred, or taken in payment fbr cli;ming or repairing. Orders nltended to in nny part of the city. AU ol which is respectfully stibmitted. Don't f.-rget that Lambert's Tailoring nnd Clothing establishment is on Woodward Avenne. next door to Ifyde AT Wilder's Scnlo1 Factory, between Atwaterand Woodbridge etreet?. Ctnnc Ltneyrrs, Doctors, Farmers and Mi.r:JaiU to Come br ing yoitr old garments and have iïcm m'nlc Hvir.. :n!3'MACHINES. THE Subscribers are now innnufacturinoMORSE POWERSandTIIRESiil.NG MACHIjNESv constructed in the best nnd rwist durable manner. The powcr ha four horse power, but is also a first rn(e power for lwo horses when wanted for that purpose. Jt 3 eniirey unlike any thai have ever been oíTered to the public in tliis Sraie rr elsevvhere; and is belie'ved to possess important advantagesbvër áiiy oilu r power. It wül work easier. (ilfat i?, wiih lcss streng-'h oi power). tban other powers ; is more compact and convenisnt to. move; occnpyingonly throe leet by seyen. and can be into ü conjrtion wagon box wlih lije rbrcslicr ahí' drawn by one pairofhorses. Economy. strenath of material, and durabiliry. nre imiicd ín ihe consiruction of tóese .Mncliines ; henee they cari nnd wül be sohi VER i' LOW . Iwver than ana? Machines have ever been sold in (bis Slale. We are anxions to sd! ibeir íor CA&'II, and tbose who can pay CASII are espocially invíted roenll on us. Tbecylinders to the ihreshers are aü i'on. This is the best power in exisiencè Cor Farmers to use. br thresliing thcirown erain, andlms been got up wiih a view to tiif ir special accommodation. . The fnciliiy with enn be moved from one plice to another renders itvéry convenient for several joint owners. Whenever' a power is wanted for two horses, a threslier of suitable size will be cnrfstructed at véry short Yiotice. Two or three Farmers, hn.ving 'large crops to thresh can purchase one of these Machines jointly, at less cost to each than ihe expense of job threshing íor one year. The establishment is 2J miles wesf from Ann Arbor, on the itail Road, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. June 17, 1844. í)tf 'LL I =' I i '■ & S [ - c - o, -P3- ..o C Ö n Bg " L .S ' O 2L, C KPü t I m H ÍPi-f i: ■ s?1 fel ? Sf I Liá líWP È t3 W til "'■'4 -y o "i (- 2 'T" ■ VW 3 r " iterü. s 5, i. s s g te í48 -d E b..w-'iis11 2 fl ív Ct Iffñ O j il! ■? s ij O 2. ílFíill'! Ls j ib hiL m == bbJ lililí 2 ka # te E5 -sÍwn ' o'5 fetos! &? .M B 5 i-gila. =-cL 3 ■ 5N f Ps1 tz fel hd NQ 3 - ÜiH? 3' ÍS O v s - ?=i,2 ? Kl rri I a .-o a. i o. =- l m s, . fff}! I . B ni U IDít, üc;oob's ZSttDIÜ. CKOJLAGCG-UE. A MÖWG tho niosi v;iluable qualmes of ibis -L. medicino, is iis restoring injlunicc upon coiisiitimons in.pnired and injured by previous nitacks ol bil(inu8 fever, r fever and n:uc; or by n long residenceinihoso climnies wliicli produce llieui. Tlicre nre tiiany consiituiions vvhich liecomc gradually undermined by a minsniíd nJhience. wiihoui even u diiy'sociualconlhiement. j In siich cases, the Cholagogue ncts liko n chyriw - thesnllow coiiiplc-xion, loss oí appeiilc, lantruor, weariness ond depression oí spirits, with other unpleasnnt eynipíonis whicli render lile a burrión., ril) yídd lo ibis í.'inedy wlien fajlhfully used aecordinq; to ihe direclions of tliencnompanyinsr pamplilct. It is oniiiely a vegetable piep arilion, and may be taken wuh pe.rfoct sttety I der all circutnscinccs of ihe systcm. Tor sale by : 36 W.S. Sí J. W. MAYNAItD. eole Agent, iof Aiin Albor and vcniiy.WRIGHT'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORV AND RIIEÜiMATJC PLASTER, AN efficiënt remedy for Illieumniism. Fover Soruj!, White Swellings. FYlnns. P.'m'ii or weaifness in flïe BrëTfèT Side or Linbs. Burns. Bruises, Ciainps. (jir!hl;jins. Livcr and (jUng aiFcctJime. Indoíeni Tumors. Spmai nfiectiosn- Inñnrned Evos, c. &. It is unsuspnssed in fill Jnñuninatory disenses. eilher Cluonic or Acuto. ns t opérales !