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Genessee County Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Libert...

Genessee County Liberty Convention: For The Signal Of Libert... image
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T he Libeny Convcntion of Genesée assombled at the Court House. Flint, on Tuesdny, Auo. -'Oili. LS44, and was orgnnized by ealling J. W. King tö the chair, and: appoiniing D W. C. Ijcach Secretary. Aiier sooie preliminnry business, tife conven'ioh went into co.niníiiee oí ih wholo for the puipose of nomtnating cnndidniea io' he eupportedhy the Liberty pariy at the ensving election.- Aficrali mformal baüotiiiEr. the foüowing persons were unanimouiy no.ninied: For Representa ive: John Pratt, of,FI:nfABSiJciau; Juf--): Daniei LeRoy, oi FentonviHy Shub:el Atherton_. of'Flit. Judge of Probate; Jeremy Hiichcoct, of Gen est'evSheriff; Nelson Chittenden, of Genesee. Couiny Clerk. liarlo Whittlesy .of Fünt. ítegiaier; Isnnc RusJëny " Treasurer; Isaiah Merriman, ' " Surveyon Prau il Sk inner, f ' Coronen; L. K. Marshall, Bushnell Andrews, of Gcnesee. On moiion,. Resolved that a mass meoiing oi the 3A Coni?re83ioal Disirict be held at Femonville, on Thjrsday, 26ih Sepeimbeme.vt. On mqtiöDj the Chair nppointed a conimitree. conaisüng of' John C. Gallua, Viir. Chamberlin D. W. C. Leach. On motion. the Chair appointed O. rarker. John C'. Gnllup artd VVm. n comrnitieo to drffft tín address to the doctors of Gci;esée Co. A commiúee of one from encli town wat appointed -o olnnin and distribute tickets at the ne.t general elecion. On moiion, ilife convention adjourned. D. W. C. EACFf, Sec'y. After the adjourninent of the County cónvention. ihe Sönntorinl cónvention vrna oranized by callmg J.-W. ingto the chair, and appointin VVm. Chanberlin Secrernry. After an informal balioting, John C. Gallupo Fentonville vfas nnammoufly nominnied for Sen mor to rtie State I.egislature from the Sixth Sén atorad Distrct. On moiictfi, convehtion aijourne.l.


Signal of Liberty
Old News