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Communications: To The Liberty Party In Michigan

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August 30fh, 1844.Dear Feiends and Brethren: Permit us as the Stale Central Commitleeof tiie Liberty party, brieíly to address you at this time. We are unanimously and most decidedly ofthe opinión that if every member ofthe Liberty party in the State will at once arise, and from thÍ3 time to the approaching election be active, and make all the reasonable sacrifices ot" time and means to promote tho cause in every proper way which the unparallelled importance ofthe present crisis demands - we shall MORE than DOUBLÉ ÓUR LIBERTY VOTE Our numbers at the East and in N. York vvere never increasing faster. This we have not the least doubt would do vastly more by a most salutary negative iníluence to prevent the annexation of Texas in the event ofthe eleclionof either Polk or Clay, than though every Liberty votein the country shouJd be proslituted Xo the most unnatural and guilty purpose of elevating nny slaveholder in the nation to fill the highest official station, not excepting Mr. Clay, vho deciared in bis last Texas letter "Persona lly he had no OBJECTION TO ITS AISTNEXATIOX. " Nüthing but a large Liberty vote will ever deter the south of bot h parties from pressing this desperate measure. We shal! take it forgranted that, at" this important time you are a constant reader of the Signal of Liberty or some other Liberty paper, and that therefore you well understand that the late practiced prö-slavery huvibug (at the norih) that Mr. Clay and the whole whig party were fully committed against theannexation of Texas at any time, is nov kully explodedH!We can not doubt also thatyou must all see more plainly than ever, that from the most desperate course of both the pros'avery parties in resorting to every possible means and stratagem in rivaling each oiher for party supremacy to force upon the north the greatest and most inreterate slaveholders in the nation; both of whom are for the ultímate annexation of Texas, that the ruling slavefrolders of the south must be holding a jubilee of much more than1 ordinary exultation at their prosnective friumph over their delu-ded, hmnbled and degraded northern übjects. We do mósf earnesily entreat yöü as yoa love principie and despise and abhor the most detestable and wicked timte-serving expediency of pro-slaVery party men, and prbsfaVery parties which has already made 3,(K)O,000 of slaves in our guilty country, and1 fbereby reduced northern men to the most humilinting condítiorí of mere deg;raded fi'íbutaries to sfaveholders, - manfully to buckle on the whole liberty and fly to the rescue. It is true Vé nave1 powerfiïl- mis-' repesenting, and artful pro-slavery enemies to meet: but, like David against Goliah, if we go forth to the battle irr thesame we shall promplTy meet and vanquish' them. In this way let no true and principled liberty man fear for a moment to engage in the combat - vvhen he knows he has hunianity and G-od on liis side. From this time till Nov. we shall have all the lecturers in the field, whose services it is possibleby your liberality lo procure, and when Liberty meetings are appointed, it will be of indispensible importance to their usefulness, that every proper and efficiënt measure, by ALL the Liberty friends, in the vicinify where they are to be held, should at once be put in opej'ation to-give1 ampie notice of the meetings, and also to provide means by way of teams, &c. to aid all vvbo can1 be pYetailed on to attend,to do so. Most of the usefulness of sucli meetings must of necessity depend al most entirely on the interest" and activity of the liberty Viends in their vicinity and in procUring c f ánattendáncb as possible.The other parties at present have many ways for giving notices, and getting up an interest in the full attendance of these meetings which we have not. Henee follows the obvious necessity for much activity and personal efibrt among our friends, be they few or many,in the vicinity where the meetings are appointed. - In some few instances, through the mere neglect of the friends in giving due and timely notice to all within a reasonable distance of ihe place of meeting - not one half of the number which might easily have been obtained, have attended. - Numbers afterwdrds have expressed their regret that they knew nothing of the meeting. Even one man, filled with that true and consistent spirit of liberty which votes for no slaveholder under the most preposterous pretence of preventing or aboüsliing Slavery thereby, will indeed accomplish wonders for our cause, by his fearlessness - activity, and perseverence. - But he must be truly fearless and unwearied - against the numprical odds and the loud clamor to vote for slaveholders which he will on all hands have tb meet. But the true spirit of liberty in the hearthas long stood, and can still stand by that aid which stood by our fafbers, all kinds of opposition howevér unreasonable and boisterous. Be well armed with iruth. - The contest now between the proslaverv parties is almost entirely that of mere party supremacy to "whip out" and triumph over their old "party enemies." - We have a far higher and nobler object to buoy ü3 up, and to nerve Us for the contest. We hope no tme Liberty man in the Stute will wait one moment Tor lecturers from abroad, but collect all the astounding facts and argumentsto show that the Liberty party has iníinitely higher claims upon public support than any parties that are elevating the greatest slaveholders in the country under a deceplive pretence (to catch abolition votes) óf taking the best means to abolish slaverv - prevent the annexation of Texas, &c. and then go into the different neighborhoods in your town and read them to all the people you can get toether to hear you. Depend upon it, friends, your labor and pains will by no means be lost. Almost any reading Liberty farmer or mechanic knows far more about the whole slavervquestion than any proslavery professional man, who, asa general Ihing, shut their eyes and ears to the great Anti-slavery truths that true liberty men have so long been promulgating. Radical reform, as a general tbing, in these times mtist not be looked for from men who hold high and controlling places in the Church or the State. The sacrifice for tkem is too great at present. O'ir cause among the peopïe must become more popular to secure their co-operation. On this account, those who are worthy to have their names "cast out as evil" must "reDOUDLE THEIR DJLLIGENCE." Let all true Liberty men therefore for eight weeks to come, foregó their ease, and cheerfully make the requisite sacrifice of time and means to forward our cause bv all honorable and practicable ways, and be assured their hearts will be made to rejoice in November, and, they will ever look back upon the time and means so expended with great pleasure and satisfaction.Let a number of good liberty men volunfeef to nccompany each other io attend neig'hborhood atid scliool district meetings, to speak upoïi, read ahout, and distuss the whole subject, and to show tn'af fhe Liberty party, upon every principie of humanity - philanthropy, and brrte far higher claims to public' favor and support than any party which wlUelevaie and guslam slaveholdcrs as thcir principa? leaders! While you hold yoli'r meetings, as vvell as at all other times, we vvouíd' eárnestly recommend you to extend theSignalof Liberty every where as widely as possibk on the5 cent plan, for three m'ohths, andotherwise. A number of individuals have thus obtained from 25 to 30 subscribers by a balf day's effort. Nothíng, codd more efiectually sutserve our causé. One lialf day's efibrt spent in this way would often be of as great benefit to our cause as a .number of lectures. We expect a number of largeC'oünt'y and State Libertv Conventionswillsoon be held in' différent parts of the State, whieh .vi]l be of great interest, and attendcd by as many speakers frorn abroad as possible. P'fepai'e the way for such meetings by previously visíting' all parts of your counties and ycnxt towns.


Signal of Liberty
Old News