■ rtt;ntcict'mg hiu) reducbS "riflaVnbtion; nll.-ning I'aih. Sweating the pnrts atibcted, nnd by ts strengihcning and Anodyne proporties givmg s)eedy rcüef. Also invaluanlc ns an mercurial piaster. I'ricc ?5 cenis per Bx.-Fpr furiher particulars, seo circiilating Pnrriphlet.) Fnr snle ni M.jsfley's Boolïstore. Ann 'Arbor, nd J. T. Shocking, travelling ogent ibrMichic.n. ■ - - . ir-Ty WRÏGTHT'S poos mÊM's psts, Au exceücnt vegetable la:nily Medicine, in cases of indigestión. Dyspepsin, Livcr Com pluinis pï.Jaunqico, Ague and Fever, Coated Tongne. Sickness ál the Stomaeh, Stek Hoádiiohe. Remittant nnd Intermilten; Fevflrs.Couirlis, Colds, Cutarrli. &c. &c. Euiirely vegetable, liiey are cmpboticallycdndjjcing to lieaiüi and couiiteracing oisease by iurityini the LIockI, cïéorismg' the sygtin'o vitiaíed humor?; removing cbstructjons. stiinuníiñg tlie orgis of secreiion, niingling v.;ili he food and acting every way in harmony with thc systoni. For Inflamatory diseases used in connection with tlie 'Rhcumauc Piaster" they wil] be fouriíl ír:en'ly to aid in the ' removal of cíisenses for wliich the Piaster is recommended. and pinculnrly are they caleulated for nll derangenonjs ofihe fJtgrjfivc trnd Biliary.Qrga:m, líie prim'ary or'igin of a muliitude of disehees. Pricc - S5 cents anrl 0 ponts a Box. For sale nt Mosely's Bookstore. anrl by J. T. Stocking, Traveiling Agent for Michigan. 1 0-1 y L.. 3. WALKm'S PÁTEOT SMÜT MACHINE. THE Subscribers take tliis method of informing all such as fire cng.iged n ihe Müling business in the State of Michigan, that they are nlw manuacturing in Ann Arbor, Washtcnavv Cüunty, MicJiigajj,. L...B. Walker's f Fat cm t ■ Smnt machine , which tjiey wouy recomniend to take the Smut uii' ni wheat as well or better than any other machine. This machine is a horizsntal rimchine - itretains all the fnciion of-the when;niu! uniting simplicity Avirh coiriBinos thc beating, scouring, and blowing principies, dis charging the dust and smut as fast as separated fro'm the wheat. This machine is perfectly secure from fire, and runs much lighter than any other machnie in use. For fwrther information,'.' ' sec-large billa. Shop in Lower Town. Prices' to agree with tho times. All orders for Machinns will be promptly attended to. Address. E. O. & A. CRITTEJNDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co., Mich. July 8. 18-]}. U6tnSINCLAIR & CHASE, ATTORJYEYS AJYD COUNSELLOR 8 AT LA IV, (office lo web. town, akn auror,) WH ttend 'o all business in their profession with afidclity and despatcb. Paricular attcntion will be given to collecting. ROBERT P. SINCT.AIR, EDWARD lt, CHASE. Mr,,c!i 20. IS44. 48-1 y.■ I vi ' wmUOBSk'1 ,e] _d L J W W %k Vfey V L_V Viiiiïiï AT THE CASHSTORE OF Jlmn Jlrbor JLower Yillaae. YUST received at the above establishment, a complete assortment of Groceries, Crockei-y, SluAi' Hardware, Bools-nnd Shocs, Tuscon and .Slraw Bonnets, FJowezv, &c. &c, all of uldch will be so'd as cheap as ihey can be boi.giit at any oilirrsiorc ín Michigan.. Tlíe. above Gooíis werc selcclcd wiili gieat c;re, and nc íeel assured that wc can convince p'drkfasefé of ihe truih of wliat we say. The highest jSri'ée v i 1 1 be puid for.Wool. We will alfc=o reccive all kindof produce n exchange i'or G oods at the jïïg&esrt market piice. Purchasers are respecífulJj' invited to cali and examine i'or ihemselves. Aun Arbor, May , 1844. 3-tf ■ ' iii -■ r i i nr ■ ■ n i !■■!■- i niiJTAMES GIBSÓN takes ihi.s ■ mctliod hs Q& friends and old custoiners that he lias aaain ente red the Mercaniüe buir css, o.nd ís now opening a general and splentiid assörrmunt of 9 GROCËRIË8, CROCKERY, SHELj? HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C. all of wliich will bis offerred to the public as clieap as the cheapesf, for Cash or Wool and most kinds of will bc laken in exebnnge for G'óöd; Ö e no mau's word, bul examiire for yourselves at No. 5, Huron Block, Lower YJüauc.. ' Ann Arbor, May 15, 181-1. 4-Gm. NEF BOOT, SEOE, AND 'LEATHER ÁNN LOWER TOWN. Q FELCH has removed Iiis establishment from the Upper lo (he Lower k-? VillagcNo. 4, HuronBock.whcieheholdshmsc4f in readiness to'dress , the nnderstandings" of every Man, Woman, and Child wh-o will give him a cali, in the neatesí, cheapest, and best maoner that can be done in Michigan. LEATHER aiid FINDINGS of all kinds constantly on hand. Et -- ■ j CASH and HIDES, in any quantities.. for which the higliest prices vvilí be given. tLet none purchase until have called at Felch's, No. 4, Hurón Block. Ann Arbor, IMny 4, 1844,lotice t WicrcOia-Bïis. HE Subscribers encouraged by thepatron, they have hjtherto received in the whu.esale departnient of thcir business, will the ;st day of May next. open the siore now.occupied by Geo. Grcnyille. frontïng on IJuron sireet, nnd connecting wnh ihéir present store n ïhc rcar. pxcltisively fnr n 7fH0Ll SAlaS-'&OÖStë, wbere they will keep at ail tunes a íull assortment of Dry Goods. Boots, 8f SJioes Carpeling Hals, Caps, Paper flangings, Bou mis, Cracker hij the Cralé. Hardware and G'oceries, 'ÈfS SfC: S)C. all'of which will he soldon as ;goor] terms as at rtiiy point ihiü s.ilcof jN'r.v York Cnv. G. 1) HILL'& CO. Ann Arbor. Mnrch 26, 74 t. 48tf. New F)slabCêsBBinenf. KNilJiJ. ÜAViLAND & CO. wauJd respectfnliy ihroim rhe laniK.-is of Washtenávy and the iurrouiulingcounijes ihnl they have eainblislied ihemitlvcs in Lower T.pwn, Ann Arór. for ilie puipose of manufactufing Threshing M.-u-hin.ts. y?ving.been formony yearg. engngtfd. iñfhís liusiness in Oliio. ;l;cy Ihcl ihnt they can wiih .iMiridenci; reciTiimoiid iii ir wori . 'l'hoy are naking the Burr;ill & Cadiz Sjachmes and íío:se power; also Ecstman's plariatary power, difierenr from any pther made in this country md eneialiy preiernd to ;ny oihcr Machines. which they intcnrl to sell at sucn pricéa nn'd onsitch rerms np ennnot fnil to cive snusfnction they nre determined nut to !.c íu;lone by any esiablislunent either in price, style or quajitr of work. "Co'tu'petition is the life of f rade" nnd all ihey nslc of the Farrning eoinniiiniiy is ;o .patronize 'lioin so lar as to give theni an opportunitt iRupp!ping apart ui" the Machines thnt rfiáy 'ie wnnled. They aro prop:ued to ïepair old Machines. Their shop is in ihe basement story of If. AR. PatridSq & C's Mjcbïne shop, wh'cVfe ihev may be foutu! to nnswer all en! Is. KNAPP. HAV1LAlD & CO. W. v. KSAI'P, f. a. il wil. irró, .T. K. JK r. 1N. . . Ann Ai!it'. April ?!}. 18-14. r]roj WISÏ-SiET?SJfledi rutea, JPlatfer ■ ' -ftprvaü for immèélUiie, use. PRICE ONTLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER. TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS OP ALL. IN slight .?ilnicni3, orwherethe pntient preters a less èxp'ensive artiele frían rhe ';Anti-inflnmatory nnd Rhcumaüa Piaster," these will be found higbly bcncdcial. . Bqing al ready. spread for immediate applieav.on, thpy will be ioiind yery convenient lor WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakfiess in the Side. Bronst. Stoinach. lietween the Shouhlers, or whercvor there is Pain, or where a Piaster is necded. They may be rendered more serviceable by pnsting a piece of cloth on the "back of them béTofé they are applied. Multitudes have heen relieved of pain and suflTerln byihese Cheap Plnsters. For Sale at Mobely's Bookstore, and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. ÏG-Ïy 'WOOL. WOOS.1 CLpTHI.'CLÖTHM THE Subscribers would ïnfórrp the Public thcy will continue to manufacture good at rheir Mnnnfaciory. two and a hnlf miles wc?t oi Aun Ar hor, on the Hurón, oa the followinTERMS. Umi! ihe first d.iy oí January, A. D. lê!". the prioe will he :,7 cents jer yard, or half the clothihe .vonl will nmkc. Frotn tlie IstofJnnunry to lbo 35th of' May. 1Sü55 the price will be ?0 cenis er yard, or rune twentieths of the cloib ihc wool will innkc, thati$, 45 yards out of 100 maniifíictured. The wool will be manulacturerl in turn 13 il rnny come into the iactory, dB nt'iir as may be with reieronce to the difieren! qiialiiies. Any person who will furnish one or mora pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 pounds of one qnaüty can hnve it manufacturad by itself. Vodl wil] be rece ved at Sen. Wool sent by.Railroad will be attónded to in the same manner as if ihe owncr were to come with it - it should be careu Ify niarked. We have manu' i.ieüired cfoHi dnring: the past year (br n vcry Inrge number of custoniers. iowhom we believe wu have ven vary general satisfaction Viih (n:se faets and ihe advaniages oflerod by the low price at vvhich we oíl'er to manufacture cloth, we hopefor a largo share ot patroníigo. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., July 25, 1844. 3-ti Bg"ew Hat torë JAME& G. CRAiM: wuld . rospectfully nform the Public, that he has opened a line Èftdcïl of Hals, Caps, Stocks, Cravafs, Scarfs, Collar s, Umbr ellas and Gloves, at No. 10"). .leílerson Avenue, Detroit, nearly . opposite, tbeU. SÍ Court Room nn,d Post Olllce. vvhei'o he will be bnppv to see his friends and Mipply theiri wiih as good an article in hialino as can he procured, ekher lieie'or át íheeast, nnd us chcap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first rate lashionable article of Hnts or Caps, can be supDlied by sending thcirize or havg any style furnished to order in a few hours. and warr'avlcd lo ■suit, Cali and see- it rnáy save vou'a dollar. JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. July 12 184-1. J3-6m 1 1 LINEN .SHEET1NG, two yarda anda quarter, and tbree yards wiile. nt RAYMOND S CASÍI STORE, i 43 Jeíl'. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 WJiigs! Whigsü DEFENCE of the Whigs. Whig Almanacs. Whig Songs, and Life of Uenry Clay by. Surgcant. For sale at Perry's Book Store. May 2:1 1344. 5tf, FJRST rate Ten. Sugar and Coílec, at the lowcst inarkot prictt, at RAYMOND' S CASÍJ STORE. 148 Jefi'. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4"PKTjËES' PÍIXS. TliUTJI HAS PJREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been lei years before the public. During thaiperioi théy have óbiaineda cclebrity unpntallcled in thi history of the most popular medicines whieh havi i preceded (hem or have followed in thuir track.- The happy combinación of vegei'abie ingrediënt; to wliich these pills o wc Iheir éírlenc'y. is the re suh oí yenrs of car.nest etudy and experiment, di rocted by long previoiis experience in the prop . ertiesof tncdiciilsiibsirincvs. the paihology of dis eusé. the nnturc and niodupoperandi oí' ihe various fluids whtcli minister lo the support anc sustenauce of' tbc human body. an'd.orgaru'zatioi by wliich ihosc fhiicls are prepared, nVAdriied nn distributcd. The tiiumph ui skill, nnd pütien experiment lias been cúmplete. Throuüliont ibe tr lenglb nnd brendtii o( our land. ín Brkisn America and the "West ïndies, 4Kbcomincni of Europe, the curative virlues of Peler's Vegetable Pilis, are grntcíully acknowledsed., Tiiey niay be callcd thh 'medicine iar v.xcf.u.v.xck, oí thr Soiilhcrn Siaieí. Their consiinipiion soulh of t.he Potomac.. is enornious. and conlinually on ' ilie inciense. Nooiherpill cgoe;s down tjip're. 1 hawever sugared over whh liired puris :indhome riiíinuí.'icmred certifica (es. - Peioi'ë'Vogetnble Pilla mny be termed a uníf versa j medipine. Cor ihere is. sc-ircely any de; rnngcment or oñstrucíioñ oí' dio orgnns and I, functions of t lie lumun machine which Üiey will not alievitr.e oí-iemove vvlien ncJministercd in the enrly stages of c:ongcsi ion of thc s(omacj) or bowels, thcy speedíly relax those Ó'fgan'a, reduce (he atteridnnt (ever. and restore (he suffererto hcalth. ContmUing no .iniiating or drnslic subslances, thcir exhibition is neyer folJowcd by (hat prosfrátíón of i he bodüy powers which' cha'racicrizc tlie operniion of most other cyihurtica, .and they m;.v be adminis'cred without the slighlest fcar of piítMJucing local Jnflnmniauoo, so Fré'quently cnused by the purirent cotnposi'.ions Vended by the quíicUsanri charlatans of ihc day. Ja nlmost alJ stages of disenso, Peters' Vegetable Pilis v.'ül be found of beneficial eílectbui (bey shoulcl always be resorrerl to wliBfi (he first sympt ):■). maltes its npj)t-arance. The, conquesi of Ui e coniphim will (fien be easy nnd immediüte. In billions disorders, reniiuant or intermiil'njnt fever. dispepsia, dyscntery, cholera, cho'ic. diaihoea. dropsy. sour or foted ! eructau'ons, enInrgeinent ofihe spleen, sick hendache, all'complnints jíi-owing ouí of iiíiperfector too: rrfpid diuesíion. torporoftlie bowels. femaleobsnúciions. liabimal cosliveness. and all olhcr diseases m which n pnraaiive medicine is proper. Peters' Vcííetnhle Pills will be íbwirl unrivalied iri th'e speed, certainty and eeníluness of their opera.-; iton. Tt is pskecl fVpöh wlVáí principie these e.traordimry eíiecis ate produoecl? . We rcply. thíit Pelera Vecialile Pili acis as a puriíicr of the blood. by piirifyin.2 tho chj;Ie and oiher ílmds of which nvrfotl is ci.iiiniiíkr d. ('liyin ' is n miiky fluid depositeíl by (he clmeativc matter on the eoais of the nlesiines: and wiiich whei. combined with the billiary eecretion, is co'riVeyed into the veins üd1 becomes the piir.ciple of lifé. Thisincdicinp acrsciijfcily upon file chvlel from whicli it cxpels all acrid pnrticles, nnd al. bemors detrimcnlal to a healihy circulation. Ii cleanscs the juicos and fluids before liie chemical chango takes place which fits iliem fo iheimrnédiate purposes oi vitahty. This is beginniriír a the b.eginning. To embue the streams oJife wiih health. it is necessary to purify the'm fi their sourcés. i Siich is the radical mode in which tliis ijipdicine pcii'orms its cures. Testimoniáis y hich would' íil! volumes (mnny of thein from high sciciuific auihority) are iis vouchers, and itis used in the practico of the first Piiysieians lienand For'snleby F. .T. B. Crann. W. S. & J.' W. Maynord J. II. Lnnd. Ilarris. Parlridges vV, Co S. P. & J. C. Jewett. Dav.dson & Becker, Jí. Becker, Ch'risiian Eb'erbaeh, G. Grenvilíe. D. D. Waiermtin. 0. J. Garland. E. T. Wiüíams. Ann Arbor; George Warner & Co.. D. G. VVhilwood. J. MiHaid & Son. N. Ií. Wing! DéTli.r; M. _ Jnckson, Lcnni; Pnnl RayniohcL Jtirkson; Brotherson "& Kief. Mivrhe'slcr; D Keyíi, Ciinlon: ]) S Hay.vllOíl. Saline; Sionc. Babcock &.Co., Ypsüanñ; $attéreood &Co Pliïmnuth; Pierre 1 cller and T. II. Ealon Ar Co. bí.íroii; also in Adrián. Tecumseh Brookjyn. Poniiac, Cfi'icago, and ulmost every whereelse. Ann Arbor. Jan. 15. 1844. . 27-1 v _ 12 '_AFíirisi tbr 'Sale, QrTUATED in the town oí Jngliam. Ingaam O Coiiniy. .í,]r)ig;in. Sajd l'ci i ín coiitniní on'e hundred and (iíty ñeros handsohiely rituated.In.the midsL oi a thrmng 'seidement. - The land is what is usually callea timbered Land. in Mlchignn. t lie timbcr being sugarmapl.c. whitewóod, beacb. ash. onk. &c. all kinds of timber peculiar lo the limbered landïn Michigan. Thors is on tliis íarm about forty ocres of good improvement: a good part o! this is Enrlish Mendnw. Also. n gpoq LOG HOÜSE AND NEW BARN, frnmed. 34 by 42 feet, wel I iinisbed. There aro also on the placo tarming utensils. such as Chains. Plónghs. I)rnir. Cart, Fanning Mili. &c. which will be so ld with the place. TERMS O I-1 SALE. Ono qaarter of purolinse inancy down; the romainder in ten years. i f neeessnry. witlj nntual interest For particulars enquire of the subscriber-in Dexter village. -JULIUS RANNEY. March 20, 1844. 48-tfi Bristors;Sar3apariil4. npHlS valuablo medicine sojusily celeira'eíi JL as a ceriain cine for Scrolula ór Kings Kvil. or ;ny disanse aritíing from impuriiy of the blood, has become so yf.oll k.n.own ns lo need no pupl catión of the numorcus cenificaies now in onrpossession. of the extraordinaty cures late J y P'.'rUiniied by it. bul feamiij; hr:n; muy be soine persons affécied wnp have beeft gulled by usiiig ilie n:itntioi:s got bp by othors. we woirld respec'fully icqucst tlicm te cali on ns and-satisíy themseives of i:s má'ny enres i:i similor cases. - By purch::sinff of ns trieycoii roly ,npon the gen-i'nncss oí' i ;e anide, which they fihotild be fearéíúl to do. ns we are told tneré is a spuriou inicie of ihe same name for silé in ihis viciniiy. Be i carefjil to observe that "Bristol's Extract oí Sarsnpnnlla.' Buflnlo," 'estámped np'on the bottles; atid "C. C. Brfstol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. &.T. W. MAYNARH. Ann Arbor, Dec. '25. 184.3. , 'Mi TLüfoei'ty AíeaaHaack íbr 1 S4LSI TMEsuliscriber is prcpaiing an Almanack íor J8 5, vliich will he mudo a general' statisucal and historica! rocoidon slaVery nd-.einancipation. ,A grent vaiiciy oi' orjgjnnl ;u it k-s u pióse, and a choice pelectipri or'eñiirely Oew muslo lor ] iheriy Meetings, will beinserted, ruaking tt a vahiable book. Iiwill also contain some excellent anieles on tne subject of Tempe ron ce, Jt ■will be richly enihcüiehed with p!ate3,amoiig which will be ihelikeness of Jamks G. Bik.m;v. our Liberty cundidate íbr rresident. also a bricí history of his life. We símil bc happy to receive orders from any establishment dp8ÍLtng qu.intitics. It will be puplisned in Aiígust. ' Publishers who will give this notice insertion for tliree. rñonths, shail receive 100 Almanncks, each. ' J. N". T. TUCKER. ll-3m. ÍOAtiiong the many 6tnkinLr proofs of tlie cxcitemen.t of liristol's SursnpariHn,;not the least js lurmshod in the lact that such a muflitüae oí spurrous and coúnterfeit rjreparationñ have been put forth, ntul some oi'theiij by men that profees a liiüh 'business standing Unlpss ihis medicine had beeri of'sovefëigri valué, aiul ila'grcat successbeyond ail question. it wonld have found río hnitations. People never counierfcii that which ís valneless. Whocver henrd of a si'ngle. coir.iterfeitof the wild-eat curreney oí the West? - Sterling coin and safciy-fund bilis are counterfëi'fed ednstantly. The that a thing is extensively countrrfcited. is prooi of its yalue. - The success of Briaiól's Sarsapnrilla has causee! it to be eourifcrfeiied in ni most all the citics and towns in the Uuion. Spurious inoncy is. uuiversally rejecied. so shonld spurious medicines be. No sensible person willtake (lie falso when he can get tlie truc. People wRo oó not wish to be mposed upon, slionld oblaln ihe frnnuinc ar■ ticte. Attention to t.his is of the first importance. CAirroN-. - .Apk for Bristol's Snrsoparilla. and scc that ihe writien signatuie of C. C. Brism] ig ovci-iheco'rk ofihebotile, nono otíit;r Í9enninc. For sale by W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD."To E " vlcT0RlSgN6=Ttfp SPÖÏLS" niE A LTIJOUGH niany pfeporntïon in tl r n il. of '-POPULAR mLWcÏÏM? for", od been beföre ibe pubiic, dniroing to „i Jlave he. nd even cure ihc most inveierate dif relief ve none have so wdl n.jswered ihe ni,rn ee us Dr. Sherinan's NGEs. ," "COUGH L02ENGES" cure tlie mosi obstinate cases of Coj.M gj l.ours. 1 ley ,nve mred aWe nn' i 'n a fc _ 8ons whohave been given up bv f ei TV -f Per" , and fnends, and niany who 11BV l p Wcin 10 tbc verge of the grave bv -eeïl 'eed , Consumption and Heciic Fever8P'llIIB J0' ' have .had the rose ofbeal.b résped' 'T üee je gardcheek. and now live to ZZl , the hoUpraisesofthisinvaluabJe n fh " man's Dr. gjjcr, , FOAf L0ZJBAGE8 ,, have been provcdin more thn n# be.nfallible, in fact. thoníf 0c.rt, to h stroying medicine ever dis i orin ■ 3. any other medicine, and the bpn!fi 9,rcod t0 'ke c tho adminisiration'of medicin . frived ffon form is grent beyond conceptL -m"1 in thie i. ncverbeen k:7own to fail r ' J "ey hnvs "CAMPIJOR L02ENGES ""'' ( relieve Headache, Nervous Sick h' i 11 pi.ation of ,]ie Heart. a„(l è c kt Chc Pftl e few Dr. Shern an's 8 J" a v"y "POOR MAN'S PLASTER i. is ncknowledged. by all wf,0 ,,„„ ij bthebVsf si-renghcni fcH : nnda sovereipn rcmc.dy for paiLs 'Z 'he VrId' c -n the back, Joms, side, bre!,? 1 d,Wenkne8 y jouus. rheumatism, lumbago'' Jíínbs' f to procure the óbove and al! Z', BJ PaTe y Mmjriard's, and you will be sn V ,í mcrf'cme8 of , nns.akein.quantky or chaísc ?. Wlllbc - "WJllCHc.uesliken charn, all B URN ff ngninstany spuriouar "ríe, wLV COI"H lo place nwithin reach of all, tlir nnvl í been reduced more than four Ma nJ'u ''" tintes n8 muclv ös il.e iormer,' and ) e ïl ï ncnrtqntimcsirsnuuth. . 1 SI2e No (amily thi.r hap „ny tiilè to humanlty ,;n (mi! to have Corners pnm Fximi ' iU-fsisraSss allony nny Innn in fn-e nunur Dr,'? dod , ,cy hnve f use or Wl) bS P, "T who have usedit. e nioge COMSTOCK ACO.. -kB rr r , 2'? CoiirilantlStreot ÍTF Bcsnre therrfore. and ask f01 C225 as our Plr„e wi-h DnUcy's n,n,e öïi it I L' s.o.en, and.ho ,puriois may nppe,r 'J ih W :une on u. Know. therefore, thát ir comes 1 from Comgfecjj Co., or fyin „ '' d'' WM. S. &. 7. W. MA YNARD, o() 3i Agent for Ann Arbor. 3 nnMK subscriber having Ssi -v í''8' rect;ived a newíuliV ■7j i"011 -o hia ('oi nier stock of Wp wSi Goods is prepared to sell f C i 'ÍPR l'ienl c'ieaP ior Cash. A.(i& i bÊfSk Ton? T'hich nin' e found 1 'he folowing: Gold Finger ílfjpgs, and Bosom Pins, IJ enrts and Crosses. Silver and Common Thimbles, Wntch Cliains and Kcys, Pen;il Casos; also. Spoons, Sugar Bow.s, Buftër Knivès, Tooih nnd Hnir Friiïhes, Pocket Books, Yiohn Smnig8.NecdIes, Pins. Hooks, andEyep. Spectacles. Fine Conb,Drc6sing Comí.?, Side Combs. Back Combs. Pocket Combs. Water Paints. Mark ing Collón. Steel Pens. nncf Tweasers. SnufFifc Tobacco Boxee. Elnstice. L■,. All of which vil) be gold as cbeap as at any oth er estitblishmcnt this side of New York. N. B. 7'he subscriber thank.ful for so Inrge a share of public patronnee. still solicitsa corilinnence of the snme. CLÖGKg AND WATCI1ES of evéry drscripiion repaired and warranied. Also, JIOWEI.RY repaired on short notice.- Shop at his old stfind directly opposite the Court House? Cashpuid for old Gold and Silver. C BLJSS. Ann Arbor, .Tu]y Í, 1844. 28-1 y. THE followingindispensable lamily remer're may be found at Matnarü's Drugfwt Store, in Ann Albor, where none will be toJd unless known to lie of tlie best kind and no cíHituccícit ariicle ever oílered, paicnt medicino ;r:v:irial)ly procurad oí the origind inventor or his 'regular successor: (D3 No favvihj skould ie a week without these remedies, jtq TULDÑESS. Halm of Co'umbiu, or the. Hair. which wil stop i t ii "fal-ling out, or restore iton bnld placee; anti on children make it grow rapidly, or ou tliose who h.ivo lost thehairfrom anv cause. ALL VEKM{N:thatinfest the héads of childrun in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once. 'Fina ifee name of COMST0CK en H or never try ii. Bern ei Ier this ahcuys. PILES, &c. nre whoüy prévcnied. or go%rerned ifthe aitnek b;:s come on, ií yon use the only irueUvs' LinïmentJ from Com'siock & Co. SORES, and every thing relieved by it that adniits ofan outwardapplicution. Jt actslike a chojra. Use it. RIIEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positively oured; all shrivellcd musdes and limbsare resiorcd. in the old or young, by the hulian Vegetable Elixir and Ncrre and Bove Linim'erit - but never without theriame of ■ Comstock & Co. ob it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE wilieradiciito.nll IVORMS in cliildren or aduíis with a certainty quite astonishing. TOOT1J DROPS. Klinks- cures eflectually. Ann Arbor. Feb. 5,1844. 4J. . - _ , , , - , - I - rr1844, W II OLE SALE & R E T AI L. , .a. jfi'F.nRRiiJv, 85SOKSELLER AN STATÍONER, SMART S BLOVK, 1.37 J EFFERS O f A VBK UJE, DETBIT. Kecps coñstañOy forsalco coinpfete nssórtmept of Miscclfaneous, School and C'J.-iEsicnl . Books; Letlerand Cap Paper, plain nnd ruled, Quills. Ink, Sealing Wax, Cmíery, Wrapping Paper. Printíng Paper, of all stzes; and JBüoIv'. Ñovsand Canistcr Ink, ot various kindp. BLANZ BOOZSs ■ Fullnndlialí boiind. ói'-every vari(;tyn RuliBg jMKMORANDÜM BOOKS, &c. To Merchanis. Teachers, n.nd otliers, buyiug ín quaiítities. h' Inrgc discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf. ESTRAX. . Carne into the enclosure -of (he subscriber on orabout the 27th of June, abrindle Cow, with a etar in the forehead and line back, supposed to be about seven ycars oíd. The owner i.s reuest ed to prove property, pay charges, and take her away. SYLVANUSSIAS. Ann Arbor, July 2, 1844, J4"tíir


Signal of Liberty
Old News